23355197? ago

Instead of trafficking, how about making them drag race? At least we could bet! How is traffic interesting unless you're a nerd?

23344113? ago

LOL Fuck Trump.


AGAIN, the 256th time LOSERS!Was supposed to be Sat. the 28th! Then  it's the 31st!LOL!!!Trumps ass was red, international lib / jew / masonic/ DANGER SIGNAL! LOOK OUT!

Mellania's lips have herpes, so does PENCE! Look out!Decode Q asshole! Since you have your tongue in it might as well!

So.....what's next idiots? NOTHING IS HAPPENING YOU DUMB FUCKS! As always!

BUT IT'S DJT DAY! LOL You morons are so stupid it's amazing!

NOTHING HAPPENED! NO MOLE KIDS! NO NOTHING but you looking like the losers you are! It's hilarious!

So, "It's happening" is over already? You moron motherfuckers are WRONG again, as always.Rural uneducated superstitious idiot LOSERS afraid of your own shadows. LOL You are, LIKE YOU ALWAYS ARE, JUST FUCKING LAUGH OUT LOUD HILARIOUS IN YOUR IDIOCY!Just gets dumber and dumber AND YOU STILL CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!Q is BULLSHIT! IT'S OVER you idiot HILLBILLIES!Now, on to your pathetic brain dead attempts at insulting me! I'm SURE you will trot out the classics BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!! LOL How many times a day do you dumb fucks piss your pants?



 But Tom Hanks! The military......The PLAN!LOL


ELLEN is in GITMO!! LOL Idiots! Just idiots!

Q CULT, the dumbest, most hilariously stupid asshole losers on earth. YOU CAN'T stop losing!

23350685? ago

Can't be upvoted enough. Every word the obvious and easily demonstrated truth. All you have to do is scroll back through their posts in qrv and great awakening. Read them talking about how DJT is the second coming of Jesus Christ, they were worshiping him a year ago in a thread, literally praying to him.

Every day it's the same with these creatures. Antipeople, Unpersons. Boomers. Q isn't even phoning it in anymore, lol.

23349316? ago

Get back on the meds.

23347573? ago

Y u so scared?

23344557? ago

You sound like one scared little bitch.

23344049? ago

About time.our.military earn its keep. Been spending trillions for what? The CCP runs our education relics, law enforcement,.politicians and much of our military. I am glad the military is finally stepping up and doing it's job. Protecting Americans for our corrupt political class.

23343296? ago

This is the real front.

23341484? ago

Naval Force. Watch the water = Jizz Lane Maxwell = TerraMar Project

23342732? ago

Damn, I hadnt connected their submarine to what the Navy is currently doing.


23341478? ago

Usually, I tend to think people are seeing things when they talk about Trump doing Q with his fingers in the air.

But uh...

2:22:32 looks at hands, is getting ready to do something specific with them

2:22:35 makes a \

2:22:37 makes a circle in exactly the correct position to make it a Q from the \

Yeah, that was pretty blatant I have to say!

23348578? ago

BS! the second time he forgets the \ ? Go watch it again and tell me its a blatant Q. FFS

23340615? ago

He talks about it at: 2:22:08

23340149? ago

They have told us so many times what they do..and we where Blind...and still we eat the children of our livestock...youtube when the children cry by white lion

23339942? ago

why is the video so quiet i can't hear ?!

23339552? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=c5F9vPFphmQ :

Trump, Coronavirus Task Force hold press briefing at White House | 4/10/2020 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

23339211? ago


Why are we solving riddles, only to be told "don't solve riddles you guys!" Why don't we end the child raping cabal instead???

23339206? ago

Except trafficking prosecutions have gone DOWN since Trump took over.

23340488? ago

That's not true. There have been lots of large busts but the news doesn't cover them.

23341159? ago


23340886? ago

My wife has a large bust. Certainly not in the news.

23338949? ago

Press never follows up or asks a clarifying question.

23483673? ago

23338631? ago

And who asked him the lead in question


23338618? ago

Can a Patriot link a clip of this bit? Much needed thanks

23338994? ago

Just included a link up top.

23338556? ago

Why did MSM turn a blind eye to Pedowood, DC rings?

23338555? ago

Heard that too!!! I couldn’t believe he worked that in!

23338219? ago

The MSM/Entertainmentare are owned, operated, financed. and used to control humans by the alien assholes of the universe. We humans need to implode those tunnels they are stinking up. Put the talking heads and their masters in there too. Throw the shills in for good measure.

23338193? ago

POTUS is dropping incredible BOOMS during this conference. Good Friday, many people have taken the day off and he is spending the time to discuss at length, human trafficking, the drug trade into the USA being stopped, past Presidents (Clinton/Bush) betraying us with China’s admission into the World Trade Organization, the China control of the World Health Organization. Standing against CNN-Acosta’s push for endless testing. Thank you, POTUS! It’s an honor to have YOU as our President!

23338137? ago

blah blah blah and yet NOT A FUCKING THING HAPPENED OR WILL ! TRUST THE PLAN ? fuck the plan

23338365? ago

fuck you faggot. the jokes always been on you

23338135? ago


zero arrests.

23338377? ago

who cares about you? no one. fuck yourself and die.

23338093? ago

Q shows images of human meat hanging on hooks. Are they eating us? Time for answers and arrests.

23341244? ago

A lot of those images, according to the shills, are from Resident Evil (or some such horror computer game).

That's why Q asks us "What if a web site containing such information is created? If any portion of the website is false, a conspiracy of falsehood is created."

A lot of the pictures are from that game.

Remember that Satanists must receive our permission for the things they do to us. If we ignore the request (via their symbols or such) then we implicitly accept their slaughter of us.

23346326? ago

the one picture they used with the morgue doors with bloody hand prints was a promo for resident evil 6. the others likley stolen from other sources.

23338416? ago

They aren’t eating us so much (they are, but its not as huge of an operation), they are farming humans to eat. Literal farms of humans treated like cattle. Most are unable to comprehend or accept this truth. Read up on what john of god was doing and then imagine that times one hundred.

23346446? ago

Cattle for taxes or cattle for literal food?

23342278? ago

What are you basing this on? Sauce?

23343075? ago

Internet message boards, Twitter and Q posts of course.

23344314? ago

No. It’s based on researching exactly what has been open sourced on the johnof god cult, nxvim, epstein, peter nygard, spirit cooking, human farming, the fact that canabalism is legal in many states and physical locations of real human farms.

23338521? ago

John of God = Satanism Lite

23338066? ago

Why do you thing Jizz Lane has her submarine pilot permit ?

23338767? ago

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23338528? ago

To access underwater entrances with submarines, of course.

23338517? ago

and helicopter license....amazing, and destroys girls lives.....

+100 on the Jizz

23339288? ago

Submarine Jizz Operator. She is alive because Epstein escaped.

23337849? ago

WE NEED INFORMATION. WE NEED SOME KIND OF PROOF. Just one little tiny morsel of solid proof. Too damn much to ask, I guess.

23362641? ago

It's Easter. Christ has risen. Have faith and pray.

23338150? ago

Q shows us where to look. Its up to us to then go research. If you're looking to be spoon fed, go back to your momma

23340829? ago

The problem is that when u look/research the deep state cia fuckers through out hundreds if not thousands of articles and shit to mislead you or misdirect you so that truths and facts get buried with lies and deceit that one never a knows what is real and what is fiction. My brother in the 1980’s worked for Rockwell Collins programming encryptions for radio transmissions for naval/Air Force fighter jets. Not only was there encryption but the signal would alternate hundreds of times a second. In addition hundreds of fake transmissions were also sent out. They bombard us the same fucking way and we have no clue which end is up.

23337829? ago

Arrest or STFO

No arrests, no money no votes.

23338439? ago

Stop jacking your pole and watch oprah today.

23338392? ago

hurr durr Im a faggot

23338017? ago

Dicks out for harambe

23337923? ago


23337911? ago


23337961? ago

Stick The Fists Out.

He wants a fight.

23337809? ago


23338025? ago

Caught it on the fly during today’s press briefing. Should be on joutube later.

23338210? ago

Got an estimate for time of day he said it?

23338198? ago

If you catch it later share it with me. I needs me my validated data. Cuz thats huge, means a lot based on the data im focused on atm.

23339364? ago

Fuck yeah. Thanks

23338131? ago


23337710? ago

Satanism in the navy.

23344958? ago


23340856? ago

They are allowed to worship as they please so you are correct.

23337861? ago

Explain, please. Has the Navy been infiltrated? I suspect the Air Force has. I am told that a lot of officers are Masons.

23346453? ago

The Air Force's logo is a demon's face.

23339354? ago

Ya those masons are fucked. They can no longer gladfist each other.

23338299? ago

Ex-Marine Colonel's Wife Exposes Illuminati - (FULL INTERVIEW)

Kay Griggs, former Marine colonel’s wife, talks about military assassin squads, drug running, illegal weapon deals and sexual perversion deep within the highest levels of U.S. military and government. The mission of this Brotherhood is to control drug trafficking worldwide through series of collaborations with drug lords, the Mafia, and other unsavory groups. It is at the level of military colonels and above. It includes most generals, admirals, active duty and retired. It is identical to a secret society where to advance one’s career must be “initiated.”


Long video...little time? read the description and it is a very good summary.

23338504? ago

Kay Griggs. One of my first big red pills.

23338124? ago

Did you see the Pentagon expose that Anderson Cooper did way back, at all?

23338734? ago


23337878? ago

ALL BRANCHES HAVE. Think Valery Garrett sniffer.

23340640? ago

I have some patients who were big time Navy guys. In the past decade they were really angry with how Navy leadership was changing and unqualified guys were promoted as they were pushed out.

Infuriating, I would hope military is the last bastion of selflessness, patriotism, and performance over favoritism. I mean these men are tested over and over I'd think these branches would be the toughest to corrupt but I guess they're infiltrated as well

23338059? ago

Not just Mason. Think Brotherhood of the Snake. Thousands of years old military club for evildoers.

23338514? ago

Where can I read more about this? I'm not familiar.

23339629? ago

Bill Cooper's - Behold a Pale Horse and William Bradley's - Gods of Eden books. There are other sources for it.

My father was in the Army Air Corp and knew a CO - pure psychopath according to the Old Man - who sported a snake tattoo encircling a pyramid. This was in the late 40s early 1950s. Thought the CO was a creep. Turned out the CO was molesting his 2 young daughters. CO's wife might have been lying because she was desperate to divorce the CO who was physically abusive. She got her divorce and took the kids away last my father and mother heard. My Mom believed her story because another family claimed the CO touched their daughter inappropriately at a Christmas party. I always wondered if this guy was a Snake Bro. So did my father.

My father was into esoteric stuff, MKUltra and what would be called conspiracy theories by the Clowns, plus UFOs. He always felt the whole UFO phenomenon was not benevolent towards humans. Demonic in fact. He experienced foo fighters - lights in the sky and claimed to have seen saucers over Alaska while flying. My father was not a nut case and thought most UFO researchers skewed the data to favor their wishful thinking ideas.

23337680? ago

Trump's sins are forgiven. He has confessed his faith in God for all to see and hear. Jesus died for all of our sins and rose victorious after 3 days. Maybe at Easter we could remember that God's grace and Jesus' death and resurrection are the reasons why our sins and Trumps sins are forgiven.

23347531? ago

Where did trump say that? I don’t doubt it but I was searching His twitter for him linking Good Friday to forgiveness of sins but couldn’t see it. Plenty of people talk about God and Jesus but few have the humility to see that they have no forgiveness outside of Christ.

23342292? ago

Yep! watchout for preachers who only call you a sinner...youre better than that...forgiven, justified in front of God and sanctified

23340191? ago

Trump is a jewish convert

23339228? ago

That's a fucking copout and you know it.

Plenty of us don't believe in your silly little fantasies. In our eyes he has not been redeemed.

Thing about the christian cult - it just gives people a blank check to be assholes, then 'repent.' You just enable shitty behavior.

23342890? ago

shill gotta shill begone divider!

23340606? ago

I'm a Trump supporter and not religious. But I am respectful of Christians and their beliefs.

23340144? ago

obvious you don't understand what 'repent' means

23339439? ago

You are half way there fren, just add the repent.

23341502? ago

That's how one goes from "respectful" to "shut the fuck up" in a New York minute. Way to go, preacher.

23339280? ago

God bless you. Don't agree with you. But may God bless you anyway.

23339613? ago

Well that's just wholesome, thank you :)

23338967? ago

Do youo think you are God? wtf is wrong with you?

23339073? ago

The Bible says his sins are forgiven the moment he accepts Jesus by faith. You should pick up a Bible and read it. It will change you life. God bless you.

23341519? ago

Satanists put that part in the bible. Jesus is a false god. Worship him and you won't get into Heaven.

23340900? ago

I have read enough of the bible to understand Jesus was a great man and he was used by the old school deep state as a symbol representing horrible atrocities, I think Jesus is more than a book, more than can be understood through words, Deep meditation is key. Good luck to you as well and God let us all find love.

23340593? ago

Not all of us are Christians here. Many Patriots and Trump supporters are not religious.

23338561? ago

So why does he never name Christ?

23341830? ago

If you haven't heard him mention Christ you haven't been listening. That was one of the first things I noticed in one of his speeches shortly after he was elected. He gave thanks to "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." My first president was Eisenhower and through all of them since I have never heard a president says those words until Trump.

23342167? ago

Ive heard him say that he hasn't asked for forgiveness either. And when he was asked about Christ, he gave an obscure answer and never mentioned Christ as the savior. Can you link me to the specific speech youre referencing so i may listen to it. Its hard to find things on trump without getting a buncha dumb results from msm

23342864? ago

shill go away shill Get thee behind me, Satan begone! You have no power here! You are causing discord.

23343194? ago

Sry, have your safe space back

23340574? ago

Not all of us here are Christians. I'm a Trump supporter and not religious. Although I do believe in a higher power and the forces of Good and Evil. So maybe Trump is the same way.

23340093? ago

there's a clip of him talking about Jesus Christ and Christmas. Its at one of the white house events.

23339660? ago

He did. Specifically in today's Good Friday blessing on the YT White House channel.

23339625? ago

What do you mean? He did just today. He does often.

23339292? ago

So why does he never name Christ? Genuinely curious your opinion

What a loaded question! I think it's more likely that you're shilling than ignorant. But for anyone who's genuinely curious, here's one from today (boldness added).


Well, thank you very much. On this Good Friday, Christians from all around the world remember the suffering and death upon the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At Easter Sunday, we will celebrate his glorious resurrection.

A routine rhetorical tactic would be to say something like, "well, that example doesn't count because it just happened". So here's another example from his Christmas 2019 message. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-od7MiTgBlo

At this sacred time of year, Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in his love for every person. We give thanks for the millions of Americans who come together, to care for others with compassion, and bring the warmth and bliss of this holy season to our families, our friends, our neighbors, and to those in need.

23340112? ago

I was nothing but polite in asking my question.

What a loaded question! I think it's more likely that you're shilling than ignorant

Pure stupidity.

Thanks to the others for providing the sauce like an adult would. Until today, the only mention of Christ ive heard was he said to "keep Christ in christmas" which sounded suspect to me.

23339234? ago

Because the concept of someone being 'greater' than him is insane to him. An egotist like that doesn't believe in god.

23339638? ago

Sounds like you're the one who's insane as you project all that hatred on to him over things that are actually demonstrably false. Check your own ego, President Trump is using him to protect the USA, what are you using yours for?

23338708? ago

I am not his judge nor do I know him personally, so I do not want to hypothesize on his walk with the Lord and why he says somethings and not others. I have heard out of his mouth that he is a believer, that he regularly attends church and that he would like to see us return to a more God-centric society. That is a lot better than any President in recent memory. I don't think any one can deny that the Hand of God is on him. No way he gets elected and no way he doesn't get assassinated without the Divine Protection of the Almighty. So I'm not here to judge him nor defend him. My faith is in God alone. But sometimes God uses less than perfect men to accomplish His Plan. I pray daily that God would grant POTUS wisdom, courage and discernment so that God's Will may be done on earth as it is in heaven. God bless you.

23343246? ago

No way he gets elected and no way he doesn't get assassinated without the Divine Protection of the Almighty

Flawed logic. There's another alternative. He's a deep state actor, just like every other elite politician, and this is all political theater. Didn't Q say you're watching a movie?

23338829? ago

I didnt ask you to judge him.

. No way he gets elected and no way he doesn't get assassinated without the Divine Protection of the Almighty

I dont agree here with you. I dont think the bible does either. If you believe in God but dont name Christ, isnt that simply Judaism?

Revelation names many powerful evil beings that cant be touched. Being protected doesnt automatically mean God is protecting them.

Im not saying i feel one way or another but naming only God isnt Christian. God sent Christ as our savior, hes not an accessory. So if christ saves us, then either Q was mistaken and doesnt win against the deepstate, or Q lied and is actually the Antichrist, or the bible is wrong. Unless im missing something?

23338458? ago

I think a lot of Trump's "sins" never happened.

23346800? ago

sin #1: trusting jews

23338088? ago

Church will be open soon again.

23337455? ago

Notice how the press have no questions about that.... "mmmmkay, and about those hospitals the Democrats want money for...."

23340631? ago

I'm replying here to post the time stamp for this post: 2:22:08

23340531? ago

I know! A normal person would hear this and question it.

23339990? ago

And the, uh... vaccine! Had a virtual meeting at work. One seemingly normal person, said he won’t leave his house until we are all vaccinated. SMH.

23352380? ago

Hope you responded "nice knowing you"

23343861? ago

Vaccines, should they be effective, protect only the vax’d. Who gives a f if ur not vax’d? For this reason, gates, et al should be put down immediately.

23345139? ago

Is there a vax for pedos?

23348148? ago

There is. It is lead based, which causes headache for liberals, but is in mm, to salute the globalist.

23342559? ago

I noticed POTUS said in his presser today that they want to do titers on the whole population that was not tested to see who's developed immunity to it--having had it and not realizing it. That would certainly make a vaccine unnecessary for some, and I'm hoping POTUS would not allow evil Gates to proceed with his plan to microchip us all through a vaccine.

23339900? ago

i've been taking political surveys a lot recently (just for shits & giggles) and every time they ask the question, "what is it you care most about?" - long list of things like: immigration, gun laws, education, healthcare etc

not one thing is about trafficking, so i always click "other" and type in "human trafficking"

makes me smile inside knowing i might be making the political party minions shit themselves :)

23338382? ago

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23338143? ago

Lie through omission.

23338381? ago

So, if we don't tell the MSM what the rope and tree are going to be used for, does it still make it a hanging?

23362604? ago

They don't need to know. Let it be a surprise!

23337579? ago

Just noticed that too. They never combat him or wish to go further on that subject. Everything else is tooth and nails.

23338545? ago

Now just let Trump or Q address the Clinton initiated state court mafia business of grabbing hold of kids as hockey pucks.

To traffic, or just ransom them between their parents for hundreds of Billions to the states and "friends of the court?"

23339180? ago

Family Court is a Pedovores meat market. Pedo-Blackmail/trafficking anywhere around the Judicial branch of government is a 72 hour max wait for hanging.

Their family fortunes are to be seized. The Public Servant's next of kin are to be vetted until bankrupt and destitute. The vengeance of dead children demands no less.

23337442? ago

Ha hasn’t raped a young girl for a while. That’s why he’s projecting so much about stopping human trafficking.

23337566? ago

(((You))) are going to hell, you know. All of you demons are. We don't like your kind on our planet.

23337502? ago

fuck off kike

23337580? ago

Gas all Jews now!