23327394? ago

Didn't this whore move out of the US, or did she renege?

23325059? ago

Looks like witch shit.

23322792? ago

Why does this board care more about a washed-up entertainer of loose morals than it does about the actions of over-bearing governments? Seriously, is this a boomer thing?

23331954? ago

Why are you here at all, moron?

23340423? ago

Birds of a feather flock together.

23323322? ago

You ZOOMERS are the ones buying her so called music.

23323438? ago

Once again, you speak from an uninformed position. The zoomers buy tribal sounds of people we both have never heard of. Boomers enjoy, love and support Cher part 2.

Go crank up your Adele, karen.

23323505? ago

More Lou Reed and Iggy Pop

23321126? ago

She went out of her way to do that, the buttons are no where like that on my key board. They look like stickers on top of real buttons. Obvious message.

23325300? ago

Yes it was deliberate but no she did not change the key layouts. Watch it again.

23324145? ago

Typewriters had a LOCK key, it is now a caps lock button on a keyboard.

23322472? ago

Yep, stickers on her Corona typewriter? I saw that too.

23321477? ago

It's A standard QWERTY layout.

23321562? ago

Mine says "Caps Lock" with a big A in a box. So maybe I just have a different keypad? I have 3 different ones all the same.

23321726? ago

I don't doubt that you do have those. I'm saying that some of the typewriters have that standardized layout. An example here: https://c7.alamy.com/comp/S1J85D/the-shift-key-and-other-keys-on-the-qwerty-keyboard-of-an-old-fashioned-S1J85D.jpg

Full PC keyboards evolved from this.

23320719? ago

She also types “number 9”. Post #9 mentions Haiti...


Dem's Control Black Population


29 Oct 2017 - 7:30:26 PM


D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.

23320428? ago

Good luck with that. We will not be silenced. This satanic witch is going down. I'm yelling Timber.

23321438? ago

... You better move, you better dance

Let's make a night you won't remember

I'll be the one you won't forget

23320243? ago

Q and the crew about to bring the hammer down. Godspeed!

23320414? ago

Q and crew are fake, foo.

23320636? ago

foo? you Chinese??

23322446? ago

He definitely asshoe!

23319322? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/16Wtk :

CJTRUTH on Twitter: "Madonna with another video today. She had someone film keyboard that says “Lock Q.” I don’t think this was a coincidence.

Let me know your thoughts. #QAnon

Entire post this post… /WL46UifjUw"

This has been an automated message.

23319298? ago

I saw LOCK Q26 KIL M - reference to this?


23319281? ago

And why is Madonna promoting Q......I wonder.....

23319261? ago

Wow, that is incredibly obvious.

"Lock. Q."

Stop / lock Q at all costs.

23321134? ago

and what of Joe Mc the porno spammer https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/3754247/23305087

23321181? ago

Who? Huh? What? Why?

23320405? ago

Oh bullshit. Madonna doesn’t know shit, foo.

23322437? ago

Oh, she does. They hang on every post the way we do. LOL!

23320446? ago

You wanna meet me and say that?

23320086? ago

Oh, what the fuck ever. No one cares about Q anymore. A fast fading fad/cult.

23322142? ago

You wish groomer.

23320647? ago

Says the shill wasting his TIME shilling in a q forum ... the amount of energy you waste here shilling is proof enough that you're tickets are scared shitless

23320098? ago

Uh huh. Nobody but millions of people lol.

23319222? ago


23321052? ago

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23319139? ago

This is pure PANIC. They are scared. Too bad nothing can stop what is coming.

23324736? ago

articles lie about degeneracy in tv pop music, the break down of family? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3756161/23322656

23319021? ago

What's she holding? Rabbit figurine?

23322872? ago

It's a human on top of a round stone look at posts below of the decapitated body in same position

23319900? ago

Person in a fetal postion on top of a ball

23319279? ago

That is what I was wondering? Is that some kind of idol? Needs to be blown up to see it better.