23364143? ago

My Air conditioner broke @ midnight this is bullshit.

23355123? ago

Celebrate it as Passover. NOT eggs and shit (Pagan celebration called ISHTAR (from which Easter is derived)).

23348181? ago

Leviticus 23---- Feasts of the LORD -- not feast of the Jews, they are the LORD'S Feasts. We are not commanded to keep them now but knowing what they symbolize for OUR future is amazing. The Feasts lay out the entire plan of God's salvation for mankind and there is not one bunny, easter egg, fat dwarf dressed in red, witch on a broom or any other pagan symbol in them. The Feasts of the LORD are physical and every one of them have a spiritual fulfillment. Passover symbolized the sacrifice of Jesus, Feast of Firstfruits on Sunday after the Sabbath symbolize the resurrection of Jesus, Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) symbolize the giving of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church. The Fall Feasts have a future spiritual fulfillment.

23347280? ago

Are you asking is to remember raisin bread, because if that’s the red pill, then I don’t think I want to take it.

23347304? ago


23347361? ago

Throw off the yoke of evil eggs and bourgeoisie chocolate rabbits! Seize the means of candy production! The Raisin Bread Proletariate will rise up!

23346933? ago

Easter was orginally the worship of estrous, Astoroth. Fertility goddess. The eggs represent fertility and was for thousands of years dipped in the blood of children sacrificed to paint them red.

Semeraious and I know I miss spelled the name. Wife of Nimrod, and supposedly his mother. Ref: Ezekiel and the morning for Tammuz.

23347308? ago

Why don't you come right and say you don't believe Christ was God made flesh and that your god is the real god, rabbi?

23347607? ago

What dont you go fly a kite shilltarded moron. You have ZERK capacjty to fathom passover idiot!

You dknt believe in Yeshua Or God the father! You are F A K E!

23346327? ago

No, never forget about the bunnies, especially the white ones.

23346292? ago

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23345940? ago

God bless you, frens. I Asked the Lord to let this see the front page so everyone could join together and praise His Name. God is good. :)

23345901? ago

Delusional fairy tale worshippers. How can you people be so dumb as to just believe what other men told you is true? Do you not see the hypocrisy? You act like you are no longer sheep by trying to think for yourselves about things, and then you blindly believe in stone age magical dogma that child molesting priests feed you.

23347289? ago

herr derr history is dum

herr derr archeological evidence is dum

listen to me telling you yer dum

being contrary is k00l

No, it just shows you're a kike. GTFO.

23345893? ago

Both stories are fairytales. All religion is opinion.

23345673? ago


23345123? ago

White rabbit!

23344825? ago

Well said. He is risen!

23344790? ago

This was amazing! Was thinking of sending this to friends and playing it at Noon tomorrow from any speaker you got! Car, Garage, House! Play Loud and humbly PROCLAIM HIS NAME for life for USA, for the Economy, your life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness!

23345877? ago

Amen. Sing with Power, fren!

23344695? ago

Don't forget the bunnies, my family makes a delicious rabbit stew for easter every year YUM

23346860? ago

-kills and eats animals just for the taste, doesn't give a single shit about their suffering, with arguments like "we always did it, so what, muh manly, that's natural, we're above them"


It's all connected. You're the one responsible.

23347222? ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Please don't talk to me when you're drunk and/or stupix

23344363? ago

Thinking out loud, not looking for down voats but...

Can paganism be satanic if it existed before the concept of Satan?

I get Christianity is all good vs evil but wouldn't paganism be exactly the same? Avoid the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is God and nothing else is.. that still means there was a God before Jesus..

So what's wrong with paganism and Christianity sharing and caring for each other?

23347322? ago

Your ignorance of language and history is on full display. Satan is a Hebraic that means 'adversary' or 'opponent'. Paganism is idolatry, thus it is Satanic. The two cannot share mindspace because they are mutually exclusive.

23345888? ago

The Bible says Jesus was with the Father from the beginning and that nothing that was made was made without Him!

Believers can (and should) love every human God made. Love means sharing the truth, too.

23344990? ago

Christianity derives from paganism. Christians just don't like that fact. Easter is all about spring coming, fertility. The sun has come up from its winter slumber and plants are growing again. In the past, this was a symbol of hope for humans because they didn't have grocery stores to get food from, so winters could be hard. Christians have remade the "the sun has risen" to "the son has risen". They celebrate it with sunrise services. Easter takes place on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. They are worshipping the sun, something pagans did for however many hundreds or thousands of years prior. The sun was/is literally the source of life. Christians are taught to interpret the bible literally, when in fact there are other hidden interpretations. So while there is nothing wrong with paganism and Christianity sharing and caring for each other, Christians don't want to accept this truth. They also can't seem to master the caring part and tend to distance themselves from pagans, associating paganism with satanism, although they are totally different concepts.

23347127? ago


23344306? ago

Love one another.

23345903? ago

"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

1Cor. 13:13

23344124? ago

Sorry to be POLITICAL, but hear is Reagan,


No Commies!

Amen! May to Glory Be!

23344036? ago

Amen. Praise Him for His goodness. I believe He is moving with an unseen hand even now.

23343991? ago

Can we have Joohs for Piñatas? That would make me happy!!

23343926? ago

Yeah, the suspending of all the pagan symbolism smeared over Easter is at least one good thing - the social distancing paying a dividend of sorts

23344143? ago

Yes. Now's the time to reflect!

23343759? ago

Im down for killing pedophiles and shit but this post is equally retarded in the opposite direction. At least you have good intentions I guess

23344153? ago

Get off the media and go barefoot in the yard. Get connected.

23344402? ago

sounds pretty pagan to me

23343741? ago

In the ancient days, Lord Jesus in another body stood up for God against evil kings before anyone else; and celestial flowers showered on Him.

23343533? ago

Church Sunday at the drive in, windows up and no one leaves there car, pastor over radio like movie, 3 churches from around the region joining in! Expecting hundreds there, should be a blessing. Hope all this goes to remind everyone true meaning of Easter and victory over death itself!

23350555? ago

and everyone bring a firearm, just in case some Barney Fife type decides he wants to write everyone a ticket. Hundreds of armed citizens is a red line they won't cross. Stand your ground.

23345916? ago


23344172? ago

Careful of tryrranical fines by congregating!

23344247? ago

Yeah hoping for it actually, I will sue them into oblivion

23345145? ago


23343605? ago

that sounds awesome. We will be watching our service on tv, wish we had drive in option.

23345162? ago

all you need is a WalMart parking lot.

23343851? ago

Had bunch of hoops to jump thru and will have deputy there but still huge victory. As long as people remember reason for it then it’s all good. Maybe on tv it’ll reach more people. God bless patriot

23343382? ago

He is RISEN! Our Victory is in Christ Jesus!!

23347853? ago

My dough has risen, am I saved now?

23345925? ago

Aint no grave could hold His body down!

23344276? ago

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23343237? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Kf9ed6qwlaI :

Ain't No Grave (Official Lyric Video) - Bethel Music & Molly Skaggs | VICTORY - YouTube

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