23396319? ago

They need a big figure to announce it, lot of people I know are still in the mindset that this COVID19 pandemic is real, having the potential to wipe out a large percentage of the world population.

I'm getting tired of these pussies reminding me to wash my hands 15 times a day, I already wash my hands when necessary. Working in the Food Industry taught me the importance of washing hands before this scamdemic took the scene.

23394091? ago

Just completed this important decode. Thanks.


23393206? ago

Boris went on the news and said "it could have gone either way" he's fully on the fear train.

23392366? ago

God I hope so.

23390460? ago

Cuba has an alternate solution, I think they are the real deal as I've been told they showed up to a disaster relief effort where medical professionals were all getting sick at the camp where they were supposed to be treating locals for something else. Within a short period of time the Cuban doctors identified the illness, and it's cause (the shitter being too close to camp in that climate). I think Cuba is the real deal in medical need assessment because their healthcare is not hindered by profit seekers. Their covid treatment is an antiviral that isn't anything new.

23391126? ago

So move to Cuba since you love their health care system Bernie🖕

23393692? ago

If current events don't show you that the "health care industry" is fucked I'm not sure anything can convince you.

23397868? ago

When did I say it wasn't fucked...I'm waiting...

23392399? ago

Have you been there ? I have their medical system is one of the best in the world regardless of politics .. they have alternative treatments as standard that the west thinks is woo woo because it makes no profit but Damn well works.

23397856? ago

I repeat...move. Let us know in 6 months how you're doing...

23399250? ago

I don't need to move I just point out that they have a lower.mortality rate for infants than the usa..they are doing something right it's not about communism it's about healthcare . Not My problem if you can't separate stuff

23400951? ago

Move anyway

23401466? ago

Ha ha I live your tolerance .. I bet you never left the usa unless it was because you didn't have a choice

23401542? ago

I've never left the basement 👍🏼

23389740? ago

I bet Rush is taking it for cancer too

23396784? ago

i was about to say that would be some funny ass shit but then realized how many people are suffering because of the cocksucking pieces of shit in the pharmaceutical industry.

disclosure needs to get a wiggle on and happen ASAP. people are dying.

23388428? ago

HULK SMASH! I loved it, he is showing the World day to day how fucking WRONG and Deceitful the MSM is. I want this to be a regular thing. He needs to keep holding pressers and in them call them out to their stupid faces on all the bullshit they've been peddling. All we see is them asking the same retarded questions over and over again and he just keeps unloading on them. It's zen to my ears.

23388418? ago

That is exactly what I told my Son when I heard that.

23388089? ago

But then his other friend died, the NY real estate developer. What's up with that? Weird that he was in a coma, first I've heard about coronavirus causing coma. Maybe it will come out that he was diagnosed after death like thousands of others

23395272? ago

Probably because most coronavirus deaths are actually heart disease, cancer, whatever.

23390387? ago

They induce a coma with heavy sedation and muscle relaxants so that they can tolerate the vent. Medically induced coma.

23388537? ago

The doctors often put the patients in a medically induced coma before they put them on the ventilators.

23389667? ago

Yes, I can confirm. This time last year I was coming out of a 2 week induced coma and 4 weeks on a ventilator. I am blessed to be alive....

23388142? ago

Hydroxychloroquine isn't a 100% cure. It doesn't have to be, in order to be a 'game-changer'. If it worked on 25% of people it would be incredibly effective and save thousands of lives.

23389630? ago

Hmm, yeah that is odd.

23395893? ago

He tested negative for the active virus, I assume. The serum immunity might not be there right away after the active virus.

23394177? ago

It's not odd. When you take a drug that disables the virus so the immune system flushes it from the body, you would expect the test to be negative.

23388615? ago

But then in France, the official government appointed "researcher" who applied hydroxychloroquine and azythromicin, didn't give the patients zinc, and reported officially 91% of the patients were healed within 2 weeks. The French president wasn't convinced by his report and the journalists told the public that the conclusion is that this treatment is inconclusive. And the French sheeple repeat together, this treatment doesn't work, because the MSM said so.

It's tedious trying to point the ridiculousness of the reasoning to the French sheeple.

23391133? ago

Fuck the French let Gates immunize them...

23392380? ago

You must be 15

23397837? ago

You must be French. My condolences...

23391815? ago

23388570? ago

It also must be administered before the virus progresses into major damage of the lungs in order to have the highest success rate.

23387737? ago

That was immediately who I thought of when I heard it

23387558? ago

I have been saying to people that he took it since he was released from the ICU.

23389309? ago

Why wouldn't they UK Gov announce this - they must know everyone is hunting for a cure.

23392880? ago

because then they would have to lift the lockdown and people would wonder if it was worth it....oh and they'd not get to vax everyone

23387481? ago

I’m pretty sure it was a personal friend possibly from NYC. Trump said he saw him last week, possibly a video hookup (?), and he didn’t look good at all.