23380499? ago

Together is a very small cell.

23378953? ago

The liberals were right, the 2A is only good for stopping muggers.

23378917? ago

Then put them in jail. lol

23378547? ago

Trump is just a puppet front. Doesn't really make a difference who runs the office nor who you vote for

23385138? ago

You're not paying attention.

23377849? ago

Hahahahaha. Imagine being so niggery, that you expect the new master of the plantation to punish the former plantation masters. Hahahahahahahahaha you retards are more government dependent than the BernieFags.

23378930? ago

Self awareness is in short supply these days...

23379238? ago

Unfortunately, you are right. "Conservatives" are just as frustrating to argue with as "Libtards". For a while, I didn't understand why, but then I came to the realization that, since they are both educated by the same people, "Conservatives" will pilpul the same as a commie.

23377692? ago

I don't have any faith in them getting arrested either but, if it does happen, it will most likely be for other reasons besides her most heinous crimes. As I understand it, Al Capone was finally nabbed for tax evasion and not for all of his much worse crimes. The end result is the same.

23377322? ago

It will never happen.

23377319? ago

That's a funny way to say executed

23376903? ago

The Clintons are one very tiny part of what's wrong in this World. Pay attention!!

23376837? ago

In about 5 years bruh, go back to your friends and family for now - and prepare for the day! wwg1wga

23376552? ago

Clintons need to be put to death for war crimes. Killing 100 Serbian children in '99 just to aid islamic terrorists on the Jewish request is really the lowest human scum in action.

23376355? ago

HRC will arkancide herself

23376330? ago

Aren't Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka good friends?

23378937? ago

Yep, and both jews, by birth.

23376262? ago


23376224? ago

Wow the shills are really filling up this thread. People saying Trump could have just locked her up are absolutely retarded. No he cannot just do that. The Clinton's cover their tracks, they're not stupid by any means. Just the amount of intelligence gathering that has to go into an operation like this is insane. Q and Trump had to go through everything with a fine toothed comb once they got into office.

Think about this, I've heard of police operations that take a couple of years, gathering info on Hells Angels. There are rats, moles, undercover cops, it's a massive investigation that goes on for 2 or 3 years before they swoop in and arrest. Even then, sometimes they don't get convictions because of one little technicality. That's just a local biker gang. Now imagine the cabal, with unlimited resources, and 100's of years of practice and secret society teachings. Like fuck, I can't believe I have to spell this shit out, but here I am again.

23377306? ago

you can always spot a shill by how emotional and reactive their language is. different type of cursing than chans anons. they are hateful and vile and direct their hateful energy onto you. autists don't give a fuck about anything, they just have sailor mouths. a shill will talk like a liberal.

23385160? ago

In other words shills engage their mouths without engaging their brains. Hence the language you would hear in the ghetto.

23376359? ago

A lot of their 'crimes' and rackets are actually legal. Especially if they have diplomatic immunity, for being--for example--crown agents, non-official covers of the CIA, and / or actually non-official MI6 agents for the UK (crown agents), and this whole persona of theirs has been a long-con type of manchurian candidates

You think something like this can't happen. Bush sr. was CIA. He became president. Yes he was 'officially' in the CIA. But I have long said that if you read between the lines and see what they get away with, and you know their history, then you will come to the conclusion that

OBAMA and HILLARY were non official cover CIA

btw please stop fucking with my power deepstate I knwo thats' you as I'm writing this, you don't scare me

23376807? ago

You're calling me deepstate? For spelling out the fact these things take time? This is an intricate web, that goes on and on and on forever. They cannot leave one branch of the web out, they all have to be eradicated, otherwise they regroup and come back worse than before.

23376206? ago

You said nothing

23375972? ago

No shit sherlock. But you're not in charge of strategy.

23375673? ago

Doesn’t look like they’re waiting for anything. It’s been a full on attack since Trump took office. If he wants to stay in office, it’s time for him to go on offense. If not now when?

23375606? ago

They're just puppets

23375554? ago

No jail. Straight to the gallows

23375321? ago

Hang'em high!

23375257? ago

Much worse out there then a washed up old hag and her pervert husband. Clintons would be a good start, but that's it.

23375147? ago

I'm in full agreement with you on that issue, but she will probably suicide a look a like and make her excape

23375125? ago

Bill Clinton is a rapist?

23374998? ago

None of the deep state scumbags are ever going to jail. Ever.

23374937? ago

Arrest or GTFO

23374819? ago

Under the jail....

23374623? ago

Jail...burned at the stake.

23374577? ago

Clintons are crime bosses who sell uranium, nuclear secrets, and political influence.

23374481? ago

Arrests or GET THE FUCK OUT.

23374421? ago


23378940? ago

That's our job.

23374387? ago

Do you think your President is doing this so someone can come behind him and undo everything he has accomplished ? Putting not only himself but his entire Family in extreme Danger ? No , I think the Deep State and Hillary are already neutralized , the War is won ( The important battles anyways ) Now all that is left is for the rest of America and the World to wake up.

Peace Y

23375306? ago

The "war is not won" until Hillary is arrested for treason. Period.

Arrests or get the fuck out.

23376926? ago

Yawn You Guys really need a new shilling cry , this one is soooo very old.

Peace Y

23376307? ago

Trump is waiting for technology to advances so he can download her (and other deepstater's) consciousness into a digital form so that they can serve thousands of years in a virtual reality prison, and tortured over and over again, restored to 100% health but with full rememberance of the experience. In other words, black mirror darpa shit

Right now, if she's tried she will be convicted and simply given the chair. The chair is too good for the clintons

They need to be God D*mned PHANTOMZONE'D

23376227? ago

treason ? , your being kind

23374378? ago

clintons are just a fraction of what makes up the deep state

23374495? ago

They still need to be hanged for treason.

23374096? ago

"Because you'd be in jail. -DJT

23377863? ago

"She's a good person. She's been through a lot"---DJT

23374487? ago

Meanwhile.... when he has the opportunity to put her in jail.... he doesn't.

23374749? ago

4D chess. By announcing it, he prevented it from ever happening without incessant accusations of abuse of power and corruption. So now it simply can't be done by his administration.

23374767? ago

So, it's 100% bullshit? Q is a lying sack of shit? And, Trump works for the Jews? Fuck both of them.

23375149? ago

So it seems. Trump can get reelected by paying lip service to his base about draining the swamp, the fake news and the deep state without ever doing anything about them. I believe his intention is to establish his family as a political dynasty and be lionized like Reagan for his persona and rhetoric. His gun control and race betrayal will be memoryholed just like Reagan. Cuckservatives are happy to get scraps instead of complete capitulation to the left. Boomers don't even know what he's actually done in office, but they like his speeches. He can pretend to be enemies with the left and the establishment, just like the Clintons and Bushes and Obamas. They're all buddies now. His kids will probably never be President, because soon enough demographic change will make that impossible, but I'm sure they'll enjoy being career senators and the like.

23376333? ago

I HATE this point of view but yet I cannot argue with it. It's a completely well thought out and valid prediction. .... Dammit

23375305? ago

Goddamn I hope you're wrong

23375448? ago

Me too. I'm a bit pessimistic but it seems rather likely if the DOJ continues to do nothing once he is reelected. The torch can be passed to Michelle Obama in 2024 and Trump Jr can run in 2032 but there might be too many spics in the country by then for him to win.

23375495? ago

If he doesn't drop the hammer after reelection I'm dropping my support for him

23374082? ago

Who? Why? What did they do? Inside or outside the US?

23374024? ago

they're all going. Chelsea too. relax.

23374987? ago

There's a slight chance for Chelsea, she's still young. Her parents will be dead of their diseases before we see them hang.

23375958? ago

she wears an upside down cross. she's some associate professor of public health at columbia and used that veneer of credibility to denounce Trump at the beginning of the Plan-demic. she's in pretty deep.

23385190? ago

The upside down cross is a symbol that speaks volumes. Who has one on the back of his chair? Who did all the reformers say was the antichrist of the bible?

23374498? ago


23373945? ago


23376371? ago

I think they need a new form of punishment

They need to be DIGITIZED and then kept in a virtual reality prison (electronically) after their bodies die

That way they can serve thousands of years of solitary confinement

23377316? ago

you mean like hell?

23373858? ago

No, they need to be hanged.

23373840? ago

President Trump had over 3 years to do it. He ain't gonna do it

23376288? ago

Its either the case that

1) he was never serious and is in cahoots with deepstate

2) He's been dangling her like a worm on a hook to catch all the fish

23379846? ago

Or, the other possibility is that he cannot. Either he tried and failed, or didn't try.

23374883? ago

Outlook not so good.

When the elected president lacks the power to enforce blind justice in our country...

23373731? ago

The punishment for her crimes is executions.


Good thing we are restarting federal executions

23373705? ago

Clintons need to be put to death.

23377141? ago

On Pay-per-view. Pay off the national debt.

23380576? ago

Be lucky to even come close to paying off the 2020 stimulus debt.

23376275? ago

Publicly, Livestreamed worldwide, for free

An alternative is they can be put into a gibbet and left to starve and die and rot

a gibbet is like a cage that is hung high so everyone can see them; you see them in dungeon motifs with human skeletons inside of them.

23378290? ago

I love Skyrim

23373700? ago

the clintons were hired by the ds to make you think they are actually in charge

23378023? ago

That may be so but their deeds still merit public execution.

23373860? ago

Yes, ^This!

23373693? ago

Clearly the deep state plays by different rules.

They are all enemies of the state, and as such enemy combatants who are worth of a bullet in the head.

Take no prisoners and get it over with.

23373685? ago

"She's been through a lot."

-Donald J. Trump

23373971? ago

They've all been through her A LOT. is more like it.

23373545? ago

Man you shills are weak 😂😂😂

23373361? ago

Trump is just a puppet for the good team. Who is really in charge is the question? Who is helping us? Q already said they have someone for after Trump.

23373717? ago

they have a plan, didn't say a person

23373209? ago

I would say which Clinton, but I think "all of them" works.

23373237? ago

Clinton Barton - AKA Hawkeye from Avengers?

23374001? ago

Stop watching jewish propaganda.

23378295? ago

Good vs evil

23373222? ago

George Clinton?

23374202? ago

George is cool. Don't mess with the P-Funk. I likes muh Funk untouched

23373174? ago

Jail? For what? Thought them getting indicted would have been a story.

23373238? ago

You joking right?

23373257? ago

What were they arrested for? Been busy last few days.

23373388? ago

The DS only get arrested in QRV not in real life. In real life, they control all players of the game.

Do you really think, they had no proof of HRC doing something bad or the ones in charge are looking somewhere else?