23320251? ago

Posting the real shit is illegal.

23321411? ago

You can see Nergoids eat other Niggers on Liveleak, they stone each other to death and for them its normal

23320100? ago

Because Q is a fraud.

23320138? ago

Cool story rabbi

23320203? ago

Meanwhile Obummer, Clinton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free.

23320969? ago

One thing I haven't seen lately in the news is pictures of Obama on vacation. That's odd.

23320376? ago

And you're doing what about it rabbi?

23320536? ago

He's doing just as much, if not more, than you just by reminding everyone.

23320435? ago

Nothing. It is what it is.

23320000? ago

shills will continue to shill and provide misdirection.

Actually quite comical - the shills are stupid.

23319941? ago

Where did he say the pics were displaying real human meat?

It is obvious the pictures are just branding, what is real is the cannibalism that is going on behind the branding.

And no, I don't believe it was a couple of vegans playing a joke. kek

23321399? ago

because if you want to see film and photos of Negroids killing and eating other Niggers alive simply visit v/Niggers/ it happens in Haiti and africa all the time or you see it at Liveleak news or you also watch Syria refugee terrorists kill other people and eat their hearts, you could get this info at watchpeopledie before reddit started banning everything .... not sure about the video game or film thing, maybe q-anon is just 4chan LARP bullshit?

23320358? ago

Ssshhh. The rabbis are busy trying to lie.

23319883? ago

What was the movie?

23319929? ago

It's Predator 2 just Google search Predator 2 Skin bodies under images

23320087? ago

Maybe Q is pointing out the props were not really special effect props, but the real thing?

23319890? ago

It's the movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger

23319828? ago

It was meant to imply that the ritual exists. You're not likely to find actual pictures of something like this online.

Did you happen to look at today's post from Q before asking said question?


New: Title TBD



9 Apr 2020 - 12:00:25 PM

How do you hide the truth?

Ex: create a website and label it fake?

How do you hide the truth?

Create a public 'trend' re: term 'conspiracy' to humiliate [typecast as 'mental' 'crazy' 'looney'] anyone who opposes the narrative?

How do you hide the truth?

Control majority of media to project [echo] a controlled message re: a desired topic?


23319855? ago

Is he ever going to show us actual proof? I'm sorry I'm being negative but I'm starting to get real frustrated and some of these shills are getting to me especially after I researched coincidences this morning. I'm not having a good day at all.

23320267? ago

Watch Trump's actions. Nothing else matters.

23320030? ago

I can understand the frustration. We all want them to get on with the show. None of us can say with absolute certainty that "It is happening" but a lot of progress is being made. We all want to see the high profile arrests; know that the kids/people that have been trafficked are being rescued; and see a return to a sense of normalcy or better. It is trying my patience as well. However, IMO, it does seem like we might be getting there.

23320321? ago

I say why are we allowing for kids to continue to be hurt? None of this makes sense to me very much at the moment. I'm going to take a break for the rest of the day because I don't like how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking

23320546? ago

If you consider how long this has all been going on and how many people are involved, it makes sense that it cannot be done quickly. Everything has to be cut off from the DS players, to prevent further incidences.

23319969? ago

Q probably won't show the proof you would need to see because it would be tied up as evidence in the on going investigation and therefore classified.

23319985? ago

No that makes no sense. Anytime you can you get the evidence out.

23320012? ago

Then it would corrupt the evidence and the defendants at trial will weasel out of it.

Nope, this is done right the first time. No fuck-ups. Everyone knows this.

23319946? ago

It will get better, hang in there, it's rough for all of us right now. I'm hoping bigly for tomorrow and the weekend.

23320885? ago

A lot of us are thinking something will happen this weekend. I have a feeling these boards will be empty after nothing does.

23320908? ago

Yeah, might be. Dunno what I will do but I'll def be thinking mighty hard.

23320008? ago

I can't take much more of it because nothing ever happens and it's been years. I'm honestly starting to think we are really being fooled. The article I read about coincidences explains perfectly how people are connecting things to Q posts because they showed exact examples of doing the same thing. I think we might be getting tricked.

23320158? ago

Think about Trump. Is he for real, has he been dismantling the deep state? Is he for the people and the sovereignty of America?

Is Q connected to Trump? Mathematically impossible that he is not.

Logically, it is all real.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick" and that is what you are experiencing.

23319845? ago

Dude the Jim Watkins Q is pretty boring. Jim needs better content

23320056? ago
