23295147? ago

Op is a fucking retard

5g has a high frequency band, that means SHORT RANGE.


The fucking physics of this universe just don't work that way.

The point of 5g is you need LOTS of transmitters because the signal doesn't carry far because of its frequency.

Please learn basic fucking physics before you open your retarded fucking obese boomer cake hole.

23296814? ago

Try understanding wtf you are talking about before you embarrass yourself.

Youve obviously done no research and dont understand phased array antennas.


Please learn basic fucking tech involved and do an ounce of research before you look like an absolute fucking retard whos mother pumped you so full of vaccines you became autistic. Now go flap in the corner.

23295847? ago

they are for sat phones so everyone can be tracked everywhere. wierd sense i dont believe that tech works the way they say. plus math says they are also lying on the number of sat put into space.

23294401? ago

Not this shit again!!!! Fuck off with your retarded 5G conspiracy!

23293075? ago

The storm.... could it be Cytokine Storm (from 5G)

and something about this old drop... seems relevant with what's going on.

maybe not. I don't know. I'm tired. lol

Really old drop: #38


2 Nov 2017 - 1:48:52 AM

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

Note increased military movement.

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

Note false flags.

Follow Huma.

Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

23291702? ago

This was probably preplanned and intended to happen under a Hillary presidency with hoarded and hidden masks, fake test results, and mass death. Tanking the economy at the same time. Genius. Evil, but genius.

23291587? ago

This is def. lining up with this doc is saying:


23291535? ago

Bro David Icke is a fucking idiot

23292298? ago

Nah, he's the man.

23292131? ago

and how many books have you sold worldwide?

23292361? ago

That is an indication that DI is, in fact, controlled opposition. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make or refutation you're trying to make by arguing the number of books he has sold is so high...

23293487? ago

You called him an idiot... idiots dont write and sell books do they! Now controlled op. probably ;-) He did work for the BBC.

23293620? ago

I called him no such thing. I'm not OP.

23291441? ago

Why no mention of 5G in any Q drops?

Just not understanding why the silence on this.

23293234? ago

So funny how even after years you still don't know what Q is talking about.lol

23292223? ago

it's code "Corona"="Musk Satellites"...got to put some gematria to it and cipher a bit

23292528? ago

Can you please show us your workings (methodology) to arrive at this gematria outcome?

23293001? ago

""Musk Satellites"=186 "corona" = 66 186-66 =120 In Jewish simple this bring in "Ray's birth"(120) and "Jerome" (66) where "186 is code for "cannabis ruderalis herb" while "corona" /66 ="moloch"= "freedom"...all pretty straight forward but still try'n to figure out who Ray is, kno what I mean?

23293043? ago

P.s. - Ray equals the Rays of Light of the Lord God Almighty. That bit I know for sure.

23293179? ago

Cool...like "Ra" "Y". Sun worshipers plus "white rabbit". I think you are on to something there.

23293026? ago

Cool, awesome bro. I will look at it deeply for my own education. Thanks.

Kindest regards,


23295982? ago


tie=aqua follow the water < aQua is spanish for water

The color turquoise has healing properties that affects the mind and the body. Turquoise is believed to help neutralize over acidity, increase growth and muscular strength, and alleviate gout, stomach problems, viral infections, rheumatism. Turquoise also is believed to be an anti-inflammatory that also helps to enhance communication skills, and calm the mind and body.

acidity = ph in gout nothing to see here no parasites!!!!!

23296209? ago

Was the WH lit blue or turquoise recently?

23296193? ago

"Ivermectin is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug also shown to be effective in vitro against viruses including HIV, dengue and influenza".

Now that bit's interdasting.

23303762? ago

Especially sense cv is a parasite

23306415? ago

And the Gematria of "Light at the end of the tunnel", which POTUS has been using to send messages: >

"Light At The End Of The Tunnel" - POTUS Sending Coded Comms.


23293128? ago

The psychological benefits of not relying on welfare is immense

23293535? ago

That's true, provided there is actually work available for people to engage in.

23294679? ago

another conditional truth