23285055? ago

He's also best buds with Fauci it would seem. So to take that thought a step further......

23281701? ago

Say it ain't so

23280276? ago

just throwing this out there cause i'm bored; the name "donald" means "world leader." "trump" means: "(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led."

"bill" (derivative of "william") means: "resolute protection" and "gates," we all know what gates mean.

Donald Trump = World leader who trumps all (specifically as a surprise to everyone) (Jared Kushner called him a "black swan")

Bill Gates - "Resolute protection of the gates," whether it's gates of knowledge... gates of hell * cough * ...

23280227? ago

How many times did he fly on Lolita Express?

23279558? ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002

23280215? ago

But then Trump ditched EpSTEIN.

But the liberal friends of Eppy boy? They stayed with him.

23280186? ago

"It is even said..."

That doesn't sound like a man that KNOWS, only a man that has heard things.

23279585? ago

after all that digging, you faggots have ONE public statement from Trump in 20 years lol

Trump notified Police about Epstein after kicking him out of Mar-a-lago ( they did nothing )

23279554? ago

It all starts and ends with the filthy Joo.

23279592? ago

name the JOO, faggot

his name is Bill Gates

23279038? ago

holding my breath for an arrest still ...... nothing

23279030? ago

Funny how Epstein's body language says "I'd rather not be touched by anyone here."

He looks downright uncomfortable with his company.

23278896? ago

The links between (((Epstein))) and (((MOSSAD))) are blatant.

We may never know how many of our powerful Silicon Valley CEOs and politicians became life-long Israeli puppets after their orgy island "pizza parties" were recorded by hidden cameras.

Gates may have become a MOSSAD puppet because he likes raping children.

23294351? ago

we do have a problem.JPG

I disagree

Trump Is The First Jewish President

Video 6 minutes at https://invidio.us/watch?v=-ue8qAHj69g


The First Jewish President. That's how some Jews see Donald Trump. People on the Left, not so much. Here's my take.


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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23294370? ago

All you kikes do is lie.


23281992? ago

Old news. No one cares and no one will.

Just watch.

23278887? ago

Epstein told Gates who to fund.

23278813? ago

Upvoting picture I've seen a thousand times because: RAH RAH RAH!

Stale content, YEAH!!!! We need to drive these non-dullards away from /v/QRV!!!

23278634? ago

Yes BG was on Epstein’s plane,

Yes they met many times,

And Yes photos exist

23285070? ago

When do the photos of Fauci and Epstein come out?

23278632? ago

nytimes (dot) com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates (dot) html

He knew.

23280223? ago

Nikolic looks ex-military.

23278821? ago

And yeah, we knew.

And yeah, we knew last year.