23378912? ago

She's an active and knowing soldier. No doubt. Remember the D5 ear protectors on the aircraft carrier?

23375181? ago

Peace and Grace in the White House is due to the presence of this First Lady. Truly the Name First Lady suits her well. I'm humbled to have a family as good as the Trump family in service to our Nation. God Bless.

23373844? ago

Follow(ing) the white rabbit?

23373550? ago


Move out the trailer park low rent

23373206? ago

23374427? ago

Have a decode: >

(((sbbh))) zoomer

23373019? ago

If you can read the comments and still be a Democrat, you will not be missed when the future arrives without you.

23372412? ago

Classy? Maybe in Idiocracy. You can go right now and look at her pussy and tits in porn photos.

23373849? ago

bet women do not want to sleep with you

23373807? ago

we can see your sisters puss pics too but we dont hold it against her

23372335? ago

Porn stars reading to kids? Let's hope they don't google the first lady.

23372305? ago

I enjoyed her reading and love her accent. Beautiful first lady!

23372265? ago

I think the moral of the story is to keep on believing?

23372231? ago

Yet another coincidence, right?

23372092? ago

Less fairy tales, more prosecutions.

23371821? ago

Sure, she wouldn’t rescue a nigger bunny.

23372053? ago

the white rabbit is a symbol of the satanists. and how they torture children of all races. POTUS is saving every child he can. shame on you for injecting race into the mission to rescue children.

23373922? ago

the white rabbit is a symbol of the satanists.

since fucking when?

23374018? ago

search engine images: "white rabbit pedo"

23377403? ago

while im sure the pedos may be satanists and the satanists may be pedos, that does not mean that the white rabbit has anything to do with satanism.. You're an idiot who believes anything they are told.

23386094? ago

maybe you're too busy to search engine white rabbit pedo and view the images that come up. let me save you a few keystrokes: www.alexpodesta.com/bio (work). maybe you can explain the podesta bros taste in "art" and their brother's fascination with making "art" of adult men in white bunny suits mimicking abuse of children.

23388658? ago

I'm not making excuses for any of that shit, It's all very well known fuckery, I was simply pointing out you were mistaken in your statement. You're welcome.

23388695? ago

so...no one can figure out what you mean but ok

23388710? ago

Well you're fucking retarded then, all I said was that while it may be utilized by some for a purpose does not create a de facto association. It's a common mistake made by truly stupid people.

23389103? ago

well, the Alpheus twins (jesus' apostles) were possibly retarded, and they were right with God. I'm against Pedos AND Satanists. regardless of my other imperfections, this is right with God.

to your point "while it may be utilized by some for a purpose does not create a de facto association"; the definition of a "PATTERN" is "something that repeats in a predictable way."

pattern recognition is associated with a high "N" in the Myers-Briggs personality indictors. you are likely to be a high "S".

23390210? ago

Do you hear a buzzer in your head when you get something so horribly wrong?

I've tried to cease hostilities with you but fren, I swear, you seem to have decided that anyone who responds in a less than complimentary tone, is in league with the devil or a sicko. We are against the same things, I'm an I.N.T.P. so stop being a C.U.n.T.

23384399? ago

^found the pedophile

23388700? ago

It's truly fortunate that you are not within arms reach.


23372963? ago

you are a moron

23373995? ago

better than a shill

23374190? ago

faster than a shill :)

23371809? ago

She s wearing green, like the Queen did during her address last week.

23384773? ago

More like Melania is trolling the queen.

Odd she's wearing that exact jade green shade. It's not a common color for clothing.

23373488? ago


23372003? ago

The Queen kidnapped a bunch of kids from Canada

23372113? ago

The fun in the woods incident? The kids had been kidnapped by the govmn't and gifted to the Queen.

23373494? ago

No, the Queen and her filthy pedophile vampire husband walked into a school, picked 10 children, and walked away. The kids were never seen again. She and he were both charged in the disappearance and presumptive murders.

23374256? ago

Residential school, if you read about them you'd know the kids had already been forcibly taken from there families and abused by the school and politicians etc. Rape and beatings and murder were common in residential schools the Queen just wanted to partake.

Residential schools were designed to white wash the savages

23371595? ago

I'd love to have her record a voice mail message for me.

23372159? ago

I want FLOTUS voice on my GPS

23371543? ago

NMBRFG here.

I have a HUGE decode coming today based on this video, and also POTUS' Easter message. TBA.


23373481? ago

You get a lot of shit, more lately I see, but your decodes are appreciated by some. Gematria is real. Q never said anything about discrediting it, he discredited the DATEFAGS. You keep doing you numberfag, God bless.

23390070? ago

You are correct, he does, and they are, and it is! I am Digits and bought him a laptop for Christmas because he demonstrated to me that he had "learned their comms" and was helping us be more calm, as a result.

With us more calm, we can do a better job of helping to calm others. "Learn our calms" as well. God bless.

23391035? ago

God bless you brother.

23373503? ago

Just interpreting what I see using this ancient language. More eyes on this than people realize... The "right" eyes at that.



23373451? ago

Good work Patriot!

23371555? ago

Gas yourself.

23371623? ago

Boy you shills really hate me!


23371511? ago

"Follow the white rabbit." Anyone else think Melania is more than just FLOTUS?

23379305? ago

Rumor has it she's a descendent of the Romanov family (Anastasia survived) and this is part of their vengeance.

23378750? ago

what if He saved Her from them,

and learned the hard way what was going on

23378364? ago

Follow The Wives

23374015? ago

That was my first thought when I saw the private pics from the Oval Office and Air Force 1. And there are some Q phrasings that weren't a native English speaker.

23373562? ago

She is a she

FLOTUS was that nigger Mike

23372856? ago

Follow the white rabbit....


These ones can grow only in high mountains. Except in this one special place, and legend has it, that they appeared as a miracle after a young boy named Lovrenc was buried here. It was the time of crusades, knights traveled on their way down across Alps and boy with his mother run away to this place from invading Turks. So villagers made this church in honor of the boy and a crusader's spirit is looking after blue flowers which grow to this day, because no one is allowed to pick them. Except... well this is another story according to the white rabbit ;)

23372753? ago

Elon musk said follow the white rabbit just a few moments ago.

23373652? ago

Elon Musk is a DS faggot

23379481? ago

I know he is, but I do you believe it is possible for someone to turn from their wicked ways and cling to the Gospel? Like Paul the apostle or possibly Kanye?

23381118? ago

Of course, but until I see Elon demonstrate that he’s had a born again experience I won’t trust him. Even then I’ll take it with a grain of salt

23390017? ago

in his case perhaps a whole pillar!

23372960? ago

The cabal are trying to hijack our sayings and terms.

23373291? ago

It's been an MK Ultra term for decades, so we're hijacking it from them.

23390007? ago

Who was Jack, and why was he High?

23371949? ago

If you follow the Baron Trump story she is a girl from the underworld.

23373430? ago

I need to read these books.

23373068? ago

which one is that?

23373355? ago

The book series is called the adventure of baron trump.

"Baron Trump", as he discovers weird underground civilizations, offends the natives, flees from his entanglements with local women, and repeats this pattern until arriving back home at Castle Trump.

23389979? ago

otheranon here, same question: "which one" as in, which female? I'm 2/3 through the second book which has only had one encounter, with the Soodopsies (or Ant People, or Formifolk). So more likely to be from the first book, but there were around a dozen lands he visited and had to escape from lest he be married to the leader's daughter (a little repetitive, no?) so I'm not certain which one you mean.

Is is really neat that there are "Q anons" in the first book though! (There are exactly 17 instances of the word "anon".) And, in the third there's 1 and in the second there are 7, making a "think mirror" Q as well. Also there are "brain ventilators" in chapter Q of the second book while he's underground (relates to the "children emerging from caverns" meme, which we know to be true but is "being debunked" because nothing happened this past weekend relating to it).

23371811? ago

I wonder if anyone remembers the stuff about her being worshipped as a fertility goddess in her hometown...

23373893? ago

You're thinking of Queen of the Damned.

23373442? ago

Sauce please... interesting.

23372136? ago

They really could have carved something nicer.

23372471? ago

You have much to learn.

23371528? ago

Queen is the most powerful chess piece.

23373875? ago

I feel bad cuz GEOTUS is my bro but I wanna slam his old lady so badly.

on that note.. freedom boner

23376589? ago

Fuck you asshole!

23377385? ago

I mean, if shes into anal I suppose...

23372219? ago

The Queen has more moves than the King though.

23372347? ago

Yeah, but you can still play with a dead queen.

23372429? ago

Queen has freest movement and thus is best suited to guard the king, it's the most devastating of a game changer to lose one.

23372449? ago

Losing your king is the biggest game changer.

23372845? ago

The game is generally lost a good time before the King is even truly threatened

23374223? ago

When you know taking the King means starting the next match sometimes you chase the King around the board for a while, simultaneously advancing your pawns across the board just for the accolades, it is then the Kings duty to resign before he is further embarrassed.

23372661? ago

I like this diatribe. Queen is worth 9 points, king is worth 3 1/2. The Queen would have most power WITHIN the game, while the king has the most power OVER the game? So perhaps you’re both right with parameters. But yes, the Queen May die, the king never does. He is only captured.

23389954? ago

Your comment rhymes with something I read yesterday; that there are two types of games, the finite game, and the infinite game, and if both players are playing the same type of game, then "it's a good game." But if one is playing finite and the other is playing infinite, then the latter can just wait until the former has used all their ammo, and then strike with impunity (that's rather simplified, but basically the case).

So, the queen has the most power in the finite game; but the king has the most power in the infinite game. If that maps/makes sense.

23371988? ago


23373215? ago

I can’t decide whose nips I like better,

Ivanka’s puffys or Melania’s bolt-one.

23371864? ago


23371480? ago

How about a fucking arrest instead?

23372150? ago

There have been tons of arrests, some executions too

23373120? ago

All trump guys

23371438? ago

Probably the most gorgeous FLOTUS ever and she's never been on the cover of any mainstream fashion magazine.

After I read that I stumbled on a Wikileaks list of CIA controlled mags and guess what? All the popular ones were on it. Makes sense now why Obama is on the cover of Rolling Stone, "Call me Caitlyn" is on Vanity Fair, etc. and they can't sell subscriptions anymore. Not even for $5/year haha!

23372239? ago

Any magazine under the Conde Naste brand is tied to the deep state.

23372259? ago

Which is all of them

23371995? ago

Probably? Hah.

Let's call Melania number one prettiest Flotus. Who would you put as number two???

Don't say big Mike.

23384749? ago

Abigail Adams was pretty hot....

23376874? ago

Martha Washington.

I say this in jest, who cares?

Not important.

23372090? ago

Jackie maybe?

23373929? ago


23372959? ago

Yes she's a very viable number two and is super close to number one

23372089? ago

At least we’ve seen FLOUTUs’s nipples

23371209? ago

https://archive.ph/cIEHE :

Melania Trump on Twitter: "Happy Easter! While I am not able to read to children during the #WHEasterEggRoll, I would still like to honor the annual tradition & share a reading from one of my favorite Easter’s books – "The Little Rabbit"… /ywqS4yvvyx"

This has been an automated message.

23371196? ago

So ... all the other bunnies drowned, but Ollie’s bunny was never a real bunny? ... ? ... ?

Now, I’m confused.

Best FLOTUS ever, though.