23348115? ago


23347501? ago

I totally get what you're saying. What disgusts me the most about the Q movement is the hypocrisy. Calling Alex Jones a complete nut job while the Q movement spends more time on underground tunnels filled with tortured children, adrenochrome, pedophile hollywood, cannibalism, etc. than Alex Jones ever did. Alex Jones is probably looking at us here on voat and saying "God damn these people are fucking nuts!"

23345310? ago

Maybe MSM was right. Maybe this is a fucking cult.

Entire comment boils down to this statement.

23345169? ago

The movement is dead right now.

The chans are dead gone. Had been for a while, anyway...

Tourists everywhere.

“Truth, Justice, Liberty” no more.

“Truth” replaced with rumours and speculation.

“Justice” surrendered to “optics”.

“Liberty” obliterated by a blind obedience requirement.

Run for the hills...

The type of dumbass that has flooded the movement I want no part with. They’re like jellyfish: no brain, no teeth.

The fucking normies have come to lecture us.

THEY are the enemy!

23345079? ago

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23344675? ago


23344313? ago

See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 9th)

  1. Trump job approval up to record high https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fox-news-poll-trump-job-approval-hits-new-high-as-voters-rally-during-crisis
  2. Poll: Dems want Cuomo rather than Biden, 56% to 44% https://nypost.com/2020/04/10/democrats-want-to-drop-joe-biden-for-andrew-cuomo-poll-finds/
  3. New Trump ad exposes Biden’s affection for China https://twitter.com/llmcl/status/1248589990545760261
  4. Fox poll shows Trump and Biden tied, 9-point swing from its last poll (oddly hard to find on Fox.com) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fox-news-poll-april-4-7-2020
  5. Even though Biden is the last Dem standing, Obama still hasn’t endorsed him https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/491907-trump-says-obama-knows-something-that-you-dont-know-about-biden
  6. Durham reportedly has issued many subpoenas for Grand Jury appearances https://twitter.com/greggers4usa/status/1248701382166798342
  7. Only 0.9% of US coronavirus deaths are patients with no serious pre-existing conditions, so 150 US deaths of previously healthy individuals https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/numbers-150-americans-date-no-pre-existing-conditions-died-coronavirus-0-9/
  8. French study of over 1,000 patients shows 98% recover with hydroxychloroquine https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/trumps-miracle-drug-french-study-1000-patients-including-seniors-see-98-success-rate-hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin-regimen/
  9. Even Iran knows China has hidden COVID-19 data https://www.dailywire.com/news/iran-hits-at-ally-china-chinas-coronavirus-numbers-a-bitter-joke-not-trustworthy
  10. Declass coming of important footnotes in Horowitz FISA report https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/10/fisa-report-footnotes-declassification/
  11. Friday funny: CNN town hall accidentally displays viewer’s question asking whether TDS is deadly https://twitter.com/alx/status/1248438822322483206
  12. Exhaustive engineering study states Building 7 at WTC was not brought down by fires, but a “near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building” https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7
  13. Florida may reopen their schools https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/492152-florida-gov-desantis-says-coronavirus-doesnt-seem-to-threaten-kids-mulls
  14. Transparent obstruction of the presidency: exactly as COVID-19 seems to be subsiding – early enough to not be raging at election time – Schiff figures it’s time to kick-start a new impeachment theory https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/10/adam-schiff-submits-bill-to-create-commission-reviewing-trumps-coronavirus-response/

23344375? ago

Great job reinforcing OP's point that no one can question anything about this movement.

23343913? ago

Noooow it's starting to sink in. Your copy buddy hqve any military friends? If he does, ask them if they can get a copy of the psyop manual from a few years ago.

Q is a psyop. It's studied now.

23343870? ago

What you are caving to is a hand sewn division. The place is lousy with shills. You can watch them come out of the woodwork, simultaneously, with every post. Often with the exact same talking points as one another. They are here to create the atmosphere you are describing. It works. I have seen ample conversations wherein level headed doubts and beliefs are discussed in a more than amicable way. When something one believes in is relentlessly attacked at every turn by paid, er. . . professionals, one naturally becomes defensive. You believe what you want to believe, but if this is on what you base your beliefs, the shills can put one more tally mark on their chalk board and maybe even get an additional .06/comment. You should consider basing your beliefs on your own thoughts.

23344726? ago

Dude IS a shill. I don't personally know anyone that followed Q that just quit. I don't doubt there must be a handful, but very few.

23345828? ago

That's what I was thinking too. I countershilled him.

23343847? ago

bye OP

23343820? ago

Well, unlike a cult, you are free to leave at any time.

23343935? ago

Holy shit. Most cults you, in fact, can actually leave.

OPs main point is a good one. The fact you state something as fact which is completely wrong reinforces OPs point. Did you just make that up with zero knowledge of cults? Or, are you lying to frame the debate in your favor?

I stopped believing in Q when he did the whole red castle green castle derp over a random plane crash over a property that USED to be owned by a Rothschild.

The fact everyone here and at other sites thinks that James Fucking Bond himself needs help is, on its face, beyond stupid.

The whole movement is geared towards making passive people think by congregating online, sipping tea, they are changing the world is as lame as hell. Period.

23343871? ago

I like to think their are still people here that have the spirit to research, to fight, to resist, to question. They came here because they know something is wrong about the world and wanted to change it. I like to think not everyone here is just a mindless drone. That's the only reason why I'm still here.

23343960? ago

Better stop right there then. Look at their responses. Are these the responses of rational people with an objective grasp of the imminent factors motivated by a need to uncover the Truth?

Of course not. They're boomers. What they're doing to this is the same thing they do to everything they've ever encountered historically. Corrupt it with their vicarious narcissism and reduce it to calling people 'faggot' on the internet.

These things aren't people anymore. Now they're fundamentally indestinguishable from a berkley hipster. Kust another religious psychotic cultist.

23344706? ago

Yet her you are.