23352074? ago

23329804? ago

Seeing most agree Jones is a MOS paid actor however take a look he does do a funny Burnie skit phoneing into his show.


23329010? ago

I always loved listening to AJ until one day I actually heard him yelling and pounding his desk saying "FUCK TRUMP!!" over and over. I'm still in shock. He has some serious issues i think.

23329563? ago

This is exactly when I quit watching him, buying his supplements, and liking him. I'm pretty sure he lost a lot of people that night. All over President Trump dropping a few bombs on Syria. The dude is an absolute loon.

23328630? ago

faggots gonna faggot.

23328225? ago

I’m guessing , call me crazy but- maybe because you people have been doing countdowns like weekly for 2 years but still worship some nameless, faceless entity that has never once kept any promise. I mean , it’s really kinda funny you saying that.

23328145? ago

That fucking dick CONSTANTLY makes promises like that and then POOF it's gone and it's like he never even said that shit.

23328035? ago

Why would anyone give a fuck what Alex Jones does? Only idiots and retards even pay any attention to the goof.

23327971? ago

Pretty funny.

23327876? ago

Alex "every conspiracy but the jews" Jones.

23331131? ago

Bill Cooper called him a fraud and a fear monger

23327050? ago

Forgot about this . lol

23326787? ago

Call him the next time he takes listeners call and ask the question. Who is Q?

23326764? ago

Best KEK...I think this needs to be a sticky.

23326728? ago

The AJ red pilled got a huge dose of not being red pilled after all.

23326650? ago

Q hasn't proven any form of legitimacy.

23328138? ago

Bye Alex

23326618? ago

I remember back in 2011 as AJ was finishing up his next film The Obama Deception 2, he had shown clips of people he interviewed for it and Promised his viewing populace that this video Would Bring Down Obama!!! Well it Never aired nor was it offered as a DVD for sale like his other films. Just a big Nothing Burger! That began my eroding faith in the man & his supposed mission.

23326965? ago

This is gold. Thnx.

23326480? ago

You know how they lie about everything all the time? AJ isn’t as popular as he seems. His brain force income is a cia check.

23327057? ago


23328908? ago

They’re the same thing. CIA is the US branch but we all know it’s the satanic Zionists behind all of it.

23327692? ago

I mean, same fucking thing really, but point taken

23326403? ago

Mossad asset. With any luck, he'll swing.

23328338? ago

IDK about that, but clearly some kind of controlled opposition.

Want to cover up something awful? Spread an exaggerated "conspiracy theory" about it. Now people will think the real thing is just "those crazy people".

23328634? ago

Q outted him as Mossad

23328767? ago

I'm pretty sure there was more evidence of this somewhere are well. It's known now that he is jewsad anyway.

23328764? ago

Maybe. But Q "proofs" are an oxymoron like social "justice" and political "correctness".

The qualifier added before the main word not only undermines it, it negates it. There is ZERO reason for a qualifier unless it's to hide the truth/manipulate. It would simply be called proof. The fact that it takes convoluted webs of red string on a posterboard of scattered ideas to "prove" something, or mental gymnastics always AFTER the fact says all we need to know. Add to that "disinformation is necessary" to cover mistakes and "future proves past" like any good sheister fortune teller...

23332876? ago

Pretty much what i figured. You're a useless shill.

23518398? ago

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

23520271? ago

yeah it does.

23327015? ago

He covered for the pizzagate pedos, so yeah....

23330326? ago

Nope. He was negative on PG dismissed the whole thing, funnily enough, as a 'conspiracy theory' and presumed alefantis as an innocent party in the pizza shoot up episode.

23328638? ago

Link please? Please?

23327979? ago

I don't remember that...

23326310? ago

He still has followers? how? Do they live under rocks? or IQ sub 80

23326962? ago

im not near a follower but when i listen once a month he says something notable that I didn't hear elswhere.

I've always been confused what his purpose as a mossad asset was. I feel like this isn't true cause he had way too much influence against them.

The best I've come up with is they wanted to controll the 9/11 conspiracy theorists. But jones just added fuel to the fire to that and many other events. It just doesn't make sense why they would want people hearing these ideas.

23329436? ago

Maybe he was turned along the way? Some blackmail or something.

23327787? ago

Learn what controlled opposition is.

Also...he discredits the truth movement with his behavior. Think flipping on Sandy Hook after fully digging into it. The dude acts like a nutcase intentionally to discredit truth seekers. He is exactly what flat earth is to legit truth.

23327046? ago

Controlled oppo is real, and it was Q who said Alex Jones is MOSSAD-funded.

23326210? ago

Alex Jones is almost as big a bullshit artist as Q


23326117? ago

I am not an AJ fan.... however he did say 7 days. Which is next week!

23325766? ago

Was gonna call out Austin the Autist. But then...

23326688? ago

... Austin got arrested!

23325672? ago

What happened to Q's big "happening?" And why do none of his followers care that he didn't keep his promise?

23325811? ago

You see are a moronic traitor. Enemy of freedom. Enjoy your sleepless nights.

23325836? ago

Sorry, but it's people like you who have a one-track mind who will destroy this world before Soros, Gates, and their cronies can get around to it.

Enjoy the apocalypse, pea-brain.

23326048? ago

You say you're sorry, but I don't think you are. That's a shame.

23325767? ago

Found a shilly little bitch! How much is mommy soros paying you to lick her dried clit you fucking cuck?

23325778? ago

You rape your mother with that mouth?

23325696? ago

Whoa....easy now

23325717? ago

I like your ambiguity!