23388444? ago

Yeah, what a mess, they are all over the place. The GA guide stones, the wall street satanic bull, the satanic church in NY covered with planned disaster scenes to come, our satanic money that folds into future satanic plots, the creepy sculptures, art, books.. Get out the paint ball guns for a start.

23383349? ago

Get that damn pyramid and little owl off our dollar bills....

23380570? ago

When people throw the Illuminati or beast signs in concerts they will get booed off stage and have rotten tomatoes thrown at them

23380093? ago

GO for it.

23379926? ago

This means all our gov and school buildings that have pagan roman greco roots

23380904? ago

why did someone downvoat? This is true, the symbols are EVERYWHERE.

23379916? ago

Me too.

How would that work though? Lynching when we see a pedo symbol?

Seriously, what could Q mean by "Symbolism will be their downfall."?

It might identify targets to investigate but what else could it mean?

23381054? ago

Seriously, what could Q mean by "Symbolism will be their downfall."?

It's very easy. They need symbolism to communicate. They're a secret society operating jn the public view. Since they can't really congregate without the public knowing what they're up to, they have to use symbolism to let other members know who they are and that they belong to the Cult.

For example, how would other members know the Pope is in the club, if not for the serpent he had built in the auditorium? The people inside are unknowingly worshipping the devil.

If someone wants to know if an institution is corrupted, they can just look at the architecture and figure it out.

23387148? ago

I meant in terms of the Law.

If certain symbols are displayed to communicate "Pedophilia Snuff Films are made here", what actions can be taken?

23387249? ago

That would depend on corroborating evidence to go along with it. I'm sure an FBI agent could testify in court regarding the symbolism surrounding many of their investigations and subsequent arrests. I'm sure they'd need a lot more evidence than just a symbol, however, it's safe to say the people who worship Moloch and whatever other satanic God's there are out there, are probably bad people. Follow the symbolism, and then look for evidence.

23381249? ago

If someone wants to know if an institution is corrupted, they can just look at the architecture and figure it out.

And you can never unsee it, it's fucking everywhere.

23380821? ago

Shriners and the Soda Pop? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753133/23296959