23329737? ago

He wants people to die from their little bio weapon so [they] can collect their $39k a person

23328865? ago

Dr. oz is a fucking quack, proven many times over. Globalist celebrities keep him in business.

23331980? ago

Not walking or talking like a duck this time, maybe 15,000 dead Americans flipped his mind.

23326775? ago

Cuomo the homo

23326485? ago

This just confirms my already growing suspicion that the Demonrats Knew Hydroxychloroquine kills this Covid crap from their Masters in China but have Shotdown it's use to advance their narrative. They also learned from China that putting Covid19 patients on ventilators Will Kill 80% of them.All to rack up the Largest body count as possible to hurt POTUS in November election. This is Beyond despicable, it is Pure Evil! This is 9/11 2.0

23325772? ago

You can run but can't hide you death worshiping monster.

23325415? ago

Cuomo is evil

23324852? ago

These fucking politicians are playing doctor and God. I'm sure practicing medicine without a license is a pretty serious crime. The people see what's going on and are saying to themselves "why are all these [D] governors afraid of HCQ?" Dr Oz is loved and adored especially in liberal normie circles. These pols are shooting their dicks off.

23324335? ago

Oz is deep state garbage

23323973? ago

the Democrat death-cult needs death.

23323812? ago

What does the ds have over cuomo, for him to fight this life saving drug? Video? Is he a diddler? What a pos

23323671? ago

Cuomo just proved that we can not entrust crisis management to our elected officials.

23323809? ago

many "elected" officials aren't.. they are instead 'cabal installed'

23323395? ago

If they make it illegal then it probably is a very powerful thing that can be self administered for good purpose.




Painkillers like opium

Sonogram machines

And quinine

All extremely low tech things to make and use and all made illegal precisely to maintain the medical establishments monopoly on care

23323045? ago

Anyone who loses a loved one in NY needs to sue the bastard for every penny, then hang his ass and leave it for the fowls of the air to pick his bones clean.

23322971? ago

Time for some memes to say he doesn't believe in science. May get some to question.

23322967? ago

Wait a second, "banned HCQ for outpatients" y'all told me he banned HCQ outright!

What a crock of shit, OUT patients being refused it is because people IN the hospitals need it more, he didn't ban the use of HCQ he's rationing it. QRV and the awakening subs have gone off a cliff when it comes to reliability.

I told people what I learned here, well I won't embarrass my family again.

23325420? ago

The Nevada governor has also caught a lot of heat due to the alternative media, and on Voat ("traitor", "blood on his hands", etc). Yet his order specifically excluded hospitalized covid-19 patients from the ban on hydroxychloroquine prescriptions. Virtually nobody seems to acknowledge that he's doing the exact opposite of withholding life saving treatment. It's like what CNN/WaPo/NYT do (generate tons of outrage from a story, then quietly correct or not correct at all).

23329136? ago

Ok, I'm starting to think the way the rest of this website talks down about us is justified.

23323153? ago

There was a doctor/state senator on Ingraham Angle last night that mentioned that Medicaid pays hospital $13,000 for every coronavirus patient, and $39,000 if the patient is on ventilator. How's THAT for incentive to outlaw outpatient treatment with Hydroxychloroquine??!!

23324907? ago

I shared that video with about 10 people today. The reactions were as outraged as anything I've shared all year.

23322846? ago

attack of the jew


attack of the wop

every fucking day

23322794? ago

Cuomo needs capital punishment for his treason against the American people !!!!

23322779? ago

The cabal is afraid.

23346706? ago

Keep in mind that a caged animal is the most dangerous. They DO have other false flags to use. The question is whether normies will believe their lies. The evidence is out there and too commonly available. The enemedia has lost most of their power. Their propaganda has become obvious, and they have nowhere to turn.

23323133? ago

..they have no future.

23322296? ago

Thanks gov numbnuts! You just proved the democraps are against the people and the [ds] has controlled drugs and medical dimwits for the benefit of the reptillians for eons. All but the dumbest jerkwater lefties have to see a little light now. The reptilians can start to pack their bags. Just a friendly suggestion.

23322426? ago

yes this piece of shit has gone too far, now it's up to AG Barr

23321953? ago

Stable Genius has been handed a huge opportunity to crush this motherfucker right here.

23322138? ago

yes but technically i think the ball is in Barr's court

23321914? ago

One reason I saw was restricting the use to giving the drug to the people who need it most and preventative studies like the one Dr. Oz was talking about dips into the stores of Hydroxychloroqine.

Can anyone confirm if NY has the drug shortage? That's a rumor we can confirm and destroy with some fact checking.

23328392? ago

No drug shortage here. this is all Cuomo keeping his face on television as much as possible.

23324926? ago

India just confirmed they are shipping one million doses to Florida. The drug is generic and easily made. Don't see why it would be an issue. https://cbs12.com/news/coronavirus/1-million-doses-of-malaria-drug-headed-to-florida-to-treat-covid-19

23325371? ago

Thanks, that will help me get rid of the fake news when it comes up.

23322079? ago

lt's total BS. NY has no shortage, moreover POTUS has announced he has 30 million doses stockpiled and available to any governor in need, and cuomo knows it.

23321623? ago

people keep forgetting the deep state is behind all of it

23346677? ago

Nobody's forgetting that. The DS is taking every opportunity to red-pill the normies and dig their own graves.

23321925? ago

yes the nwo obviously owns this sick piece of schitt, but he's a totally moronic flying monkey.. since NYers will soon figure our what he's doing to them, and then..

23321344? ago

Cuomo for war crimes

23324895? ago

and his doosh bag brother

23329879? ago

Fredo was gloating recently to his brother being interviewed on CNN, how their Mom didn't show Gov. C the "Pasta Sauce Recipe", but she did choose to teach Fredo. This is code about the processing of Adrenochrome I reckon. It was too weird.

23322882? ago

And nipple rings

23322154? ago

It is a declared war actually. He is an enemy combatant at this point and still just free as a bird. I think we all need to grab our pitch forks and torches if the cops or FBI aren't going to do something.

23322363? ago

They are letting Cuomo hang himself in the court of public opinion, then when he is arrested and is put on trial, his cries of foul, his projection on others of foul play, will fall on deaf ears. Its all part of the plan.

23328381? ago

I hope you are right. Cuomo is as corrupt as they come.

23331161? ago

the guy is a moron, what kind of nitwit wears a shirt exposing to the world his pierced nipples? barely smarter than Fredo

23323579? ago

I am still sharpening my pitchfork at least it will be good for optics when I am outside the courthouse playing it up for the cameras yelling "MONSTER!!!".

23331216? ago

I'll bring the torches.

23324846? ago

Nothing worse than a dull pitchfork.

23328461? ago

A crooked pitchfork

23328828? ago

How about a dull, rusted, crooked pitchfork?

That's the one I want to use on Pelosi.

23321341? ago

Cuomo is evil.

23321313? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=cuuFfk0HkR4 :

Dr. Oz Is PISSED After NY Governor Cuomo Shuts Down His Study on Hydroxychloroquine - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

23321176? ago

Message to Dr. OZ: MAKE that fucking POS Cuomo ARREST you. Then use that publicity to EXPOSE that commie bastard!

Don't give up/give in!

23321376? ago

Oz can't get arrested. Dr Oz can prescribe all the hydroxychloroquine he wants. Cuomo's executive order prohibits the pharmacies from filling the prescriptions.

23321489? ago

Well in the video he talks about his "trials", not about him prescribing it. If he kept going with his trial, then he could (potentially) right?

23321793? ago

Nobody is given prescription medication without it being prescribed by a doctor. If a doctor, in this case Dr Oz, conducts a trial by giving medication to patients, he is prescribing it.

23323896? ago

Point taken... but it is a trial which has different characteristics than just a doc and a patient.