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23334997? ago

As viruses are produced by cells to detox the body (you can't "catch" a virus) it seems one might look at how this particular virus is caused to be triggered and produced by the cell. The virus appears real, but what is that mechanism.

Thinking out loud....

23335874? ago

I think there is a bad cold/flu going around that, in some, transitions into pneumonia. But I don’t think there is a “corona virus”. In old texts “corona” is the name given to the common cold virus.

As viruses are produced by cells to detox the body...

Never heard of this. Where did you learn of it?

If we can’t “catch” the virus, makes all the mask-wearing even more ridiculous, yes?

There may be some merit to activation by specific electromagnetic frequencies.

23341153? ago

Can't find the video that explains the virus phenomena. Got scrubbed from youtube. Imagine that. I'll keep looking and get back if I find a link.

Yes, wearing masks is useless given this.

Activation by frequencies highly likely.....

23341206? ago

Imagine that. Tks Anon.

23349559? ago

Here's the Australian AP "fact checking" and discrediting the video:

Haven't yet found a link.

23349939? ago

I have been suspicious of “germ theory” of disease for quite awhile now. I think the chemicals used to kill germs are far more deadly. But it goes against the narrative so researchers can’t publish. I followed some of the links in this link. Found the scrubbed vid, but only found vids that were political.

Well I will look for this idea. Am very interested. Thanks for pointing it out. Post here if you do run across something.

23354120? ago

23366693? ago

Many thanks. This makes a lot of sense. And points back to toxic chemicals as a major contributor to disease. Which I have long suspected. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and taking the time to dig for it. I see the shills jumped on that post and it didn’t get much traction.

23366810? ago

You're welcome.

New paradigm to consider strongly.

We've been pretty much lied to about everything.

Great Awakening.

23375889? ago

I looked this guy up. AAJONUS VONDERPLANITZ

They killed him. 2013.

23375986? ago

Fell off of a balcony.
