23318117? ago

Another cannibal site from hollyweird: (not graphic) https://www.cannibal.ist/

23315761? ago

An Anon dropped this here on voat a couple days ago: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3747490

On raids:

*A number of huge Child Enslavement projects has been foiled in the last month as well, and continued to be uncovered.

*One of the Cabinet members for example,constructed and sponsored a few major ones, and use his/her connection to further benefit crime ridden schools/ child 'assistance' projects, even Deep Dream - remember that drop from the q posts? is uncovered to be hidden in one of his/her projects.

*The biggest of them, found via a website (that claims to be a joke,but look closer to it, gematria,qpost decoding...and the current update on the core issues in the field - that IS an actual site that a cabinet member runs) that website provided a clue and point the research team to discover 'THE' child enslavement network that ties to most of the big name politicians, media, researchers

Claims to be a joke... Cannibal Club?

23315671? ago

Where did Q link to that? The link in the post is to twatter not fakebook

23313963? ago

Which the Q Team would have know would happen. Likely, they wanted to call attention to the fact the it really is going on, that those people are brazen enough to create a FB page, and to ensure that it would be archived, which I hope somebody did.

23313722? ago

but but but it's just a larp.

23313684? ago

And the twitter account of Savui has been suspended.

23313317? ago

The spitroast human picture is a prop available for purchase. I did a reverse image search and found it discussed on denniscooperblogdotcom. (Warning, this blog is very, uhm, liberal.)

The FB page seems just like a sicko troll project.

I'm still not sure how to feel about Q linking to these places which just come across as poorly done weirdo 'art' projects by edgelords.

Then again, this is what Marina Abramovic is. And that woman just ain't right at all.

23319411? ago

One possible explanation is that Q is putting out deliberately dumb content in order to bait the media into attacking. This has been done at least a couple other times (claiming the Satan twitter account was a VIP when it was actually some dumb teen, for example).

Or Q is just throwing raw meat to those of us that think less critically, stirring folks up.

Or Q wants to discredit his drops, to make it seem more LARP-y, as The Storm actually materialized so DS operatives are less likely to take it seriously.


23315998? ago

Well buddy, Marina Abramovic is JEWISH. I've got news for you. Not only do they eat people but the lap up the blood too.

23314760? ago

Art? U clearly didnt read the posts on the page. They are dead serious about how eating humans is healthy and morally correct. Troll? Gtfo ...

23319429? ago

There's clearly a tongue-in-cheek element to it ("we're no longer accepting limb donations" etc.). You need to develop a better BS detector.

23315115? ago

Yeah I did read the posts, with a healthy amount of skepticism as should you.

People say the darndest things for attention on social media.

I knew a goth kid that created a fake emo band, had a webpage with song lyrics, lists of clubs around the country that they'd played at, fake reviews and stock photos of edgy teens. People believed it was real and started leaving messages in their guestbook, begging this band to come play their town.

This kid did it all for shits and giggles and to have a laugh at the people who believed the band was real, with no evidence.

You see what I'm getting at?

23319478? ago

You're trying to reason with someone who's fully bought into their confirmation bias. Not gonna work. Anyone who read this page and doesn't realize there's a tongue-in-cheek element is retarded.

23315821? ago

This MKUltra survivor says she witnessed a wealthy white woman order a black child off of a menu at a place called Cannibal Kitchen.


Also, images on 8kun don’t look like they could be faked. Meat lockers.

23314014? ago

I was just pretending to worship the devil and eat children!!

23313811? ago

Maybe Q is telling us they masquerade as satire and art. I agree that it does a disservice to link to LARPy shit.

23314874? ago

This is just one example of the horrors. Q has alluded to it several times. If you have the stomach for it, go look at Q3147, the Rachel Chandler pics again, in the highest definition you can. Even if it is only a LARP, there is something seriously wrong with people who escape the 9 - 5 grind by going to a sunny, private tropical island to do Luciferian DIY projects.

23313243? ago

dude that was horrifying, Maybe just arrest Hillary instead of freaking nerds out, Q needs to inspire people with arrests not fear porn.

23313636? ago

If people do not know what she and the rest have been a part of, and we just “arrest her”, the “normies” WILL retaliate!

The whole world needs to know what [they] have done!

23313149? ago

So maybe the radical vegetarians are frightened?

23315123? ago

Vegans are grass fed.

23313870? ago

Yes they should be they are now a potential food product for carnivores. Our human meat is fed a diet of 80% starch and 20% vegetables. That might even be a vegan diet. Vegans smell so bad I'd never eat one. So GROSS.

23314184? ago

Cows are vegan

23313086? ago

Oh great, cloudflare is blocking me from the archive. Thanks, big brother.

23313836? ago

Which is why they want everyone to use the cloud for everything - control.

23312478? ago

That's one way to get rid of these creeps.

23312758? ago

"You must login to continue"

Thats my cue. o/

23312335? ago

See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23312318? ago

Embarrassed probably .

23312563? ago

May have had tons of reports and been removed by FB.

23312970? ago

Yeah I reported lol

23328193? ago

Think this through. Does the FBI shut down the social media of people they investigate before they have enough to arrest them with? No. They use it to get as much information as they can. If you guys actually want to dig on things, you can't go around reporting them. You can't let the people know they're being watched. You dig silently until you have everything you could use to make a case against them. THEN you pounce. Premature pouncing results in a loss of Intel.