This happened to me as soon as I hit puberty and changed schools from private to public. Early 1980s. Wasn't until I was in my early 30s that I started questioning things.
I actually laughed really hard at the title thinking there'd be a massive rant, not a picture. Glad it didn't happen but kinda wished it did just to see what you had to say
She’s got a black boyfriend and another “non-bianary” girl friend. They are all in a polyamorous relationship. Obviously she hates Christ and our President after attending Baylor and SMU. We are going to cut her off financially until she agrees to go to a Christian intervention camp and vote for Republicans
It's easy to put this on an individual level "Shitty parents make shitty adults".
But that's only half of the truth.
Ask all the divorced fathers who aren't even allowed to have positive influence on their children but have to sit there and watch them being raised by their mother and her new partner.
Yep. Society trashes men for not "manning up" and being "manchildren."
However, it is girls brainwashed by feminism that choose meatheads, jerks, losers, degenerates to fuck, and when said loser(s) ("but he was hawwwt!") give her a couple crotch goblins and splits, she cries to the heavens "where are all the good men?"
The problem nowadays is female. Women initiate at least 70% of divorces, and now more than ever fuck the loser or divorce-rape the good man that provided a safe, stable home ("but that's booooring. REEEEE.")
In my experience the so-called "Christian" schools are the worst.
Satan has infiltrated the church and Christian establishment quite well, and the worst of it is the so-called "Christians" welcomed him with open arms.
The enemy infiltrates Christianity wherever it can. Gotta look at the staff and the bluebooks for whatever major. They have to show off they require social Marxist poison.
Too late I suppose. Sjw women can flip back, if you have any influence radio314 is a good path back to sanity for women. Lana knows what women need to hear and what buttons to push.
Women need the firm pimp hand of a strong father, brother, boyfriend, husband. They are easily influenced and molded by their nature as born go-along-to-get-along social conformists.
You should introduce her to the difference between thinking for oneself and being BRAINWASHED. Also "acceptance" is NOT the goal in life. Popular is almost ALWAYS evil.
Shitty parents make shitty adults. Keeping a kid oppressed and in line is one thing, giving a child the tools to be a successful adult is is something else.
Honestly is it even possible to raise a good daughter these days? I have a son and I am raising him well on my own but I'm glad I don't have a daughter.
23316644? ago
Could someone explain the train of thought that lead people to this idea of showering being sexist?
23308454? ago
You must be a really shitty parent.
23320907? ago
23307428? ago
"Because you're an idiot." - Heather
23305429? ago
And it only cost you $80 K in tuition, dorm, and books.
23307476? ago
I should have just left it in the S&P500
23304483? ago
Why would anybody send their children into a re-education center willingly?
23304363? ago
Women are flock creatures. They go with the flow. And guess who sets the flow in Uni?
23305074? ago
This reads like a menstural cup commercial.
23303873? ago
Gee, maybe christian abstenance only education is out of touch with reality and rarely survives contact with the real world?
23303085? ago
This happened to me as soon as I hit puberty and changed schools from private to public. Early 1980s. Wasn't until I was in my early 30s that I started questioning things.
23302157? ago
Lol your daughter didn’t leave for a college a virgin you naive parent
23320872? ago
23301907? ago
Weak minded, no sense of self. Common genetic flaw. Unfortunate.
23301406? ago
LOL I love how they made her look like Hilldawg at the end.
23301426? ago
Thanks. I’m a graphic designer. Toying with the idea of doing some Q political cartoons on the side.
23301312? ago
I actually laughed really hard at the title thinking there'd be a massive rant, not a picture. Glad it didn't happen but kinda wished it did just to see what you had to say
23301352? ago
She’s got a black boyfriend and another “non-bianary” girl friend. They are all in a polyamorous relationship. Obviously she hates Christ and our President after attending Baylor and SMU. We are going to cut her off financially until she agrees to go to a Christian intervention camp and vote for Republicans
23308046? ago
"How DARE you judge her! Only God can judge this strong, independent woman.....REEEEEEEEEEEE!"
23301764? ago
Obvious troll is obvious.
23302422? ago
And yet this is on the front page. QTards will upvoat anything
23301152? ago
It's easy to put this on an individual level "Shitty parents make shitty adults".
But that's only half of the truth.
Ask all the divorced fathers who aren't even allowed to have positive influence on their children but have to sit there and watch them being raised by their mother and her new partner.
It's a problem of our societies!
23307985? ago
Yep. Society trashes men for not "manning up" and being "manchildren."
However, it is girls brainwashed by feminism that choose meatheads, jerks, losers, degenerates to fuck, and when said loser(s) ("but he was hawwwt!") give her a couple crotch goblins and splits, she cries to the heavens "where are all the good men?"
The problem nowadays is female. Women initiate at least 70% of divorces, and now more than ever fuck the loser or divorce-rape the good man that provided a safe, stable home ("but that's booooring. REEEEE.")
23301071? ago
Sad what our 'education' colleges are doing to our children. It is all leftist communist propaganda and MKUltra-like instruction.
23300923? ago
Shitty parents not keeping up with their kid's education and letting the State be the sole educators is how this happens.
23300987? ago
We live in Texas, I just learned our state Republican Party is against teaching critical thinking skills in highschool
23308060? ago
That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Libtard troll....begone!
23308117? ago
Ohh no. I hope you’re not a fellow Texan.
23300684? ago
Do your research don't go to a kike school, no kike professors or mandatory social Marxism classes.
If you're European a kike professor will go out of their way to mark you down. Many such cases.
23300733? ago
She went to Southern Methodist University and Baylor. Sadly we thought they were Christian schools.
23308083? ago
In my experience the so-called "Christian" schools are the worst.
Satan has infiltrated the church and Christian establishment quite well, and the worst of it is the so-called "Christians" welcomed him with open arms.
23300937? ago
The enemy infiltrates Christianity wherever it can. Gotta look at the staff and the bluebooks for whatever major. They have to show off they require social Marxist poison.
Too late I suppose. Sjw women can flip back, if you have any influence radio314 is a good path back to sanity for women. Lana knows what women need to hear and what buttons to push.
Good luck brother
23300677? ago
Women need the firm pimp hand of a strong father, brother, boyfriend, husband. They are easily influenced and molded by their nature as born go-along-to-get-along social conformists.
23308105? ago
Stop making sense! REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Watch the Christthots, tradthots and born again virgins shame and downvote you to oblivion.
23300607? ago
You should introduce her to the difference between thinking for oneself and being BRAINWASHED. Also "acceptance" is NOT the goal in life. Popular is almost ALWAYS evil.
23300879? ago
Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)
23355756? ago
We are NOT in this together is the BIGGEST BEST lesson you could TEACH her. Good and evil EXISTS and you MUST choose one or the other.
23301291? ago
23300621? ago
We live in TX, unfortunately the Republican Party here is against teaching critics thinking skills in highschool
23355767? ago
Evil is everywhere. That's why it's most helpful if you are a genius.
23312008? ago
Because the bible
23307917? ago
Yeah, it's the fault of the Republican Party, despite that education is controlled by the left in America.
23307955? ago
I’m just speaking to critical thinking skills in general, in highschool
23300524? ago
23302250? ago
Film it and make some money
23301922? ago
That’s sad. Having had the courage to admit it, I will pray for you...and her.
23301328? ago
23300419? ago
Women should marry right after they reach high school graduate status. None of this career or college bullshit.
23300515? ago
High school is just as bad as college. Quit deluding yourself, your daughter wasn't a virgin when she left for college.
23300272? ago
See all Wins of the Day
Latest Wins of the Day (April 7th)
23300342? ago
Quit posting old news
23300209? ago
Shitty parents make shitty adults. Keeping a kid oppressed and in line is one thing, giving a child the tools to be a successful adult is is something else.
Burn it with fire and start anew.
23307698? ago
Honestly is it even possible to raise a good daughter these days? I have a son and I am raising him well on my own but I'm glad I don't have a daughter.
23312930? ago
They're gonna tear him apart.
Warn him.
23301347? ago
the sub?
23307457? ago
Holy shit that’s hilarious
23305578? ago
23300171? ago
Admitting you failed as a parent is the first step.
23301366? ago
the sane ones?