23375855? ago

OMG just do it already!

23375892? ago

Pretty sure they already have. The Big Thing is the part where they tell us about it.

23374209? ago


23374038? ago

We've been ready for 3 years.

23374408? ago


(((sbbh))) zoomer

23374830? ago

Thank you Anon for the link.

OP seems confused on 'twitter stuff'.

23376991? ago

Kek no problem

23372980? ago

It's all happening. I just got 2 of my neighbors to question 9/11 about 2 hours ago by showing them building 7 and that's all it took. . The people are waking up easier than ever. The great awakening is happening!

23374079? ago

The great awakening is happening!

How do you deal with the irony of saying that while being a member of a psyop cult that's destroying your country?

23374471? ago

No shit. I hope I am wrong and the Qfags are right, but the complacency meme that runs the Q LARP is dangerous. White Republican Christian Gun Owners are the largest ground force on the planet and must be eliminated in order to institute the ZOG World. Straight occupation by an overtly communist government would cause to much chaos. But if you can get someone to say things they like to hear and have an anonymous "third party" confirm their biases, it would be fairly easy to subdue and lead this normally rebellious crowd right down the cattle chute. That's what I think Q is, and that is why I think Trump was selected as president over Hilary. It's all kafabe to prevent the open rebellion that a Hillary presidency would have brought.

23374871? ago

Nice try you two faggots.

23384919? ago

Read that comment again. Do you notice how your cult programming makes you resist even considering how true it might be?

23385264? ago

Nice try

23373492? ago

Yes, my stubborn ass father is awake now, thanks to all the democrat bullshit. It's unbelievable.

23372935? ago

Heard it a thousand times.

Actions. Not words. Time is running out.

23375625? ago

Shill. So obvious. You didnt even read the tweet dumbass

23376881? ago

Show me the tweet. I scrolled for 10 minutes and didn't find anything that matched: " be ready, big things are happening." He never said it. Prove me wrong, or I'm right.

23375789? ago

Right. I'm a shill. Come up with a new word you parrot.

23372165? ago

It wasn't Russian disinfo used to spy on Trump it was American disinfo laundered through foreigners to give it the appearance of legitimacy. To say it was Russia disinfo will give these scumbags an out to say they were unwitting dupes or they "got careless in their dogged pursuit of those who sought to harm America" or some such noble sounding horseshttery.

23372029? ago

https://archive.is/boYkO :

2020-04-11 | Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

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23371845? ago

Soon anons soon...

23372609? ago

Any day now...

23372968? ago

And finally....I gave the final thrust into your mother.

23400773? ago

She dead u necrophiliac scum