23388082? ago

Melanie's story and this ...

23380494? ago

I think she's part of the Q team ...

23379274? ago

The youngest member of the Q team is actually 5!

23379231? ago

"Interdasting?" Are you fucking 6 years old? Stop talking like a retard.

23388092? ago

It's a thing, like KEK. Calm down and learn our comms.

23410776? ago

Your 'comms'? Last time I checked Q didn't type like a retarded reddit faggot.

23378705? ago

Can you imagine if she was Q

23378730? ago

That would explain a lot

23378639? ago

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23377916? ago

Very cool !!

Anyone spot the tie of this reporter behind acosta ?


keep looking...

23379492? ago

We've been through this before. It appears to be paisley rather than a Q.

23378753? ago

That's the same reporter who got btfo'd by Trump last week or so.


23378871? ago

thnx for taking time adding a pic

23378272? ago

That is a paisley pattern

23378292? ago

I did a DuckDuckGo image search and found nothing that comes close to the tie design.

Please substantiate your claim.

23378325? ago

It is a very common pattern for ties and there are countless variations of them.


23378455? ago

Not even close.

Try again.

23378461? ago

Not even close

Try again.

23383355? ago

There is unlimited variations on this pattern. Simply search for "blue paisley tie".

23388442? ago

The burden of proof is your... but that shouldn't be a problem because all you'll need to do is follow your own instructions.

I'll wait...

23383328? ago

Two different colors are visible. White stands out the most and the lighter blue almost completely blends in and is less visible.

Try harder

23388455? ago

The burden of proof is your... show me a matching paisley tie or GTFO.

23383313? ago

Why are some of the "Q's" flipped/reversed/alternating?

23388467? ago

They don't look flipped to me.

23389872? ago


23377757? ago

"Undiscovered stars learned"???

Out of 9 (less than 10) 2 of the stars revealed?

Is it Potus and Flotus?

23377283? ago

You have just got to love the 17 crew.

23377586? ago

Dude I went to far into the dig, I followed to a FB about Michelle being michael, funny stuff mostly, but during this time I discovered that Michael Phelps banged a dude. I hate the internet sometimes.

23377057? ago

So what?

We don't need proofs, we need results.

23377518? ago

Shhhhhh. Careful. Demanding actual results might get you banned or called names. You wouldn't want people to call you a SHILL would ya?

23376910? ago

It's a shame they aren't "Q+" because then we'd know this is the Easter Egg that President Trump colored in! /s

23376857? ago

Melania is Q, I'm tellin' ya!

23379524? ago

It's a team according to Q. More than 5, less than 10. Two thirds are military. But I agree Melania could be one of the civilians along with potus.

23381368? ago

Reminder - POTUS is not a civilian. He's Commander in Chief.

23378512? ago

I Agree

Post #3889 basically concurs the assertion



Patriot in India



25 Feb 2020 - 11:09:51 PM


25 Feb 2020 - 11:05:26 PM




Thanks for the wonderful visit, Q and Q+. Love, Respect and Support from India.


Love and Light, Patriot.

Have faith and trust in yourself.



23376835? ago

Wow that's a legit q

23376626? ago

Did she show some tits & ass pics?

23376972? ago

Here 'ya go.

You are welcome.

23377429? ago

she seems like a nice lady. idk why... but I like her.

23376821? ago

How dare you disrespect the first (in a long time), first lady like that? You can talk about Michael Obama or HRC like that if you want, but not Melania.

23376939? ago

Michelle Obama nor HRC released porn pics. America has fallen to Idiocracy. We voted for a reality TV star to send a message to the career politicians. Trump is a zionist idiot. He's done a little good but the US gov is a total loss. pedo jews own and control everything and Trump is helping them to make it illegal to talk about them, calling anyone who speaks truth about them "terrorists". That's disgusting. No they've turned America into a commie nation with lockdowns. Our nation has failed. The forefathers weep in the afterlife.

23377984? ago

Fuck your Jew rabbi asshole.

23377225? ago

reality TV star

Literally one of the most successful reality shows, that gave more money to charity than any other shown you can think of. Aside from that, you trolls hang on this one point like it's a bad thing. Meanwhile, it's pretty low on the list of his amazing accomplishments.

No they've turned America into a commie nation with lockdowns. Our nation has failed. The forefathers weep in the afterlife

You sound like a defeatest pussy. Why don't you go join some liberal women equality movement or something. Seems more your style.

23377558? ago

Shut up and eat your popcorn, faggot. Pointing out the truth doesn't make him a defeatist. It just means your ego investment in a knight in shining armor, has rendered you retarded. Your hopium overdose has made your inability to think critically openly apparent. Any question or challenge to the narrative...oops... I mean The Plan™, sends you TDS Qniggers into an emotional spiral that is only rivaled by the TDS of the commie fags.

You think like a dialectical leftist who is incapable of nuance.

Don't agree with Q 100% = You must be a libtard commie leftist. It's the same playbook as If you don't embrace MultiCulti Globalism, you're a Nazi racist misogynist. Same playbook from the same people, yet you Qfaggots refuse to see it.

23379943? ago

Nice try, trying to act like a different anon Hahaha. Faggot. I've been on conspiracy forums long enough to see all of your tricks. I see how mad you got and how much of a wall of text you wrote.

No one agrees with your bullshit, except for the same goofs who get their cheque signed by the same boss.

23380014? ago

Typical Qtard. I noticed that you didn't refute a single thing I said. Just deflected with your emotional Reeeeeeeeing. Gonna call me a SHILL for daring to question your cult-view?

23380742? ago

That's because I didn't read anything you wrote past you trying to act like a different anon. You're trying to act like others hold the same opinion and that I'm in the minority. Common shill/troll tactic.

I have a lot to offer, but only to those with good intentions.

You're not some anon with a different view, you're a fucking troll here to distract and be a dick. When you're buried 6 feet in the ground someday, that's what'll be on your tombstone. "Loved to troll people online". Pathetic.

23381728? ago

Hahahaha ..."You're a fucking troll here to distract" has now become the "You're a Russian bot!" of Q followers. Same kind of unthinking NPC response, but from tla different angle. You're such a sterotype at this point, Boomer Dad.

23381822? ago

"muhhh hate me for having a different view"



Have a great day of trolling the truthers out there I guess. Sounds like you live quite the extravagant life there.

You can just continue to copy and paste "muhhh qtard, muhhh NPC, muhh different view".

Fucking loser! Bahahah

23379931? ago

Well said

23380032? ago

Thank you. I am beginning to question who the real enemy is.

23377437? ago

another anon here, I'm a huge fan of Trump, but that apprentice show was lame. I dont care though, he made a lame tv show, so what.

23376413? ago

nice catch.

but my favorite egg is by Addie Grace, age 3.

23376393? ago

Nice proof!

23376270? ago

When you see a hidden message in media it's called an "easter egg"

what are the odds

23377422? ago

Wow, first lady is talking to anons in code on live broadcasts. Potus and crew in direct comms with the people.


I'd say this qualifies as a rather large kaboom.

23377012? ago

They're not even trying to hide it anymore

23377041? ago

I was about to say the same thing. Trump really shoves it in everyone's faces, it's just sad that some people can't see it... I guess many people just haven't looked into it enough to understand.

23377693? ago

When A pompous moron looks at it and doesn't understand it while everyone around them does they would rather dismiss it as nonsense than admit that they're stupider than everyone else.

23379318? ago

...and then claim it was self evident.

This is what we're up against...not (((them))) but the sheep.

23376236? ago

Q proof

23379601? ago

Great. Now FLOTUS is buying in to the deranged conspiracy theory. She probably made that egg meme in her parent's basement. But... then again she is the First Lady of the United States of America. Perhaps this means that she knows about Q and knows something big is happening. Maybe this means that the sick, deranged lunatics should see those little Q's and shit their pant suits.

23382415? ago

White House has a basement.

23376921? ago

Seem like it because both the Qs have seeits.