23379495? ago

Don’t forget Dr. Charles Lieber, head of Harvard Chemistry Dept, arrested one late January. He was involved in setting up a lab for research in Wuhan. Is it the same lab? This guy’s involvement deserves much more scrutiny.

23378411? ago

Viruses are produced by the cells of the body.

They cannot be transmitted from one person to another, period.

To prove me wrong, simply find one experiment that meets Koch’s postulates. To do this, a virus must been purified (isolated), introduced to healthy cells and shown to reproduce, and then cause the claimed disease.

Spoiler alert: this has never been proven, ever, for any so-called viral disease.

23375340? ago

Yacov Apelbaum eh? Hmmmmm

23375297? ago

Shi Zhengli: Smash or Pass?

23376979? ago

Kek hard pass

23372978? ago

Nuke China.

23372502? ago

BULLSHIT! It came from israel, went to Charles Lieber in Canada then to America then to China

23371328? ago

MI knows, Trump knows, Putin knows, Saudis know. Certain secrets just can't be contained.

23370770? ago

Something sinister happening here.

23375370? ago

Listen to Thomas Paine podcast episode 17. Whatever info he got, it's got him freaked out.

23369902? ago

Article skips over the babies, so wuhan tests on bats.. mice and "animals".

So "animals" means "babies"?

23371513? ago

Gateway Pundit is reaaaaaally bad at reporting. Got to find another source.

23369650? ago

Watch this documentary from The Epoch TImes (1 hr)they break it down very well:


23369510? ago


23373015? ago


23369022? ago

No, anons always doubt, especially when confronted with too easy answers. First they tried the fish market story, but we have discovered that SARS-CoV-2 has parts of the virus found in horseshoe bats and that there were no such bats at the market or even in the region. Then they tried their backup story about an accidental release from a state-of-the-art laboratory frequented and supervised by the international science community. They threw red herrings at us to make us look like crazy conspiracists like "it's not a virus, it's 5G". There are hundreds of bio weapon labs owned by the deep state and funded by billions of taxpayer dollars, and there are connections to the CIA, Fauchi and Bill Gates - Anons don't stop digging.

23373582? ago

the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been studying SARS-like Coronaviruses from Horseshoe Bats since at least 2007 per this paper written by researchers there themselves 13 years ago:


Most notably, the point of this research ws to work out how a bat coronavirus might become infectious to humans. to do this, they purposely made it infectious to humans by inserting HIV pseudovirus fragments at particular regions until they succeeded - and they did succeed. 13 years ago. Follow up papers over the years only confirm this even further and other generatuons of these viruses will have been fine tuned.

Recent papers in the past few months have for example found the HIV insertions and concluded the virus must be manmade. This only confirms the well established success of the lab at Wuhan.

It is therefore exceptionally likely that the current outbreak of the exact kind of virus being produced at this lab originates at the lab.

23373906? ago

Yes, the paper is important because it shows how easy it is to enhance SARS-CoV-1 to make "better" versions. This is the reason why I don't believe the story about a natural origin of SARS-CoV-2. The names of the researchers point to Wuhan, but when the study was made, the cat-4 lab in Wuhan was not built yet. SARS-CoV-2 could have been created at any of the 400 or so bio labs around the world.

23372446? ago

I'm with this guy ^

23368956? ago

Wait, isn't it a cover for them turning on 5G in Wuhan at the same time, so they can blame a (mostly harmless) virus for the health consequences of the 5G "slow" death ray?

23370764? ago

That was yesterday. Current message is that the virus was created by oxigen oscillating at 60 GHz in the lungs of babies that were tortured with 5G.

23368850? ago

More like Wuhan Jews.

23371498? ago

Jewhan Virus?

23368522? ago

People like Doctor Shi Zhengli and her associates should be in prison.

Why would anyone try to create a virus that would transmit across different species?

What purpose would there be to design such a virus?

These people are terrorists to all humanity. Worse than ISIS - as ISIS can be eliminated quickly.

23371904? ago

Bruh! They already dead! This is China we're talking about

23371629? ago

Wrong. It was reported to have originated in Europe.. Or a pig farm in Kansas.. Somewhere white.

23371747? ago

OK chelsea.

23371833? ago

Q followers are a little slow on the draw.