23321186? ago

we wouldn't know about bohemian grove and have video of it without alex , cut him some slack he's been at this for a long time and it's probably driven him crazy.

23321355? ago

You do realize they ALLOWED him into Bohemian Grove right? They knew who he was when he was walking around there.

23319986? ago

I don’t remember because I ignore him.

23319809? ago

Cannot stand his voice for a second. Repellent.

Who listens to this hateful nutcase?

23352087? ago

23318919? ago

What better way to misdirect/control narrative than to "expose" it

AJ= Q team

Jones may be one his own since his (((wife))) divorced him

; )

23318935? ago

follow the wives

23319226? ago

Why did he stop talking about pizzagate? Does he have hollyweirdo friends? ...also EU Euro Estonia https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3755020

23321193? ago

he got sued dumbass that's why

23318592? ago

AJ has only exposed himself as a retard MOS puppet.

23318881? ago

Correct, Jewish mossad

23318539? ago

I 'member.

23318489? ago

alex j the mossad who wants to expose q


23318512? ago

Derpy derp, the White Nationalist who doesn't believe in Q pretends to care who exposes Q .... hurrr derr

23318890? ago

But rabbi, the goyium know.

23319257? ago

But Nazi, we don't obsess over Jews all day. It's only important to you who's a jew or not.

23319574? ago

but (((sbbh))), we dont obsess over q

23320597? ago

You are literally proving me right and you are too stupid to understand that you are. Go on, then. Keep saying dumb shit.

23320812? ago

ahh here we go again, same old same old

hurrr derr why wont you shut up

23326081? ago


23318471? ago

gosh, maybe his fake Q is on house arrest or something.