23311791? ago

Everyone should re-read Q's post and understand what he's really saying. Of course the pictures are fake, but so is Hollywood. Just because it's fake doesn't mean it isn't real. Q states as much..."Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?" is not stating the linked images are real.

23359556? ago

This is the obvious interpretation thank you. The shills are running with " omg its all fake that means Q is a larp hurr durr". Fucking idiots.

23310594? ago

Just an example. Maybe even BAIT for the MSM, waiting for the real deal counter punch.

Clearly fake though. I assume any cannibal website is on the dark web, not easily accessible.

23310156? ago

I hate the FAQ page

"Our avenues of procurement vary. Most of the businesses and institutions who supply us prefer to keep those relationships discreet. On the individual level, bodies are often bequeathed to us. For some, this is a way to supplement life insurance and offset funerary expenses. For others, such as Cannibal Club member Gwendoline Fenwich, who was served to her friends and relatives at the Club in January of 2008, being prepared as a meal, and thereby reborn into the bodies of the living, is an attractive alternative to the more traditional practices of burial and cremation.

We take considerable care to ensure that all our meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young, healthy bodies."

23309625? ago

23309195? ago

Nowhere did Q say these websites were real or the restaurant eating people was a real business.

Do some research - were some of the images used by these fake businesses also fake? Or not?

23309655? ago

q references the account posted this what the fuck are you talking about ? yeah I saw the snopes on tit the pics are fake. Q referenced the link though dumbass

23309595? ago

Posting hoax websites does very little to increase our credibility for normies

23315690? ago

The posting of these websites was to show that evil exists.

Whether all photos used in these websites were fakes is up to speculation. Some using snopes for truth? Really?

Anyhow, it wouldn't shock me if some of these images turned out to be real.

23317099? ago

The posting of these websites was to show that evil exists.

How does a HOAX PROVE anything??

If anything, it only associates the Q movement with hoaxes.

23359588? ago

Its no different than drawing attention to faggots like Eli Roth making special effect torture porn in modern horror movies. Just putting the spotlight where it belongs. On sick fuck who are into these genres for whatever reason. Blurred lines between fantasy and reality. Also obvious as fuck... I have a hard time believing posters like you dont understand this and are just faggot shilling hoping to take a shit on these boards just to be a faggot.

23308823? ago

There is, nor ever was a real Cannibal Club, movie yes, Cannibal Club in CA no.

Rachel Chan didn't "used to work there".

Do some research, and stop posting fake news.

23308634? ago

The website is fake

23309188? ago

That's right. Snopes said so!

23309297? ago

Nope. I don't read snopes.

People all over the internet dug into it something like two years ago. Consensus was that it was bullshit. Like I said, I think it ended up being some vegan activist project or something very similar. It's not that big of a deal. No need to act like your whole world is going to come crumbling down around you because I pointed out that someone made a fake website.

23309384? ago

Sauce would be nice.

23309504? ago

A little intellectual curiosity would be nice. Good chance to practice "researching"

23309101? ago

Tell that to Q, retard.

23309225? ago

LOL Don't be so sensitive. Makes you sound like a faggot.

The site was widely discussed, on numerous forums, on the internet and the consensus was that the site itself was bullshit. I think it ended up being some kind of vegan activist project, or something like that. That doesn't mean there aren't sick fucks out there eating people, though. It's just one site. Apparently one that is bullshit.

Seriously. Don't be so sensitive. Try using your words to have a discussion like an adult next time.

23309525? ago

A bunch of people online said it was fake so, that makes them right?? Prove it. Saying something doesn't make it so.

Prove it!!!!

23309694? ago

Well, for one, you can't prove it's real, so there's that. Or are you just holding back relevant info? Yeah, didn't think so.

Aside from that, the website hasn't changed in years, since it was found. Same menu, same "events", same stock photos, same "staff" that aren't real people. A quick search should provide you with all the info people found.

Why so sensitive? I'm just pointing out what a lot of other people already found by doing their own research. Don't be such a bitch about it.

23309778? ago

You made the original claim. I have nothing to prove. Throwing it back in my face is what fake assholes do when they have nothing. You can't prove it. Fuck off!!

23310350? ago

The website hasn't been updated in years.

None of the "staff" names turned up anything in searches.

The only real name on it is under the "events" menu. It's the name of a musician who is supposed to be playing there "this month". It hasn't changed in years.

The food menu has never changed.

All the photos are stock photos, meaning they're not real.

Do you really think that if such a cannibal club existed that they would make an easily found website called "cannibal club", include an actual menu (that never changes)/fake photos, and an events tab that never changes?

Really? You really think that's how that works?

Like I've said, the website being bullshit doesn't mean that such "clubs" don't exist and maybe that was the point of Q's post.

So, tell me, what specifically about that website leads you to conclude that it's legit? What evidence tells you that it's a real website for a real location? I'm not asking about evidence of elite cannibals, I'm asking specifically about that website.