23337236? ago

BC premier Hogan basically told Trudeau to fuck himself. Canadian's are getting extremely angry, About Fucking Time.

23336939? ago

Everything ██████ ███ ███████ ██ is █████ ████ ██ ██████ ███ fine. The █████ ███████ ████ Government ██████ ████ knows █████ █████ ███ best █████.

23332328? ago

Was Bill Gates hand up his ass, making his lips move?

23332093? ago

That guy is a fucking idiot. I will not be getting the gates 'vaccine' when it comes out. Time to start opening up society. There are proven treatments now for those that get really sick. Stop suppressing the treatments asshole. Oh and stop inflating the number of deaths, just because someone tests positive after a heart attack or a stroke is not a fucking covid death.

23331728? ago

I am ready for civil unrest. Tell me where and when. I am not taking any more crap from this fraudulent moron.

23331218? ago

The Political Correct PM of Canada refused to shut down incoming flights from around the world. This mistake caused many infected people to enter Canada and helped spread the virus throughout the land. His own wife & his mother tested positive for the CHINA VIRUS on their return to Canada from the UK which resulted in Trudeau having to self quarantine himself at his residence. Sophie, his wife & Trudeau are now separated although its not a known fact to many Canadians. She has move into another government owned residence [cottage] leaving Justin by himself at another. Trudeau's Federal Health Team leading the case against the virus have been slow and inept from the start and should be held accountable for causing deaths to Canadians.This current Liberal Government is the most opaque government in Canadian history.

23331191? ago

Canada still maintains a high rural population and trust me they all got guns and they don't eat tofu.

23331696? ago

What the FUCK does the spoken language have to do with it, ameriturd?

23331851? ago

I'm Canadian and French is NOT the spoken language of the majority by a long shot. In fact it is ranked at 18th on the list of languages worldwide. Having french shoved down our throats is just another battle along with the migrants that nobody wanted.

23331879? ago

NOBODY had shoved French down anybody's throat in Canada you liar. The French got to Canada first, settled first, then lost a war to the English and since then are living in economic oppression. And you dare talk about French being forced on ANYONE? You are lying and you know it.

23333073? ago

Alright I'm bored I'll entertain you for a moment.

1. French is shoved down everyone's throat. Other than Quebec, and a few rural areas in Manitoba and NB the nation IS ENGLISH but everything has to include a french version.

2. What kind of "economic oppression" do the french live under? I'm sure they would like to know as well.

3. As far as neurons my "young" new friend. I've been invited to join Mensa 3 times. How many times have you?

4. The indigenous people are the original Canadians.

23336824? ago

  1. Canada is a bilingual nation. Don't like it? MOVE TO THE USA "mensa honoris causa candidate". Having two languages is not SHOVING IT DOWN YOUR THROAT. This manner of speaking only betrays profound hatred for anything that isn't YOU yourself. And since neither the French nor the English are the original Canadians, how many native dialects do you speak? And are you proud of SHOVING ENGLISH DOWN THE THROATS OF CANADIANS? That's OK right? Because it's your mother tongue, that makes it fine. Such smurt, you can't even realize that what goes for one must go for the other.

  2. I'm sure your so-superior smarts are able to discover that if you try. Try to find out why Québec isn't part of the Canadian Constitution.

  3. I haven't been invited because I stay far way, out of my understanding of the hubris of most of the intellectually advantaged, which is repugnant and disgusting to myself even though I have scored 174.

For somebody who's been INVITED to Mensa, you sure write like a very limited individual.

23331039? ago

Australia is pushing the exact same message, you're not alone in this shitstorm.

23331010? ago

Anybody see NORADs post yesterday, I feel we will be fine!! This is ww, the cuck Trudeau won't have a chance once DJT marches Fauci to the mic to confess that the Hydroxychloroquine and zpac with zinc cures the covid19 in hours.

23330986? ago

So I assume the vaccine is for them not us. The baby eater vaccine.

23330971? ago

The mark of the beast.

23330969? ago

"New normal" is the catch phrase on msm morning news today. This shit ain't gonna fly.

23332741? ago

my new normal is not paying my bills until we are provided a way to pay them. i.e. NO LOCKDOWNS

23338038? ago

I get it, but don't make yourself homeless. Have a backup plan. We may all have to start living in multi-family households, or start bartering services. I got the red-ass and went to the gas station just to buy beer, thrn to Home Depot for duct tape, then to the liquor store for vodka and tonic, then to grocery for lemons. I'm a rebel like that. Kek. How f'in lame.

23330821? ago

God Canada, why did you have reelect this cocksmoker?

23332127? ago

canada did not elect that fag, the vote got split and the asshole got a minority government.

23331373? ago

Nobody I know voted for him. Even the Liberals in my family hated him going into the election. I have no idea how he won the election, he has not won hearts and minds, that's for sure.

23331725? ago

Same here, everybody I know would rather shoot themselves in the foot than vote for him. Reminds me of when we kicked Harper out of the job, and he comes back elected with a fucking MAJORITY. This country's electoral system has got to be the biggest joke ever.

I don't think votes are counted anymore, (((they))) just pick who they want and then make a big TV show to make it look like they are counting.

23331555? ago

As the other reply pointed out, election rigging and voter fraud.

23331596? ago

No, has more to do with urban leftists, media brainwashing, and mass immigration.

23334014? ago

Jesus, is it that hard to understand that it's toxic amounts of BOTH those things?!

23428579? ago

I mean, no amount of election rigging or voter fraud is tolerable, but that stuff is inconsequential compared to the problems caused by the things I mentioned, namely immigration.

23332727? ago

keep telling yourself that. and until you realize the other you are one of the idiots.

23428599? ago

Dumb faggot. Kill yourself.

23436211? ago

took you 6 days to come up with that. shut up nigger jew faggot.

23485624? ago

No, I replied as soon as I saw your idiotic comment; it just happens that I don't live on Voat like you apparently do.

23331752? ago

There is certainly a big element of that, true.

23330882? ago

Wake up, elections are rigged.

23331982? ago

Not exactly a typical "rigging", but yes. It's all the immigrants Trudeau is letting in and giving free income, housing, medical, etc.

23331179? ago

Perhaps in the US, but the Canadian system is paper ballot and all parties scrutinize counting. It's not perfect (you can vote with out ID if someone with ID vouches for you) but it's not prone to massive scale electronic fraud.

But Mr Suit Ways is actually popular in nearly every urban area. The problem in Canada is more akin to societal brainwashing of old stock Canadians' kids, and importing pro leftist voters via mess immigration. Viewing the problem as being caused solely by electoral fraud avoids recognizing the other, deeper problems.

23331782? ago

In Sweden, where they Aldo have a 'fair and free' paper ballot election, the tampering mainly happened at the central point of tallying up the vores ftom the districts.

Votes were counted (well, most of them anyway) and then phoned in to a central election authority. This is where there seems to have been ampke opportunity to shift votes around before announcibg the final result.

I suspect the same principles could easily have been implemented in Canada.

23331394? ago

He's not mister Sunny Ways right now is he. Trump: let's innovate, beat this, and reopen. Trudeau: you're fucked until further notice.

23331253? ago

Thank you for bothering to explain that to the "wake up sheeple" above.

23332775? ago

uh. I voted in the Canadian election. The security was nothing. Your thank you is meaningless.

You know how I voted? I went to a gymnasium at the public library, where jim and nancy who are over-involved brainwashed liberal neighbors manned the station. Would you like to hear the security measures? Jim ripped off a piece of the side of the ballot and said.. "that's the security seal"

I then proceeded to fill out my ballot with a #2 Pencil. Yes.... a Pencil, and then I got to put it in a box that looks like it was made to elect the grade 5 class president.

Please lets not get high and mighty pretending this shit is secure. It was a fucking joke start to finish.

23336726? ago

I saw similar voting processes I know what Canadian elections look like. I don't believe changing people's votes would cross the mind of even the candidates in Canada. I do believe that the majority of Canadians are the most politically oblivious people on the planet.

Every party in the last election ran on an identical platform.

23334019? ago

yep lol

23331584? ago

Explanations are lost on people like that though, in my opinion. They already think they know everything.

23332508? ago

It they ever do realise that they don't know everything they revert to trolling. That's where trolls come from.

23330729? ago

Ah, the talking points have been handed out.

Prime minister Rutte of the Netherlands stated the same two days before.

23330679? ago

Trudeau has declared that the people no longer have the right of self-determination.

23330675? ago

  1. When this Valkyrie event is over, we need to tighten our laws so these medical agencies can’t take over the government every cold season.

23330666? ago

Is he authorized to declare this the new normal?

23330629? ago

This pickle smoker can say what he likes. 7/10 ppl I talk to here in Canada are refusing to take this bullshit! This wont end well here. Theres gonna be chaos. I'm a little worried. I hope ppl stick to their word here and stand up for themselves

23333979? ago

oh i definitely will be, any attempt at a mandatory vaccine and i will be pushing back hard, in my community at least. I've already been prepping people that this event is likely softening people to the idea of accepting one.

23331358? ago

"pickle smoker"....ROFL...that is funny!

23331278? ago

My neighbors are talking about rebellion already, in May civil disobedience and unrest is going to start ramping up. We will have to organize resistance somehow or get picked off individually.

But don't overlook we are also a nation of weak women and soyboys happy to snitch on their neighbor and who love this shit now that everyone is as miserable as they are.

23332300? ago

Got any ideas how we could organize effectively? How can we even communicate these ideas without being silenced? Private discord channel or something similar? Preferably decentralized, any idea?

23334343? ago

I'm not sure. We couldn't elect even a single PPC candidate in the entire nation.Concerned people are very quiet and timid about it, and just relieved when they can strike up conversation with someone else about their concerns. Add to that, while I think numbers are inaccurate, there really is a dangerous pneumonia virus going around and cooperation with mitigation is wise and a nice thing to do. I just don't know where the thresholds of what is reasonable are, how much if any should be compulsory, and what specific demands would be made if resistance was organized. The alt-tech community thinking out loud about it is probably the best place to start, more can join via word of mouth.

23336364? ago

That’s a good idea floating the idea to alt tech groups, I could see the crypto community having people with similar ideals. I suppose the next step would be devising a way to sift through the initial recruits and see to what extent they believe in these truths.

I suppose our main demand would be freedom, but at this point it’s not really so much about making demands, it’s about mobilizing together in a way so we can fight back when they come for us. Right now we’re so divided if they came and knocked on my door, dragged me out, and forcibly vaccinated me I’d be SOL. But if we come together now we can stand a shot, but we have to act now no more excuses and waiting for a savior.

23333904? ago

Just had an idea: mail something to everyone on your street. A one-pager with key info and links to learn more. Anonymous redpill factory, here I come!!

23334327? ago

I don’t think that’s a good idea because anybody who’s not for this movement yet is the opposition and could potentially jeopardize us. I think the best way is for some kind of underground community through a commune/farm or something and from there we can organize solid plans of action, everybody who sees what’s going on sees how important this is.

23334387? ago

We could do it in such a way that these underground communities will branch off and start sprouting cells in other cities, before you know it we’ll have an organized movement

23332020? ago

I just told my wife there's no way I'm taking this vaccine. She started saying welllll you know we have a pregnant sister in law and you it's the right thing to do. I SAID FUCK THAT!

2 seconds later she noticed YouTube is blocking all conspiracy theories. I said SEE! Why the fuck would they block 9/11 and everything else?

The seeds have been planted. Not time to water them....

23333838? ago

Similar boat....have that conversation with your wives NOW and make sure they're onside early.

23331389? ago

Did you say snitches, there's an app for that.


23331059? ago

The deep state has had their way with the Canadian people for decades. https://youtu.be/N_PXI5Ba1Ak

23330942? ago

You will do what trudeau tells you. Get back in line.

23332160? ago

What kind of a sick fuck are you?

23334104? ago

A cynical sick fuck

23331089? ago

No shit. Maybe rural Albertans or Quebecers won't take shit but every urban area, and all of Ontario, BC and the Atlantic will dutifully hide in their houses because Mr. Sunny Ways told them to.

23333426? ago

Dont count out Ontario just cause we have Toronto fuck head, us rural boys know what's up and still have guns!.

23330427? ago

Canada is about to turn the Sand Nigger Army loose on its own people.




23331366? ago

Hidden in every mosque just like in the US, protected by traitors in alphabet agencies.

23331398? ago

Operation Gladio

23330423? ago

Just more proof that Leftists want to imprison people forever really.

23339405? ago

Sabbatai Zebi Masons, 1666 London burns, England and Dutch House of Orange? The Great Plague - "The Black Death killed 100,000 Londoners in 1665 - one in three of the people living in the city. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3636106/22460250

23330368? ago

Some of Canada's deep state involvement: https://youtu.be/N_PXI5Ba1Ak

23330299? ago

Send letter to Ottawa that you do not support mandatory vaccines, These people are mass murderers and Justin is just a Soros puppet. He won't protect us from these barbarians. HELP!!

23332679? ago

Dont forget he is Castros son.

23331074? ago

Letters mean shit. There are not enough jails, police, etc.. to control the population of Canada if the people rise up.

23333581? ago

I was born and raised in Canada 64 years ago and I can tell you for a fact most of the good people in Canada that know what is going on will not give up their comfortable lives to cause an uprising. I am literally ashamed to be Canadian right now this is not what we used to be. They have allowed this bull shit to overrun our country and bring in millions of immigrants that hate us. That is what the immigrants are for so if there is an uprising they start killing us all.

23333889? ago

If that is the case, and the west does same.... refugee claims in the U.S. it is for Patriots.

23331431? ago

and THAT is why they want to remove all gun rights, because they know this fact.

23331212? ago

You're darn tootin.

23330210? ago

NWO takeover. Best to fight now instead trusting any limp noodle plan that has you as a citizen in an ever weaker position day-by-day.

23330140? ago