'Comments are turned off' Bill Gates was close to Epstein, BillGates thinks it a good idea to put PIZZAGATE Marina Abramovic vampire devil worshipping monster witch / artist in Microsoft videos. (dissenter.com)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3761876?
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23371279? 4.9 years ago
Bill Gates will be lucky if he only gets another pie in the face next time he walks in public.
23371626? 4.9 years ago
The Pentagrams, the Burning Eye, mystery babylon rituals from Arabia? Why was Gates with Epstein?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753133
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23371279? ago
Bill Gates will be lucky if he only gets another pie in the face next time he walks in public.
23371626? ago
The Pentagrams, the Burning Eye, mystery babylon rituals from Arabia? Why was Gates with Epstein?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753133