23371917? ago

Any first arrest would be good by now. Shit is getting old as fuck.

23371523? ago

Any arrest would work at this point. The Trump administration is shitting all over us just like the democrats at this point. There's no fucking difference.

23373149? ago

Yeah, people forget that he is knowingly lying to us.

Lives are being destroyed while this play acting is going on.

He's a party to it at this point.

23373122? ago

Nice try. How’s Beijing, chink?

23371331? ago

I think so too. I don't think anyone actually likes him

23370652? ago

Something B. I. G.

..................Bill I. Gates

23372592? ago

Bill injection-happy Gates

23372030? ago


Q has said it many times...

23370355? ago

Microsoft describes his dick quite well already.

23370139? ago

I'd like to see him vaccinated. I wouldn't use nano chips though. I think lead would be a better choice.

23369863? ago

What does “soon” Mean to you?



Learn to pronounce



in or after a short time.

"everyone will soon know the truth"


in a short time



in the near future

before long

in a little while

in a minute

in a moment

in an instant

in a twinkling

in the twinkling of an eye

before you know it

any minute (now)

any day (now)

any time (now)

by and by


in (less than) no time

in no time (at all)

in a jiffy

in two shakes

in two shakes of a lamb's tail


in a tick

in two ticks



ere long


used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter.

"I'd just as soon Tim did it"


23375900? ago

Never said if soon was in geologic time or now.

23371907? ago

People fail to understand game theory.

23373117? ago

You just read that post yesterday, you brainwashed zombie.

23375114? ago

No, it was obvious to some people. Here’s what I’ve been saying since the beginning: data is for us, dates are not.

23372101? ago

Id go tit for tat with,

Anybody whose talking this shit, that shit

23370450? ago

One mans soon is another mans 3 years.

23370127? ago

eventually never

23369765? ago

So now we know that Gates' father was a top eugenesist and presumably Bill was always in the 'big club' the question is, WHO wrote DOS and windows? Bill himself? Unlikely! Just like Facebook, was he was a straw man for a deep state project (lifelog in the case of zuckerberg)

23372869? ago

Military Industrial (DS) Complex wrote most of the technology of the large companies. Zuck and Gates, Bezos were just willing useful puppets who sold their souls for $$$. Just like they are behind most movies in Hollyweird.

23374065? ago

That was all long enough ago that, if true, you'd think someone would have whistle-blown that reality by now.

23390282? ago

You'd thing someone would have whistled about the Cabal/Satanists too.

23369704? ago

I wish that lightening would just strike these people down. That would be biblical.

23373113? ago

Better chance at that then the traitors in our country actually being held accountable.

23372037? ago

I mean, since, you listen to some of the nutters around here, Q is jesus, so, there's really no excuse for them not to be smote by the heavens.

23369896? ago

Or a 20-odd foot tungsten pole at terminal velocity.

We are all screwed if the government has precision-strike lightning.

23369094? ago

Micro soft dick kek

23375903? ago

Mister softy

23371187? ago

Yeah, what's with that. If I had a company, it would be called Massivehard.

23369012? ago

Key word: first.

Still waiting....still waiting

Here a picture of me still waiting for Q's first arrest https://files.catbox.moe/o7v5fd.jpg

23374924? ago

  1. Gates is Dr. WHO.

One of his employees was named by Epstein to be back-up executor of Epstein’s estate.

Microsoft just launched an ad using “spirit cooker” Maria Abramovich.

Gates got government to indemnify him against any lawsuits related to CV treatment & vaccinations.

Microsoft got the contract to store the military’s electronic data.

23373103? ago

Preach. I love all the fantasy in this sub. How about the politicians who OPENLY commit treason or sedition in our country that have not lost ONE FREEDOM while WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE ALL ON HOUSE AREEST?!?!?

Comey, McAbe, Pelosi, Schitt, Brennen, Clapper, Feinstein, Schumer, Holder, Rice, Romney, Ryan, Waters, Leui, Harris, Biden, Clinton, Wasserman Shultz, Whitman, Newsom, Garcetti, Bacara, Omar, Talib, Nadler, Blumenthol, Graham, Muller, Perez, Booker, etc etc etc

I can keep going with names, but those are the OBVIOUS ones that have been rubbed into our faces daily. That’s not even including the (((media))) which would make that list insanely long.

Q is a psyop. Wake the fuck up people. No arrests are going to happen. Billy bag pipes is writing a stern letter at best. How’s our constitutional freedoms these days citizens? How was your Easter? Enjoy the service????????

23368960? ago

I was just thinking the same thing. The stage has been set.

23368957? ago

Any arrest would be good now, this shit has been dragged out for way too long. Any normal citizen would be detained for a simple accusation of a crime, these criminals are still walking around flaunting it in our faces.

23370109? ago

That's because the world isn't set up the way you think it is. If it were easy enough to just arrest and send to jail, or even have a military tribunal, it would have been done long ago. There is only ONE shot at this and if it doesn't succeed, neither does the human race. The Overton window created by the cabal is over your eyes, and they have the blinds down.

23374093? ago

but, "we have it all" so why worry? But, no .... it's just not the right time, yet.

23375182? ago

It's not. You know maybe, and this is being generous, about 0.005% of the truth.

4/5 of that is from your own investigating, the remaining 1/5 is the icing on the cake from Q's drops. You've got a looong way to go buddy, so just chill and do some digging instead of shitting up every thread.

Happy Easter to you anyway....

23373127? ago

It is easy, simply apply the normal justice system.

23373463? ago

Well it's a damn good thing you're not calling the shots, we'd have been done in a long time ago already.

23377567? ago

You don't know that.

In fact, you don't know anything.