23266243? ago

Several heinous attacks listed, all apparently unconnected, until the big reveal of the connective thread, which is prefaced with . . . it has been alleged.

This belongs on GodLikeProductions.

23266362? ago

Hinkley ran World Vision. His son shot Reagan. HW Bush was lifelong friends with John Hinkley Sr. Neil Bush and Hinkley's bro had dinner plans in Denver the day of the HIT on Reagan.


23266811? ago

It Has Been Alleged

Those are your words, dude. Not mine.

Why so reactive when I point out that your words poke holes in your story?

23267125? ago

My words?? that's text from a linked article and the relate specifically to CHAPMAN, not the facts about the Reagan hit I just listed.

You're a stupid fuck.

now, fuck off.

23267803? ago

My words?? No, faggot. Now fuck off.

Yes, your words typed by your hands to make your point in your thread.

Now followed by your personal attacks and your derision against a Patriot who exposed your shilly slide nonsense.

And no, I won’t go away. None of us will. This is our house. We built it. You are an interloper. We see you.

23267839? ago

you're a shitbag Jew

only a Jew could not hit the link provided ( with text ) and then engage in bullshit gaslighting


23265656? ago

AND ..................... you're point is???????????????????????????