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23305428? ago - "theyve known for decades Chloroquine is a 'potent inhibitor' of the flu" - the 3rd picture, it tells you about the effect of Chloroquine at raising the ph of the body and what effect this in turn have, keep this in mind as this is what will make everything else i write crystal clear. - i made this post a almost a month ago, here i have collected for you some information regarding the human body and how to heal and reverse any kind of 'disease'. i will give you the TLDR (everything pointed here will have an explanation - so i recommend investing 50 minutes of your time and watch these videos, you will not be disappointed. please take in consideration that i took the time to write this essay out of direct experience of few years):

- what is the problem? the lymphatic system (or the body main immune system/sewer system), the average person have a dehydrated and clogged lymphatic system causing the body inability of effectively removing both digestion waste and its own metabolic waste. said waste is backing off to the same cells that create it, causing the over acidification of the body which translates to calcium 'leakage' out of tissues and bones (body steals alkaline chemistry to neutralize the acids), causes weakness of the tissue, breakdown of the tissue, weakening of the cell and eventually the breakdown of the cell, on top of the inability to regenerate.

- how did we get here? centuries of improper food eating (high protein, meat, beans, grains, starches and cooked food - all mucus forming, highly acidic food, and we are not even talking about ultra processed products like sodas and the like with average ph of 2.7), mucus forming food which burden your metabolic waste filtration mechanisms (metabolism byproducts 3ph acids -> goes to the lymph nodes where the waste is acted upon by bacteria and raise the ph of the waste to about 6 (less acid = more alkaline) -> through muscle contraction and relaxation the lymphatic fluid is 'supposed' to be pumped to the 3 kidneys (2 actual kidneys, 1 entire skin) -> removed to the outside world either through transpiration or urine), which in turn causes the over saturation of acids at the kidneys, causes kidney breakdown and less and less waste filtration, from this point waste (again this is acidic) is starting to back up in the system (kinda like having a blockage in the toilet and trying to flush again and again). Kidney breakdown -> adrenal glands breakdown (gee i wonder why they need the blood of YOUNG KIDS), which sit directly on top of your kidneys and they also control them, they also produce your neurotransmitters which is basically your nervous system, they also produce your adrenal steroids and hormones which without them, even if you are able to somehow absorb nutrients through your compromised bowels and digestion system, you wont be able to utilize said nutrients (remember the 4 keys: Digestion, Absorption, Utilization and Elimination. each is critical for the proper functioning of the human body). after the adrenals are down, everything else (the other glands and sub systems) will go down one way or the other, either via hormone imbalance, direct tissue breakdown caused by the over acidification of the body due to the inability of removing waste, the overburden of the other system trying to stabilize the system(more activity, more waste, more acid, gland activity goes hyper and then hypo - shutting down), etc. long story short people weakened their body -> their kids inherited their weaknesses (state of under functioning of the glands, mother is clogged lymphatically -> baby is trying to eliminate to 'outside' world -> no can do -> acidification of the body early on) -> they continued with same lifestyle -> their kids inherited even weaker bodies -> last century people started having kids at theirs 30s and 40s -> their kids got even weaker bodies to begin with -> we are here (at a point that the average human genetic is so weak that its questionable that people would be even able to give birth in few generations (unless you start and turn this around ofc)).

- how do we turn this around? 'simple', battle your demons and set the course to as clean as possible way of eating, focus (hey you dont have to be perfect, so relax) on RAW, PROPERLY RAISED, RIPE PICKED, ALKALINE FRUITS (no pineapple for example)(remember that most of what you consider as veggies are also fruits eg. cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, etc), which is a high electric, high anti-oxidant, high nutrition, high amino acids (no need to break acidic foreign protein), enzyme rich, electrolyte rich HYDRATING diet. you cook them -> you can forget about all of that (bye bye all the nutrition, bye bye all the enzymes, hello acids). this diet will be effortless and super quick to digest (already enzyme rich, your body barely needs to do anything to break that down), it will bring electrolytes and hydration back into the body (raise overall ph level), it will de-coagulate your acidic lymphatic system and get your lymphatic fluids to flow again, you basically reverse your condition. it will require of you to learn tools of how to accelerate or slow down your healing, it will require of you to learn to properly chew, to not over eat, what to mix and not to mix in the same meal (otherwise you will have improper digestion, which will not only slow down digestion, it will introduce toxic byproducts like alcohol), it will require you to have self discipline. now you can still eat the best you can, and you will find thats really enough to be healthy, BUT, if you want to see even greater states of operation, even greater health and youthfulness you will need to address your genetic weaknesses (under functioning of the cells and glands)(some of the younger people here will need to address this right on), there are 2 ways i know of of how to achieve this out of direct experience - 1. herbs, from god with love (remember that all pharmaceuticals are either an extract of a plant or a synthetic which is suppose to mimic - always harmful since they lack the synergistic and balancing action of all the other 'unimportant' elements of the plant). 2. kriya yoga - through the different kiryas, you can search for example 'adrenal gland kriya'.

  • please note: yes there are many other ways of damaging the body(vaccines, radiation, trauma, etc, etc ,etc), but please remember the basic principle that no matter what the damage is, in order to repair something, first you need to clean or remove the damaged parts, only then you start to rebuild. since most people fail at the cleaning part, they never get to see the rebuilding part. also remember that the western medical apparatus is only treating symptoms by suppressing immune response, they never fix the underlying issues.

we can continue like this for books upon books, i suggest you learn the basic, since that really all that matters - it will work even if you dont fully understand - the basic is: you eat live food, you will be more alive then ever, you eat dead food, dont expect to be anything else. it will not be a simple journey, yes you will be tested at every corner, all your hidden demons will be revealed, you will battle them, so be prepared. the end though, you will like. i think you will find freedom of a kind you didnt experience for a long time :)

23316418? ago

Excellent thank you for sharing.

It’s amazing what we are learning from all this.

More on the topic of us already having much better treatments for cancer with Hydroxychloroquine (and other antimalaria drugs):


This is why Chloroquine has become part of many clinical trials, in combination with chemotherapy and other form of cancer treatments. The results are promising: “The results are very encouraging — striking, even says senior author Ravi Amaravadi, MD, an assistant professor of Medicine at Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center. Temsirolimus by itself has little effect in this patient population. Tumors laugh at it, with response percentages of just zero to 5 percent. But by combining it with hydroxychloroquine, we found that 14 out of 21 patients had stable disease after treatment, including five out of six melanoma patients.”

Update April 22nd 2018: Another anti-malaria drug called Amodiaquine, seems to be even more effective than Chloroquine/ Hydroxychloroquine

Update August 1st 2019: Due to it’s antithrombotic, vascular protective, immunomodulatory, improved glucose tolerance, lipidlowering and anti-infectious activity, Hydroxychloroquine will be used in French hospitals to possibly induce prevention of recurrent miscarriage (Ref.).

Update March 12th, 2020: Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be effective against Coronavirus.