23319976? ago

Doesn't mean they eat people. lol Dumb Asses.

23319798? ago

The Asian woman pictured is the same one listed as the procurer on the Cannibal Club website that was just taken down. I think her name is Chan.

23320306? ago


23330132? ago

I hope anons are doing a deep dig on her. I would, but don't have the time.

23319704? ago

This is just somebody trying to start some social networking site that looks edgy. It doesn't have shit to do with shit

23319071? ago

Anyone else put the connection together, CANNIB-ALIST

I guess the A-List celebrities put the ALIST in CANNIBALIST.

23318787? ago

FOUND: fake site that people will uncritically believe because confirmation bias.

23320602? ago

Of course it is a fake site. Access to the actual site is by invitation only. Their belief systems demands they announce their deeds so we have the choice to yae or nae the deed. It is interesting so few have declared, I Do Not Consent .

23320619? ago

Access to the actual site is by invitation only.

Pure speculation that such a site actually exists.

23321963? ago

You are speculating and projecting what you are likely to do.

23322053? ago

You are speculating and projecting what you are likely to do.

What I am likely to do? TIL I'm a cannibal.

23319352? ago

That's exactly the reason those sites are created. To discredit the Truth.

23319181? ago

23319211? ago

The art is proven to be connected to VIPs. The site is a likely fake that isn't proven to be connected to anyone.

23318577? ago

Hollywood? Who gives a shit!

23318148? ago

So I am still not getting how this sudden cannibalism/spirit cooking thing is not just another distraction? I've never seen a single SHRED of evidence that anything is going on beyond the deviant artistic tongue in cheek crap that Hollweirdos and the modern art world loves.

Q asks, "Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?" Well my answer is still Yes because that's all the available evidence I have to go on.

What am I missing

23319869? ago

Spirit cooking was first brought to our attention in the John Podesta WikiLeaks emails. Marina Abramovic has attempted to pass off Spirit cooking as performance art. A deep dig proves that is a lie. The cannibal club and cannibalism is nothing new it's been out there for several years as well. Most notably Katy Perry went on a radio interview in France to talk about how wonderful human meat is. No joke you can't make this stuff up. There is so much more so I meant going to have to encourage you to do some research on your own. Too much to write here .

23318682? ago

You may be missing the AMA on reddit Marina did in which she said when performed in public it is art, when in private, it is occult magik.

23320714? ago

yes i did miss that. thanks

23318521? ago

I'm thinking you're a shill, but for other readers: Q's question was rhetorical, not to just be conversational with readers. The comment states that's all the available evidence he/she has to go on. Who are you? Many heroic people have died over decades trying to bring out this suppressed evil. It is suppressed because very evil forces have gained considerable power and there is a War going on to end their reign. Here is the link again from Q post 3917 : Cannibalclub.org This people are very evil and sick.

23320779? ago

I get the shill accusation and downvotes, and I made the comment out of frustration. Yes I've done a lot of the digging before, surely there was lots of smoke to indicate a real fire, but no indictable evidence far as I can tell. And out of the blue Q posts this which to me just shows more of the morally deviant sectors of society but still plausibly deniable from any incriminating activities.

The public will never believe a shred of this if its not blow up in actual legal actions with hard evidence. I'm hoping Q made that "out of order" drop to prep us for what's about to come out in public, but if and when who knows?

23325878? ago

Thank you for your measured response. Frustration is natural when one cares about outcomes.

23319196? ago

Cannibal Club closed when word got out. Now there’s Carnivore Club.

23318480? ago

Quite a bit evidently. This stuff is what is driving the DS. They're in a hurry for satan to take over.

23318450? ago

"What am I missing"

i dunno, David Brock's asscheeks?

23317765? ago

Look at some of the quotes on that sight... wtf?

23318770? ago

It's obviously fake. Do you really think Hollywood execs would put their name on these quotes? Critical thinking.

23319806? ago

Yes. They've been getting away with this shit forever. They don't think they would ever get called out. Just like Hillary thought she would never lose.

23319896? ago

And they get away with it precisely because they're not morons and ergo they take efforts to conceal what they do.

23319157? ago

I do.

23319179? ago

You probably believe any fake quote that accords with your confirmation bias then... you're not a credible researcher.

23317862? ago

Many double meanings.

23319148? ago

And Kobe Beef was recently on the menu.

23317745? ago

Could there be a global operation under way to clear out underground human farms and all the extra hospital beds and resources are to treat survivors? Just asking the question.

23317916? ago

I hope so Patriot. After yesterday's drop, I'm praying we get these animals and save what people are left. I also hope it's ALL put out there bare and uncensored. Even children should be shown the horrors of what the ELITE have been doing. Let that burn in and scar deep.

23319756? ago

Please don't call them animals. They are creatures or monsters. Animals are better than every single last one of them.

23319813? ago

I wish I could upvote this more.

23330126? ago

Thank you!

23317456? ago

You know what's not sick? The:

Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23318520? ago

Do we need this reply on every post? Lay off it.

23317699? ago

Bot or notta bot hmmmmm

23318057? ago
