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23258511? ago

It's the fog of war. If we can tell what's going on, so can the enemy. We are at a critical moment right now. There was never any way to take down the Cabal without risking everything, because it is so entrenched and so intertwined with the structures of power all over the damn planet. Personally, I think this was their last "Hail Mary" play. They had this in reserve as a fail-safe. Q took away their ability to launch rogue nukes earlier.

They may still have the ability to deliver an EMP, but if that happens, it's all over. That destroys them as well as us. It ends the Republic, but the backlash ends them as well. It would be a conflagration, domestically as well as internationally. Q is the one chance to take them down covertly, without the public going into mass panic or full-blown rebellion. If it doesn't work, that's where this goes next. For now, all we can do is pray and prepare.

Get your heart right with God. It's probably too late to get extra food, water, and ammo, but do what you can. Most of all, pray. If we are a repentant people, God can deliver us from bondage. If we don't repent, he will let us perish according to our own strength or weakness. With his help, we can prevail.