23372227? ago

one dear friend died last weekend of confirmed Covid-19. he's in NY/NJ, and has the key vulnerabilities (diabetes, COPD, age) but is active - just returned from sporty vacation in Mexico with his wife. he had the best of care as his son is an ER doc - and a good one, known him since I was six, practically grew up together.

the Plan-demic IS bullshit, numbers are fake, but there is a bug out there and it does get those who are vulnerable. I don't buy into the bullshit, but i don't deny the deep state did launch a bioweapon. we don't know exactly why it is not as deadly as they hoped it would be. perhaps that was the plan, perhaps whitehats attenuated the weapon. I await with popcorn in hand.

23280298? ago

Eastern upstate here. We have a few cases and deaths but mostly city people who came north. Darn

23279317? ago

It's a hoax. CoronaVirus is the common cold. There is no deadly virus strain going around and I am pissed that Trump is not arresting and stopping the deep state Clowns pulling it off.

23279487? ago

I think the reality of it is Trump's circle is a lot smaller than people think. He has some really good people advising him but the deep state has had decades to embed themselves into every nook and cranny.

To be completely honest I see Q as more of a threat by those working with Trump than anything. A sort of "act strong when you're weak" tactic to keep the deep state on it's toes, while at the same time pointing people into the right direction for research.

"We have everything" being used to shake out the weak and hopefully get the ball rolling on flipping low hanging fruit in order to bring down big players... it's simply unrealistic that Trump would come in and be able to clean house like people seem to think. He's still a massive underdog

23276244? ago

And even if you did it's likely just the flu. I can't wait for this scam to fall apart.

23276190? ago

I do have a lot of family members in the medical profession (nurses and doctors in eastern PA) and have herd, second hand about 2 or 3 cases - but none these, as yet, have of led to serious consequences or death.

23276182? ago

Me either.

23275269? ago

I'm in NC and have yet to know or meet anyone who has been diagnosed with it. I've also not heard of anyone around me who knows someone with it.

23274678? ago

You should get out more often ? Meet people, make friends?

23274175? ago

Washing State here. My nephew is an ER doc in Snohomish County. He says it's really slow, but they are prepared for the predicted up tick. My niece in-law is a nurse in Gig Harbor. She says it's really slow as well. Washington just gave back 400 ventilators, and are considering mandatory masks. We are being sooooo played!

23274129? ago

You wouldnt 8000 people died mostly old. There are millions in NY isnt there. There is not likely the possibility you would. I live in the Toronto area and I dont know anyone who died but there are also millions here.

23274128? ago

Hey New Yorkers, email and call the lame ass governor to tell him to allow hydroxychloroquine.

He must have donors that will make bank when Bill Gates' vaccine go to market.

23274107? ago

I too live in the same area (blue cheese NOT ranch, thank you very much!) and personally do not know anyone with it either.

23274061? ago

Talked to other anons on this board who personally know of people who have gotten sick and know of someone who died. I have known these anons long enough to know they are not shills and they would have no reason to lie to me. So, there are people who are sick - but it is not as widespread as the media is putting forth. A good military operation is when you cannot tell what is going on - especially the enemy.

This was a plandemic that went off the rails for the DS. They have no choice but to run with the plan they had. There are too many moving pieces, years in the making, to change the plan now. That is why we are seeing the discrepancies. I personally believe we were given a less virulent form of this "agent" than what was originally planned to be released. But what can the DS do now? The secret is out. We have the cure - HCQ and Zpak. The DS plan to destroy us blew up in their face. However, be aware that there are real people who are really sick. Just be thankful you don't know anyone. That, is a blessing.

23276206? ago

so you, an anon, talked to some anons who knew some anonymous people somewhere who got sick. Dude. great sauce.

23277340? ago

That is why we are called anons. I will not doxx other anons on this board who have told me their experiences. If they want to come forward with the information than that is their choice. All I can say is I am not a shill and neither are they. We are working hard trying to get to the bottom of this. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical. I hope the links I provided give you some information.

I am in medicine. This is not a hoax. We are dealing with a real health problem that in some places is causing a crisis. Consider yourself lucky you do not know anyone that is sick. Anyway, there are sick people out there - just not the numbers the media are hyping. I do not trust the news or the government. I get my information from the real doctors on the front lines. They are most certainly not taking this as some kind of joke. We are dealing with a plandemic caused by a engineered bioweapon. It was supposed to be much worse than what is is. We should consider ourselves blessed that we did not get hit with what the DS had originally planned. Their plan of destruction was derailed and now they are going to look stupid thanks to POTUS and company - but, that does not mean there is not COVID. It just may not be what we thought - we are still working on that. But Plaquenil and Zpak are the cure.

This is a legit doctor with a track record in New York. Dr. Arabia D. Mollette MD is a emergency physician in Newark, NJ. She is licensed to practice by the state board in New York (281186-1).


Just to show that Dr. Arabia Mollette has been around a while, here is another article: https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/offbeat-er-doctor-bronx-rose-tragedy-article-1.3016960


She even has a podcast: https://www.drarabiamollette.com/thevisitpodcast

This is another "real" doctor giving an interview in a non news setting within the industry. Dr. Mangala Narasimhan DO, a pulmonary and critical care specialist from Long Island Jewish Medical Center, part of Northwell Health in Long Island, New York. Dr. Narasimhan, DO is a practicing Pulmonary Disease Specialist in New Hyde Park, NY. Dr. Narasimhan graduated from Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1999 and has been in practice for 20 years. Dr. Narasimhan also specializes in Internal Medicine. She currently practices at North Shore University Hospital Pulmonary Medicine and is affiliated with Long Island Jewish Medical Center Northwell Health. Dr. Narasimhan is board certified in Critical Care Medicine; Internal Medicine; Pulmonary Disease; Sleep Medicine. Dr. Narasimhan also practices at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park, NY.


Do an internet search on her as well. She was not created yesterday. Here is an recent article for all the vapers out there: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/23/vaping-devices-under-scrutiny-outbreak-lung-illnesses-continue/4009350002/

Real footage, not fake news, of hospital in Italy


Enrico Storti is the Anesthesia and ICU Director/Unit Coordinator of the Emergency Department at Maggiore Hospital in Lodi, Italy. Lodi is located near Milan and the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Lodi was hit very hard by the pandemic, and Dr. Storti is on the frontlines treating patients and helping to contain the outbreak.


Doctor asking for help - possibly treating the wrong way - he would only be concerned if he really was treating patients. This is new information we are working with and it makes much more sense. We could be causing more harm than good with the current treatments.



23278621? ago

Hey, you know what's not fake and sauceless? vids of empty hospitals EVERYWHERE. Lol

23273976? ago

So I “know” 4 people now that have tested positive. They are my wife’s distant relatives, we see them once a year. I don’t doubt they tested positive, but I do doubt that they’re in any danger. 1 has recovered completely and is back at work, 1 got tested bc she had an altered sense of smell. Seriously. She tested positive. No other symptoms at all. The other 2 people in her house have zero symptoms at all, but also tested positive. We heard about that today

23277372? ago

Just anecdotal, but some physicians reported that some of their patients could not smell anything right before they actually became symptomatic. Thanks for responding. Many out there don't believe any of this.

23277616? ago

Yeah she read that online and then went to get tested when her smell was off for a couple days. But the test is only for a coronavirus ... which could literally mean she had a common cold. But as far as the test (or her) are concerned it’s “covid 19.” Her treatment is to rest at home and monitor her breathing lol. ... her uncle who “survived” just finished his 14 day quarantine. He said he was pretty much good after 3 days of sprite & crackers and then was back to normal ... so honestly have no idea wtf is going on, but I know people that tested positive haha

23277743? ago

That is why I said it was anecdotal. The problem lies in the fact that there was a real plandemic that was to be much worse than what we actually got hit with. There is much to this we are still trying to figure out. There are a lot of moving pieces to this so the DS can't back down now. They have to run with the script they already wrote. We should consider ourselves lucky when we don't know anyone who is sick or has died. Because that much is real - just not the numbers the government and the media are pumping out there. There are people who die. But, part of the problem may be that the treatment may actually be killing them.


23276101? ago

Here’s the thing. Were they tested for corona virus? If they were we would all be positive. Or were they tested only for covid 19. There’s a difference.

23277566? ago

Yeah, only corona virus. Trying to explain to my wife that’s kinda bullshit, as a positive coronavirus test could mean you have the common cold lol

23279679? ago


23276216? ago

Or is he just lying out his shill ass?

23277550? ago

No I’m not lying, get outta here with that lol. They were tested for coronavirus ... not specifically for covid 19 (I don’t think anyone in NJ is getting tested specifically) ... that’s why I believe all 4 of them are kinda bullshit. Most people at any given time would probably test positive for a coronavirus this time of year.

23278613? ago

Well, nigga, if you were not a shill, why not just say they tested positive for the fucking common cold in the first place?

23273950? ago

Me too. Central PA

23274589? ago

Shamokin here...

23275829? ago

Me too... I'm Shamokin in the land of Yuengling. Greetings neighbor!

23276014? ago

Haha!!! P-ville, my brother!!! My wife is a Cressonian...Good lookin' out, lager lover!!!

23280250? ago

I'm surrounded by the Q! Awesome!

23281223? ago

Lol...Keep red-pillin' the Skook, brother!!! I'm doing the same over here...Amazing how drowsy the normies can be...The one thing I know, though, if the fight goes hot, people like ours will be on the front lines!!! Coal Region proud!!! God bless!!!

23272840? ago

Same here in (WNY) Buffalo, NY But the sheep sure do have masks and gloves and move in fear. LOL

23273563? ago

WNYers Love trading their liberty for security. Biggest sheep population outside of Scotland.

23277578? ago

Absolutely. My entire sheep family is from WNY and check out preppernurse1 on YouTube. That douche bag is from there as well.

23274159? ago

As does any other majority blue city/town.state .... we aren't all sheep.

23272706? ago

Q Fever


Treatment for Q Fever


The ‘coincidence’ factor being dialed up to 11.

What picture is being painted?

23272676? ago

Upstate NY small small city, they say we have 20 cases! Hosiptal is bare and no one knows anyone with it.

23274607? ago

mid-hudson valley, same here. They have to "export" them from NYC to be able to say we have any. Total conjob.

23274397? ago

another small city but we do have 257 active cases, 29 hospitalized, 17 critical (local news)

23272490? ago

With 330,000,000 people in the us and 356,000 positive cases that's about 1 in a thousand that has tested positive so not knowing anyone is statistically valid unless you have more than 1000 friends. I personally think me and my mom had it in January. She was having trouble breathing and went by ambulance to the hospital. she is 72 and does dyalisys so high risk . They said she had pneumonia and thought maybe something viral. her oxygen levels were super low. They kept her for 2 weeks and put her on iv antibiotics and an antiviral med(not sure witch one) after 10 days in the hospital she got much better. (5 days after being put on antiviral ) The whole time she was in I was so tierd. i slept like 15 hours a day for like 10 days. I never felt sick just heavy and tired and sore. I thought the soreness was from being in bed so much. I started feeling great like 3 days before she came home. Once the VA has that antibody test to see if you had it i will go get it. My mom is panicked of this crap and i try to talk to her and tell her i think she already beet it but she believes the news that it wasn't here yet so she thinks she is still at risk..... I dont think she is

23277471? ago

that's about 1 in a thousand that has tested positive

Almost nobody has been tested. The vast majority are labeled as having Corona if they have similar symptoms. Nurses are saying that death certificates are being falsely labeled as Corona deaths because hospitals make more and it fits the scare narrative also.

She was having trouble breathing and went by ambulance to the hospital. she is 72 and does dyalisys so high risk . They said she had pneumonia and thought maybe something viral. her oxygen levels were super low.

You live near any 5G towers? It will zap your oxygen levels. This video is an eye opener.


23272265? ago

My Family is in Upstate/Central NY. The biggest concern is that there going to stop selling beer

23272159? ago

The only people dying are fats and niggers.

23273557? ago

That Sucks.... my inner child is a Fat Nigger. :(

23276231? ago


23273978? ago

That's some funny shit.

23272146? ago

Betcha every person the Left says died of coronavirus in the US will still have their names on their voter roles and will be found to have voted in November. You can figure out who they voted for.

23272145? ago

I know 2 people now who have caught it.

23276227? ago

no you don't.

23277919? ago

Yes I do

23278604? ago

ok, Bill Gates.

23281250? ago

people who know people who have caught the Chinese Virus are Bill Gates

OK, retard