23332781? ago

Rudy COMM Q 105 Please pray.

Operators are in harms way.


23330551? ago

3926: The media is being protected by the SEC. Who are the leaders in the SEC?

23329795? ago

4 - 10 - 20


Good Friday

Feels biblical

23328639? ago

Happy DJT Day!!!

23326566? ago


Start of The Storm???

23325932? ago

It's really just for old time's sake and entertainment now.

Q ... memories of a time gone past.

Don't really want to hurt Q's feelings....but....kinda boring.

23325781? ago

Is Malik Obama Q?

23328733? ago

No, just a woke nigger

23328676? ago


23328627? ago

We wuz Qangz

23325862? ago

Omg please

23327762? ago


23325482? ago

He says fisa indictments equal start. I thought Declass was the start. What the fuck ever happened to declass? If it had been done before the 2018 elections we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess. Q is impotent. I’ll accept it if he proves otherwise but I don’t think we can count on it. Militias arm up!

23330644? ago

Q is not a fortune teller. Not all predicted things go as planned. The other side does have their surprises to throw at us. Q plans do get sabatogued. Sessions choked. Epstein trial not happening. Gates had to get personally involved, for some reason. Wrong moves sometimes are made.

23329218? ago

Anons are suggesting the children being rescued from the 10 days of darkness war raging, right now, is the [C] for [D].

To the other moron, Q told us that they knew about the virus, and neutralized it. It was supposed to be worse. This is why the DS was pissed when GEOTUS blocked CCP entry to US, and why the fake stream media downplayed the risk, why the tests were tainted with the virus and why ObaMao didn't restock the masks.

23326808? ago

C before D. coronavirus/covid before declas?

23328664? ago

They’ve been preparing for this one for a while. A harmless flu that would have caused us to invite permanent tyranny.

23325948? ago

It turned into a mess really. How disappointing.

23325159? ago

It might be time for a sticky at voat advising all to ignore whiny bitches doubting Q.

23328741? ago

Make sure to mention Q is a cult too.

23327789? ago

We need a disclaimer at the top reminding all that Q is fake.

23324984? ago

Gamers Rise Up 😎

23324389? ago

Twitter is on fire too

23324270? ago

Why are all the old fossils you hated 20 years ago crawling out from under the algae? Happy 41020 !!

23323746? ago



You and Trump were caught completely unaware by the bioweapon attack and you were impotent to do anything about you.

Don't you fucking dare lecture us about what happened, you helpless, useless faggot.

23328749? ago

Type 1 my ass

23326088? ago

You could exercise or do some other lightly strenuous activity to naturally bring your BS down.

23323005? ago

2920 is china ! an Obummer he started helped start a war emptied out the stockpile and then handed over thinking hitlary would finish the job. Thank God for Trump!

CHINA < STATE OF EMERGNECY SENSE 2015 and its ongoing so he continued it for another year!

found this https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/text-letter-president-speaker-house-representatives-president-senate-67/




OOH SHIT IM BEAKIGN THIS https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/text-notice-continuation-national-emergency-respect-significant-malicious-cyber-enabled-activities/

TAKE A LOOK READ CARFULLY then watch 55:30


to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States constituted by the increasing prevalence and severity of malicious cyber‑enabled activiti

23323003? ago

Year 202020

Q [soon!]

23322933? ago

2923 is a map his face is def a map i just Dont know where!

23322533? ago

LOL funny Q. Thanks, I needed the laugh. (Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].)

23322495? ago

Congrats, Qtists! You are in a cult!

23327802? ago

Well technically they are a cult, but yeah.

23322473? ago

Ooooo another random Tweet with a wiggawigga! lol

23322444? ago

3927, three exclamation points, Friday, Saturday, Easter Sunday?

23322335? ago


23321877? ago

I think this is the first time Q linked to a POTUS tweet.

23320966? ago

But we are tired of waiting!

23320500? ago

YOU HAVE TO LOVE Q Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].

Q What a day.... BEST weekend EVER straight ahead.

23323853? ago

23320500? Digits Confirm suicide weekend.

From your post to God's ears anon.

23320411? ago

Enlarged the Poster



                                       THE HUNT IS ON.

23320244? ago

You’ve been saying difficult truths will see the light of day for fucking ever now -.-

23320135? ago

May is important month.

23325894? ago


23323021? ago

Pope gonna have a bad one?

23320105? ago

5x5 Q on the "Fake" Spirt Cookin site and FB page.

As the great James Hetfield would say- Sad but true.

23319988? ago

MY MAN! Thotpatrolman Malik!

23319923? ago

Resident Evil 6.

23319913? ago


23319820? ago

What a pile of shit. If this doesn’t settle the obvious fakery of Q then nothing can. You people are too far gone. You have been taken by the cult of Q, and are now self-described “followers” into Q’s (((Satanic))) realm of trickery and foolery.

23327840? ago

Hey, if Q waits long enough something will happen.

23319727? ago

Q is playing the old joke:

how do you keep the sheep in suspense???

I'll tell you tomorrow.

23320277? ago

Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].


23319628? ago



Can’t stop what’s coming


Blah blah blah

Pull the trigger

23319517? ago

FISA soon?

23319406? ago

Why is it always about Democrats? Do we just ignore how fucked up the Bush's are? This is about the cabal, plain and simple. They play both sides.

23329179? ago

GEOTUS rooted out most of the RINOs in 2018...you know...when many of the 2016 Trump voters thought showing up to vote was too much trouble.

23329176? ago

Bushes are out of power, moron.

GEOTUS often credits Bushes along with your favorite leader, ObaMao, for betraying the country.

Are you surprised MSDNC & CNN haven't shown that to you?

23335123? ago

People like you are absolutely retarded. If we don't worship one side of the establishment, you assume we worship the other side. You're probably a racist piece of shit too. I bet you believe Fox news is your savior. Go jack off with your bible you worthless cunt.

23328830? ago

Why is it always about Democrats? Do we just ignore how fucked up the Bush's are?

It's about Jews.

Also, the Bush family are Jews named Scherff.

23322566? ago

This is about Democracy versus Totalitarianism, Trump took back the Republican party from the Fascists (look up Prescot Bush, HW's papa) https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar

, now we are war with the Communists that Control the Democratic party. Catch up.


23321569? ago

They're old news. They had their usefulness and since Poppy Bush, they've remained quiet and relatively non existent.

23320264? ago

Agree. However, President Trump is the Republican Party now. Yes there are rats on both sides of the isle, but disproportionately Democrat at this point in time.

23321934? ago

Does anyone else want to put a dog collar on Tomi Lahren and using her as a personal fuckslave?

23322908? ago

She’s hot. Can you imagine being married to her though? She nags professionally. I’m getting prostate cancer just thinking about it.


23322369? ago


23320162? ago

Because D's are who the cabal is backing right now. They need to stop Trump and that's the only way to do it. Many republicans have already been cleaned out and McCain executed. Many others are targets like Kerry. Many have been flipped like Graham.

23319954? ago

Because this is a Trump re-election Psyop

23320046? ago

I'm a Trump supporter you nut.. I am not an establishment/cabal supporter though. Go ahead and think it's left versus right and see the establishment fuck you over in 4 years.

23319655? ago


Who is meeting at the Big OWL at the Bohemian Grove?

Mostly Republicans

The EVIL is on BOTH sides.

Not a matter of political parties.

Political Parties are fake - it's the game of "divide et impera".

23322211? ago

There are two wings on an Owl

23319252? ago

From #3868

It's going to be a very hot [spring/summer].


23319232? ago

there is NO light. businesses and their owners/employees are getting slaughtered. people aren't being diagnosed with other diseases and getting help.

23319155? ago

Oh good, more vague statements to decode from Q. Meanwhile everything is the same. I’ll check back some other time.

23319125? ago

Google, Youtube, Twitter Censorship? PAIN is coming..

The Silent War continues..

Two periods yesterday

23330557? ago

DS is worried.

But when will they reach the point that it is inevitable?

23319102? ago

Label people crazy conspiracy theorists and get all the useful idiots on board.

There has been 3 conspiracy theories that get hit the hardest, and they are pizzagate, spirit cooking, and of course Qanon. The greater the intensity opposing these theories (truths), the greater the energy we should put into sharing these ideas with the normies.

23321405? ago

don't forget 9/11

23324760? ago

Check out v/MudsharkMadness

23319915? ago

People with Unbleached assholes are SICK!

23324340? ago

What's the point of bleaching your asshole? What purpose does it serve? Sounds like some degenerate behaviour.

23324370? ago

So it looks good when you photograph it.

23318962? ago


3 years of "soon" and look where we are now. On the brink of 1984, mandatory vax, permanent quarantine etc.

23320291? ago

Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].


23321024? ago

Hooyah !

23319650? ago

You're ready...I'm ready....everyone on here is ready. Very, very few others are and we have only ONE shot at extinguishing this evil from the whole damn world. If you can't feel the storm about to hit, then I don't know what to tell you....

23318957? ago

Q, on the assumption that you know who we are and have access to our DD214's and service records, I will gladly volunteer for whatever is needed. Ancient Jarhead here, but you probably already know that.

23323806? ago


Present. DD214's...

...at ease.

Fall out and report for duty Patriots.

(We're doing it already)

Private Pepe reporting for duty sir!

23319707? ago

Q is the enemy of the people.

23320095? ago

Q isn't the one torturing and eating children. That would be your paymaster. I wouldn't piss him off if I were you. He'll sic MS13 on your ass. You chose the wrong side, sadly.

23319610? ago

count me in. i need a purpose again.

23319871? ago

Bleaching my asshole today. I’ll post some pics later!

23319907? ago

Madonna, get off of Voat!

23318932? ago

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.... GO FOR IT, WE'RE READY!

23321465? ago

DROP THE HAMMER, Q. Assuming all the chess pieces are in place, I can't think of a better time for boom boom. The sooner this comes out in the open, the sooner we can move on as a species.

23318909? ago

How do you hide the truth? In plain sight.

23319058? ago

By telling those interested in the truth to sit idol while some secret group promises to do it for you.

23319943? ago


Lol look at that Freudian slip

23320115? ago

holy shit, your on to something. 8+3+15+12 = 38. If you divide 38 by 2 you get 19. Since your missing 2 balls you subtract 2 =17.... OH MY FUCKING GOD, ITS A Q PROOF!

23319110? ago

How is research, sharing the work, and redpilling people sitting idol? The Great Awakening is probably the most active and effective truth movement in history.

How are you contributing? I mean besides being a useful idiot for satanic pedophiles and attempting to kill the morale of a positive truth movement.

23328674? ago

The shills are sparring partners, and them shitting in our research space keeps us constantly alert. Truly, they are helping and would be doing us a disservice if they left.

23322614? ago

They just don't understand that it's an information war. And we're winning.

23319204? ago

Most effective movement? I'm sorry are these pedos locked up and facing justice? What are you doing other that regurgitating 'soon' over and over. If this is true you would think that there would be a bit more urgency but here we are, waiting on soon for 3+ years. We have it all, tick tock, here is some more super secret statements that don't add anything that isn't already known. Pray, God wins even though there hasn't been a single win yet. Jk, comey got fired all is great in the world. Soon the mole children will come out of the tunnels and Jesus will return riding a Trex playing Van Halin on an electric angels harp.

23319271? ago

I can see you are trapped in hopeless nihilism and learned helplessness. The cabal has really done a number on you.

The world is waking up because of this movement. The cabal is being exposed because of this movement. Just because things aren't happening as fast as you would like in a war against a cabal that is as old as the human race doesn't mean it isn't a positive thing.

No wins:

We have the unsealing of the federal indictments of Epstein, Raniere, Mack, Smolette, Avenatti, Nygard, thousands of pedophiles and child traffickers, over 12,000 notable resignations and firings with hundreds of CEO's resigning this year alone. There are arrests of multiple JP Morgan gold market manipulators, corrupt judges, Chinese spies, voter fraudsters, and open ongoing investigations into the deep state players along with Harvard and Yale. The roundup of the deep state henchmen MS13 and 600 arrests of the Cartel in the US at once with Project Python. Now even the Federal Reserve bank is losing it's grip. I could go on.

23319548? ago

Then please do because none of that has to do with pedophiles that run the globe and that was what Trump ran on. Can you show some proof showing that all these CEOs are resigning because their pedo working are being uncovered? Is it not just as possible the the Huessein administration let them get away with defrauding the people (like wells fargo) and they are leaving before they get caught up in legal issues? Avenatti... really? Like he was some big player. Lol

What happened to Huma? DWS? Awan? The FBI scum that got fired (yet committed treason/sedition) and are still free. Hillary? Podestas? Everyone in Hollywood? Clinton foundation still open and laundering $. Obama and his tyranny still walking freely. JA still incarcerated. SR still just a robbery. U1 still totally cool. Benghazi is still 'just a conspiracy'. But no we are red pilling normies by sending them to video game sites as proof'. Spare me. This foolish idea that we have to wait until the sheep are awake is ridiculous. If that's the case we will be waiting until the end of time. Arrests or gtfo. Enough of this tick tock BS. We either have it all or we don't. Meanwhile we have willingly handed over full control of our lives to the gov without so much as a second thought. Pretty soon mandatory vaccines will come down from our lord and savior, Bill Gates, and you guys will be flip flop again to tell us its actually good for us and we need to trust the plan. Trust is earned and Q needs to do that. Not everyone is like you guys operating on blind faith because some internet profit told you to.

23321845? ago

It's spelled Prophet not profit*

23319666? ago

You are truly hopeless, listen instead of killing the morale of anons waking up the world, go sit in the corner like the useless fucking bitch you are.

23319866? ago

What you just said makes Q look like a Ponzi scheme.

23319749? ago

Lol pretty typical response when you really can't show fuck all that's been done. Keep hiding under you bed, wouldnt want you to get the flu. Big daddy gov will protect you just trust the plan.

23319856? ago

I just told you what's being done, you are just so trapped in your hopeless mindset, which was put there by the controllers to turn you into the whiny do-nothjing blackpill bitch that you are, that you can't see the progress being made.

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.



Watch: https://youtu.be/5QWkrzo_2XM

"Americanism not globalism will be our credo."

Trump said "We reject the ideology of globalism" right to the faces of the NWO at the UN.

  • Scrapped Transpacific Partnership (TPP) (globalist scam)

  • Replaced NAFTA (globalist scam)

  • Walked out of Paris Accords (globalist scam)

  • Executive Order supporting the Alane hydrogen fuel cell, a move towards alternative fuels other than oil

  • Production of Hemp and CBD now legal in all 50 States with Farm Bill passage

  • Signed an Executive Order that placed a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries

  • Largest decline in drug prices in nearly 50 years

  • Shut Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels, now pulling out

  • Executive orders to dismantle multinational sex trafficking networks, thousands arrested

  • Defeat of Isis, a CIA and Obama funded terrorist group.

  • Restraint in foreign policy, not falling for Iran false flags.

  • Freed North Korea from deep state hijacking

  • Stood up to China on trade policy, instead of taking bribes

  • US Treasury beginning to take control of the Federal Reserve.

  • More border control. Deportation orders up 31% nationwide. Number of refugees taken in is down 50%. Muslim refugees down 91%. No asylum for border jumpers. MS-13 and cartel in US arrested/deported. Project Python

  • Executive order disqualifying sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

  • Slashed taxes across the board, biggest ever

  • Added over 7 million jobs. One in every 10 of those jobs has been in manufacturing.

  • Most people of all races employed of all time. Unemployment rate is the lowest in over half a century.

  • Millions off food stamps. Welfare Participation Hits 17-Year Low.

  • Downsizing government with 11,000 government jobs slashed

If you can't everything I laid out as progress, DONE IN ONLY 3 YEARS, just leave the sub, go crawl in a hole, and await your fate. Let anons WHO ARE ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING IN THE AWAKENING WORK IN PEACE.

23320032? ago

You literally just gave me a fucking list of Tumps campaign promises he's fulfilled... You are a special kind of half wit. None of that has anything to do, in the fucking slightest, to what Q has promised. At least we know Trump follows through, can't say the same for Q. You claim to be awake but maybe your just blind. You'll latch on to anything that happens and you try to mold that into a Q proof. It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Your mom must have kept you on the tit for way to long. If your going to participate in 'the awakening' you should at least open your eyes.

23318870? ago

Imagine the world without the [D party], it’s easy if you try.

23319045? ago

Yeah, oddly enough I CAN imagine a world without Democrats. It's what America was like before the Civil War.

23319878? ago

I’m just glad the north put those disgusting southern conservatives in their place. Sherman didn’t go far enough

23322223? ago

You know they were libs...

23320225? ago

You spelled Democrats wrong.

23320363? ago

They weren’t states rights conservatives?

23318763? ago

Mornin Q

air guitar

23319728? ago


flips bird

23319873? ago

windmills cock at tremendous speed

Come at me

23322594? ago

Sounds painful....but for a good cause.