23264685? ago

nobody knows that is really happening if anything at all.

23264292? ago

Fox is a jew organization. Jews do not seek to make "OUR MAN" look good.

23263650? ago

Everyone is lying


23263567? ago

3 Days Of Darkness is the title of a book, about rescuing children. Notice DARKNESS is misspelled DARN KESS in Q post regarding 10 days of darkness. (post 97). Misspellings matter. So we look up days of darkness and get the book title. Seems like conformation that this is about pulling the children out of the Deep state darkness DUMBS. The white hat military is blowing the underground prisons to smithereens right now. It is all about rescuing the children. Then, the arrests, as the evil ones deeds will be UNDENIABLE.

23262778? ago

from: doglegwarrior

who is being protected from pretty much everyone and taking no blame by anyone except about 50% of us on voat.

its the fucking JEWS!

23262741? ago

Everyone except Trump: Or Trump is lying and we are really screwed...

I think they are clearly monitoring our response for better or for worse in the future.

The MSM definitely wants blow out numbers on fear and to make PoTus look bad: people are dying, for sure, but they tend to be older with multiple issues...

23263097? ago

Trump was also downplaying this. The left is crazy using that as a thing against him too. We can say he didn’t know but if he’s buddy buddy with the Chinese like he says he is, he would have known.

Now I’m not saying that all lies are unnecessary but he is also lying.

23262936? ago

Not true. As I posted in a response here earlier. Nurse friend had 3 colleagues who work in icu die in the last two weeks. They’re between 29 and 35. Were healthy.

23266274? ago

Very Sorry

23262728? ago

A test to see if we’re afraid. Fear God only. A ton of cucks have failed the test.

23262941? ago

I don’t fear God. I love God.

23262659? ago

https : // threadreaderapp.com/thread/1245529316882026497.html

23262508? ago

Thank you. Yes. This is exactly my experience. I even have a friend who is a doctor in S. Korea and a colleague (American) who just returned from China. Yes. The virus is real and people are dying. And many hospitals are empty too. And there’s lots of shilling and disinfo and fake habbenings everywhere. I can’t tell if we’ve been had or the damn is about to break.

Tons of accounts I follow on twitter either went full habbening retard or full TDS shill. I feel like i just got ambushed in an all out info war and I have no gun. All I can do is hide in this ditch until the shooting stops. Then I can stick my head out and see WTF actually happened.

23262943? ago

That’s basically it friend.

23262439? ago

Just remember this: your libtard friends deliberately embrace lies, they will NOT accept the Truth if it goes against what they want to believe. No matter what POTUS does, they twist it so he canNOT win; he's always wrong; always malignant; and always evil based on NO evidence but heavily-edited, two minute cable news clips.Their opinions mean literally nothing as they willfully choose to know less than nothing.

Not everyone is lying; the Left and all its allies are lying, and are leaving everyone else in their literally-damned wake confused. Look at all alternative sources, use logic, draw your own conclusions. Above all, avoid liberal "friends" at all costs -- no one will destroy you faster than a Leftist.

23262951? ago

Listen, I saw the same headline from the NYT used on tucker and Waters in the last two days. It was something like “who says it’s dangerous to travel to China”. They were using it to slam NYT. Here’s the kicker: it’s an opinion piece.

Everyone is lying.

23262079? ago

Always look at the pending cases vs new cases daily. The new daily increase in cases will be more than the pending cases. That seems odd!

By my wife works in the hospital in Phx and it is extremely slow. There is some cases in the hospital, she is assuming less than 10. No visitors are allowed in. There is very few surgeries and only long term care patients, covid patients allowed, and some emergencies. She did see some people on ventilators in there.

23262044? ago

Concern Trolling 101

23261526? ago

The only thing that makes any sense to me for this level of preparedness is if they are expecting stuff to do with Comet Atlas hitting earth...

23261464? ago

Nobody really knows, everybody is guessing.....

23261113? ago

Everyone is lying.

This is the key -- and blatantly obvious at this point -- observation. Act accordingly. And remember, it is better to fight to the death, if necessary, than to fall into the hands of the enemies of mankind

23260897? ago

The number of dead in China is very scary but not as high as 20M. If you want to know more about the virus perhaps is good to learn about China France Foundation

23261832? ago

I know about it.

23260389? ago

Mental gymnastics. My head PHYSICALLY hurts sometimes from all the conflicting info and trying to piece together something that makes sense. I also have 2 people that work in the health industry that tell me I'm nuts for believing that the hospitals are busy as shit and it's real. After I've watched videos online saying/showing otherwise. But they are both "not trump supporters" to say it nicely. Brainwashed enough to buy the narrative even though they have first hand knowledge? The hospitals are Being told by CDC to class everything that's not a gunshot wound or car crash as covid. I'm sure that reverberates through the hospitals with only the cornoners and higher ups having knowledge. I can understand why the whitehats would want some confusion, but its exhausting.

23260446? ago

It is. It blows my brains up. Glad someone else here knows a medical staffer. Talking to them and it’s the sky is falling for real!

23260548? ago

Yeah. It's the hardest piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit anywhere. Untill I read today that the CDC was I instructing hospitals to class as much as possible to covid. It will make it seem like much more of a crisis to anyone not in the loop. The interesting part will be when stats come out for these other diseases and viruses and causes of death have magically plummeted. I've already seen charts for pneumonia

23261848? ago

Just like measles. It’s magically gone.

23260371? ago

Nothing has happened. Q is a larp and tricked millions into being complacent. And now look at the situation we're in. The globalists have tricked all of the world to stay inside and get vaccinated and get in line for food and mail-in voting so they can control all votes and who knows what else they're ready to do next. Ya'll are fucking stupid for believing in this Q shit and you only have yourselves to blame for this

23260477? ago

You’re literally retarded. No vaccine for at least a year. At least. I’m on a long leash here for a year, for a non mandated vaccine.

And and and D’artanian, wtf would you (or have you) been doing otherwise? Since you’re not on the Q larp train....

I love you faggots. “Muh you’re all complacent because of Q.” While you... are... doing... what... exactly.

Fuck the fuck off.

23260276? ago

A Deep Sate Hail Mary/ OCCULT Spell Casting

23259963? ago

Check out this website Whatdoesitmean.com. It is a different take on what is going on and seems to make a lot of sense. This perspective appears to come from within the Russian intelligence community.

23260242? ago

I trust nothing from Russia. They’re like China as far as I’m concerned. He just bent rules to be emperor for - basically - as long as wants. He is KGB. That’s Russian intelligence. FYI. Lol. Don’t trust them.

23259958? ago

Trump rarely said anything about the actual virus he doesnt even wear a mask. He calls it silent killer or enemy or something thats why people believe they are rescuing the children.

23260189? ago

I’ve watched every single news briefing to date. He calls it a virus a lot.

23259828? ago

don't worry so much, either you trust the patriots or you don't it's as simple as that. Gorging on Youtube fear porn will not change anything, Q said ENJOY the show, not "watch the show and panic if I don't keep posting."

23260200? ago

Literally not panicking at all. Mind wants answers tho.

23260583? ago

Patience is our friend in this.

It has been since first "trust the plan".

Why trip out now?

We are deep in the red zone.

Our guys are sharp as tacks.

Their guys look like Johnny Depp without makeup.

POTUS got this.

23260452? ago

You want answers? You want answers?

23260510? ago

Colonel, what are you gonna say now?

Come on...

23260571? ago

Son we live in a world of walls.

23260752? ago


23259799? ago

I don't know. It's fuckin bizarre. It makes me angry at the world how willfully ignorant, gullible, and easily manipulated people are.

23259678? ago

"My liberal friends freaking out that Fox etc will say anything to make him look good while people are dying."

Are you shitting me? And you agree that they have a point? Are you literally blind? Trump is excoriated daily be the MSM and they're worried about one outlier (Fox)? What the ever-lovin' hell?! You ought to be up their ass about that. Oh and about the "people are dying". Look up who rang alarm bells early vs. who didn't.

23260222? ago

My friends beef was with Hannity specifically. He probably said something someone from msm quoted so my friend reiterated it. I can literally not watch the news, call them and find out what the msm is telling everyone. Lol.

23259473? ago

You can just never be sure. For all we know, the deepstate could have the white hats by the balls. The white hats could be stalling while they figure out wtf to do. The deepstate could have an ace up their sleeve.

We've all been super optimistic and have trusted the plan, but I really hope we figure out an alternative plan just in case Q's doesn't work. Think about how fucked we'll be if the white hats lose. We really don't have the normies yet. They'll gladly accept the mark of the beast with open arms!

23259725? ago

Ha ha ha my thoughts exactly. There will be a civil war is my guess. It will lead to the breakup of the union. The various pieces fighting against each other...

23259341? ago

Jefferson, Huge hospital here in NJ ;. 12 patients for covid. Most being released for home quarantine shortly. It's a complete fabrication.... But why?

23259383? ago

Exactly. Why? How close is Jefferson to NYC? I can’t remember anymore.

23266367? ago

45 miles or so

23259431? ago

Well there are many branches of Jefferson, but mine is about 2 hours away from NY. This demon state is pumping up the numbers but there is truly nothing to see here. In fact I'm going back to work Monday

23259286? ago

I'm certain of one, and only one thing about this. There's going to be a global economic reset, the likes of which this world has never seen before. There's no going back to the old system. Nothing can be done to resuscitate it. NOTHING.

Many take that as fearful, but I think of it as a blessing and a chance for a level, FAIR playing field for the first time in millennia.

In short, the future "economy" is going to be considerably different. It will the individual opinion of each as to whether it's "better" or "worse" than what we had before.

Because of this, I think the entire plandemic was carefully orchestrated a long time ago (since at least the beginning of the REPO market bailouts around 9/14/19) and all parties are playing their parts accordingly, whether "in the know" or not.

The rest of what people are speculating remains to be seen. A lot of it is starting to make sense, but it's hard to believe it will be exposed in the raw to the public in the coming weeks. The shock and cognitive dissonance would be unimaginable. I'm not even sure I'm ready for it and I've known about this stuff for 12+ years.

We shall see....we shall see....

23259363? ago

That I agree with. Econ will never be the same again. I mean they’re “cutting checks” as we speak. Not much considering how much I paid in taxes over my years, but I’ve never seen anything like this the bailout is going to the people. When has that happened in your memory? Amazing stuff anon, amazing.

23259484? ago

It truly is remarkable. Never in recorded history has the entire world gone bankrupt all at once.

If you really want to get a taste of what's to come, I can't recommend enough Mike Maloney's 10-part series "Hidden Secrets of Money". As most of us have plenty of time on our hands this day, it's worth its weight in gold (pun intended). Here's a link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU&list=PLE88E9ICdiphYjJkeeLL2O09eJoC8r7Dc

Mike has been pointing us specifically to Episode 7 lately. Thus far, things are happening exactly as he predicted. The biggest thing most people don't understand is the Fed/Central-Bankers can fiddle with the "supply" of liquidity until the cows come home. But what they can't do is force the "demand". And ultimately, this is what's going to bring down the house of cards. First deflation, then hyper-inflation. How long each period lasts is anybody's guess. I'm hoping POTUS/Q have an interim plan well underway....

Amazing times indeed anon. Eyes open, no fear. God bless you patriot!

23259619? ago

Well I actually have 0 time. I work 100% remotely. And my clients demand my time now. Let’s say mom right to push me into tech.

But I’ll watch that.

And God bless you too. I keep editing this because clumsy mobile fingers.

23259975? ago

Haha, all good. :)

23259033? ago

Since the media is hyping the panic, that leads me to believe that the virus is a cabal tactic to tank the econ. BUT like every other tactic the cabal has recently used, Trump & the military are hacking into it to use it in their favor.

23260507? ago

So they didn’t blow it out of proportion - and neither did trump - till late jAn. Are my dates correct? Trump didn’t want to scare people? Msm wanted more to get sick?

Tho ultimately, that’s the simplest answer, what you wrote.

23258980? ago

Well stated - everybody's playing an acting role - except the citizen journalists and the real people that are there every day. The whole thing is starting to look alot like the Truman Show. Maybe we the people are supposed to wake up and see for ourselves that everything right now id fake. the news is fake. the politicians and fake. The virus is fake. I don't see images of people dealing with bodies by the 10's of thousands and the fallout of human misery that would be expected. Nothing. It just doesn't seem real or likely believable.

23258929? ago

The pandemic is odd. I have friends who are medical staff in New York. They’re all saying the same thing: the staff admits a bunch of cases daily. Some 20% die.

Here is the question you need to ask: Are those friends of yours saying that 20% of the cases THEY see each day are dying, OR are they hearing numbers from OTHER people in OTHER hospitals/clinics.

Are they seeing it FIRST HAND, or are their cases closer to normal but they HEAR things through the grapevine?

If it is not THEIR OWN cases, then they are being lied to by the people who keep the stats (due to CDC directives to include most people as CV19 victims).

If it IS their own cases they are talking about, then what are the people dying of? How do they know it is CV19? There are NO TESTS for the CV19 virus. Such a test DOES NOT EXIST. The only tests that exist are for the family of coronaviruses, not CV19.

My guess is your friends are NOT seeing mass die off with their own eyes, but are ASSUMING they are getting info that is true, when in fact it is not.

23259238? ago

I’ve asked these questions and I get stoned to death. Thank god we’re old friends so they tolerate my incessant questions. I left NY years ago so they don’t understand how I’m literally not bought into all the shit they are. They literally said “Pellosi is fighting to keep the country together.” I just stayed silent.

So to your question. Two of the nurses I personally know are not in ICU themselves. Their colleagues are giving them the numbers. Three of their colleagues have died, ages 29-35. Able bodied and fit. Two doctors and one nurse. Over the last few weeks.

So they’re on serious high drama alert and do NOT, I repeat, do NOT look through msm like those here do.

So they’re not answering my detailed questions. Get pissed off and ask me “who the FUCK thinks this is fake?? Those who do are seriously DANGEROUS.” And I stay quiet some more.

23262026? ago

Sorry....I think you're lying. There is NO way the media wouldn't cover the shit out of "two doctors and a nurse dying on the front lines, still young and in their prime....if only Grumph had acted sooner!!""

23263233? ago

Really? I’ll go call them now and check why they didn’t cover this particular story.

23259497? ago

I’ve asked these questions and I get stoned to death.

I get it.

They literally said “Pellosi is fighting to keep the country together.” I just stayed silent.

Everybody has a bias. You, me, everybody. Their bias is obviously to be led to slaughter without bleating too much.

So to your question. Two of the nurses I personally know are not in ICU themselves. Their colleagues are giving them the numbers.

That's what we are seeing all over, for the most part.

Three of their colleagues have died, ages 29-35. Able bodied and fit. Two doctors and one nurse. Over the last few weeks.

Now, THAT would freak me the fuck out, too. So, at least they have some sort of rationale for their opinions.

So they’re not answering my detailed questions. Get pissed off and ask me “who the FUCK thinks this is fake?? Those who do are seriously DANGEROUS.” And I stay quiet some more.

That's what fascinates me. How do intelligent people (who doctors and nurses must be) switch off the critical thinking machine and go full emotion so quickly and so often?

3 colleagues dying is nothing to ignore. But most of their "info" is second-hand, and there is plenty of evidence now that much of the data we are seeing is questionable, at best.

23259605? ago

Exactly anon...

(And the deaths were Personal colleagues who were working in the ICU.)

23258843? ago

Chinese revolutionaries don't use a phone to avoid detection.

23259260? ago

But 21M in a short time span? Did a (I was gonna day “huge”, but they have 1B? People. So it’s not huge by a margin) group of people suddenly up and dump their phones? Are people hunting them down now? Just seems odd either way you slice it.

23259322? ago

I wouldn't put it past the CCP to use the opportunity to silence dissent.

23259391? ago

Ditto. They’re fucking terrifying.

23258817? ago

Interesting theory.

We must keep an open mind about all things at this point because almost everything we're being told is bullshit.

If the Jew World Order is planning to cull the global population of goys to make us easier to manage, viruses would likely be how they'd do it.

23258770? ago

21 mil was covered by China daily news I think. Second business lines. All work places are shut down, cancel that account.

That would mean, x% for death, business, children out of school, and death.

23259274? ago

Oh interesting. Business lines would make a heap more sense.

23258764? ago

There's not 20m deaths in China.

There's 20m people who have lost their social media and cellphone privileges because they said things the Chinese government didn't want them to say about the virus.

What if... this pandemic is the test for our response.

Does testing us for our response take away our guns? No.

Keep in mind that Patriots Day is April 19 ...



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










23258632? ago

Agree Anon. 1367 "Pain coming" with 2 year delta on May 14 could be a warning to anons to brace for "pain coming" from economic reset. It doesn't matter if C19 is real or not. The MSM and leftists are in control of the narrative. Sauce? If they were not in control then we would not have shut down the worlds greatest wealth generating system in the history of mankind. The ONLY reason we are shut down is because MSM and leftists control the narrative.

Go to CDC and look up Swine Flu/H1N1 daily numbers.

You know what? They only gathered them from April 2009 to July 2009, the weakest time of the year for flu.

You know why? They said they couldn't tell the difference between H1N1 and the seasonal flu so they just quit reporting the numbers in July 2009.

They reported a final "modeled" tally of ~ 60 million cases and 12,500 deaths. But of course, they didn't lump everybody who died with H1N1 into deaths from H1N1 like they are with C19.

You know who? Yes you do. The same people who are in control of the narrative now.

It's up to us. I fear that Durham will result in a few transfers, but no arrests, no jail, okay, maybe some low level peon gets busted, but then what?

We are the news now.


Pain Coming (Punisher Photo)



14 May 2018 - 10:24:54 PM


Pain coming.


23263247? ago

My friend showed me some stats that said 2M died of cancer btw Jan and March, 400K from HIV, 10M abortions. Like actual pandemics. Lol. And this gets all the attention.

EDIT: Worldwide

23259480? ago

because MSM and leftists control the narrative.

yes, same as it ever was. No potential for large scale awakening whatsoever at this point.

23258519? ago

God is coming back. Earth is paving the way for Him.

[They] must've seen all possible alternatives; God will not relent.

We're never going back. Ever.

23259283? ago

God has never left.

23259464? ago

Strengthen your faith. What I say to you I say to everyone:

Strengthen your faith.

23259629? ago

That’s literally all there is to it. My day to day hasn’t changed almost at all because of how I choose to live. But the mind wants answers.

23258511? ago

It's the fog of war. If we can tell what's going on, so can the enemy. We are at a critical moment right now. There was never any way to take down the Cabal without risking everything, because it is so entrenched and so intertwined with the structures of power all over the damn planet. Personally, I think this was their last "Hail Mary" play. They had this in reserve as a fail-safe. Q took away their ability to launch rogue nukes earlier.

They may still have the ability to deliver an EMP, but if that happens, it's all over. That destroys them as well as us. It ends the Republic, but the backlash ends them as well. It would be a conflagration, domestically as well as internationally. Q is the one chance to take them down covertly, without the public going into mass panic or full-blown rebellion. If it doesn't work, that's where this goes next. For now, all we can do is pray and prepare.

Get your heart right with God. It's probably too late to get extra food, water, and ammo, but do what you can. Most of all, pray. If we are a repentant people, God can deliver us from bondage. If we don't repent, he will let us perish according to our own strength or weakness. With his help, we can prevail.

23263133? ago


23262530? ago

An EMP would have to be a high altitude nuke so if the nuke threat is gone then the EMP threat is gone.

23268968? ago

There are EMP-enhanced conventional weapons. They would be more effective from high altitudes, but one could still take out a large city from ground level. Studies in the 1990s showed a 1 kiloton nuke (fairly small) at an altitude of 400 km would cause EMP damage in an 1800 km radius. Two EMPs launched in this fashion would disable the major coastal cities of the USA. A report to Congress at that time estimated that such an attack was the only way to defeat the USA in war. Casualties, primarily from the grid collapse and the inability to pump clean water and remove sewage would result in 100 million deaths in 30 days.

Iran actually practiced this attack profile in the early 2000s. They used freighters and a variant of SCUD missiles. These are cheap missiles, less than $500K at the time. The media reported these as failed tests, but they didn’t understand the attack profile. The missiles went in a ballistic arch to 400km where they exploded. Iranians called the tests successful. The military presumed, as Iran lacked nukes at the time, they were going to mate North Korean nukes to the missiles.

Hopefully the NK nuke program didn’t produce many warheads. No re-entry vehicle was needed for these. Meanwhile, I pray Q neutralized capabilities within our own DS to prevent access to nukes and EMP weapons.

23260262? ago

I hope you are right. I share the thoughts of "thread starter".

I just think a little clue by Q about if we are on the right track with the "children being saved"-operation, would be fine.

At the moment I do not dare talking about it to normies - as I am afraid I might look stupid in the end.

23260594? ago

Jesus said, "Don't cast pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend you." Some Q information is like that. Hold it close and share it only when people are ready.

23261960? ago

Lots of swine on voat. JIDF and shitskins galore. Cucks too, but at least they are racial kin. They just need a good beating to fall in line.

23259944? ago

kek, Digits confirms: dub, palindrome, palindrome, using all eight of them!

We are in the fog of war, and what we can't see clearly -- neither can the enemy!!! Pray for discernment and safety for operators, and God bless.

23258496? ago

I hear ya. I don't have much to add. I just wish I had a dollar for everytime I've said "WTF is really going on?" in the last few weeks.

23258381? ago

Soylent Green is people

23258331? ago

“What if... this pandemic is the test for our response. What if the actual shit is on the way.”

You got it right there.

23258315? ago

Just remember that the media will always lie and President Trump will always outplay them in the end.

23258228? ago

Use what you have been taught by Q. Whatever the MSM says, the opposite is probably true. Look at independent journalists for pieces of the puzzle. Find me some YouTube blogs of actual real people documenting their Corona illness. But not celebrities! We are all shut in our pens like sheep, wondering why. We know hospitals are empty, staff laid off. With an epidemic, we would expect to see more video of sick people. But there is virtually no evidence of any illness, certainly not an epidemic. We know for sure the CDC is rolling in deaths from other causes to inflate the Corona deaths. We know psycho genocidal maniac Gates wants us all vaccinated before being allowed out again, and we know Fauci is on his team. We know Trump has never let us down and has never changed sides. We hear rumours of children being rescued, but no real proof. Yet. I agree, it is a puzzle. I am hoping on the 10th, more will be revealed. Meanwhile, I dare not step outside for fear of being fined $1562 AUD, unless it is to get food or exercise. Interesting times. If I was not a Q follower, I would tend to believe that this is the beginning of a New World Order. But Q gives me hope. Better to live in hope than fear.

23262973? ago

Sunday show said it already "New World order"

23262917? ago

Better still than both is to live in reality.

23262471? ago

Where in AU are you? Here in Victoria don't have such restrictions & fines, to the best of my knowledge?

23261562? ago

Very well articulated. I’m in the US and feel the same.

23260158? ago

23258672? ago

Hope..not fear. Your saved the best for last.

23259887? ago

Like Pandora.

23258133? ago

NYC, on the average during winter months have 456 deaths. I wish someone would track what has happened to that number today and are all deaths considered c19 related.

23260336? ago

You could get run over by a train and they’d put the cause of death as Corona.

23258034? ago

Not everyone is lying. A flood of MSM AstroTurf evidence is being pushed upon us, but what is really happening is quiet and stealthy, the evidence is scarce and disconnected until you put a sufficient number of pieces together to see the bigger picture. WuFlu is a flu with 0.1% to 1% death rate, but virtually 0% death rate when treated with the HCQ cure. Not a pandemic, but a hoax of a pandemic. Take it from there.

23258024? ago

Concern shill shilling concern...

23258015? ago

New World Order anon, right in our face.

23258008? ago

You say your friends are telling you 20% of patients are dying.

Nobody, including your friends, has produced an iota of evidence to support that outrageous claim.

You seek understanding of what is going on. Your ‘friends’ are clearly lying to you. You can begin your ‘understanding’ by learning to discern between ‘friends’ and ’acquaintances’.

23259299? ago

They’re not lying consciously if they are. See my note to someone else post. The most logical answer is that whomever IS drawing numbers is drawing them incorrectly. What are people really dying of. How many. Etc.

23259415? ago

See my note to someone else’s comment above.

I did. Did you see my response to the other guy responding to your comment to the post that came before?

23259658? ago

It’s not my job to show you how to tell purple responses apart from blue ones.

23265974? ago

It’s not my job to show you how to

I know that. We all do.

We all know exactly what your job is here.

23257985? ago

Is trump going along with the cdc monkeys for optics?

Hundred percent.

23257975? ago

The only people who have died in my state so far are nursing home patients all over 70/80.

This is not about a virus.

How are they going to release a virus on us now, with everyone home, unless they start poisoning the food supply, or water? That would be very difficult to do.

This is about something else.

23257943? ago

Seems like a lot of this charade is meant to wake people up to the fact that the gov't and the establishment has totally taken away our freedom and source of income for a threat that is largely invisible. We're being told something big is happening but how many do you know that are directly affected?

I agree with you that it doesn't seem to be working. In my area, I'm convinced that if anyone on TV (except Trump of course) asked the public give up all of their freedom in order to be safe, they would do so blindly and willingly. Oh wait, that's already happened.

23257918? ago

Gotta keep thinking critically like this, think these are questions we all have and no one really outside 10 that actually know the plan can answer definitively. It’s either people trying to jam puzzle pieces together, flipping the table, telling you your idiot for doing a puzzle or walking by and adding pieces in from a diff puzzle. Time will tell but if we’ve been lied to and we’ve traded one cabal for another than we won’t know till it’s too late for us to do anything. Where’s the red line?

23262438? ago

Benevolent cabal in place of malevolent cabal.

There will always be hierarchies. It's our job to ensure the malevolent ones lose and then never regain power.

We've seen the malevolent at work for decades. They aren't even hiding.

23259806? ago

I think you are a shill that came here to purposefully confuse things. I think you might know Alex Jones well. Try harder.

23262652? ago

I think they ARE Alex Jones

23258006? ago

questions we all have and no one really outside 10 that actually know the plan can answer definitively.

This is exactly why, there are no leaks, tightly controlled to the max, thus the confusion.

23259895? ago

And if we are confused...think about how confused the bad dudes must be.

23259907? ago


23258004? ago

Excellent question. I have heard people make claims that this is exactly that: A fight of "bloodlines"/ trading one cabal for another just as you've theorized. Could very well be true and this is the handover, so to speak.

23258599? ago

I'll get downvoated all to hell for saying this.

Whenever that thought of "a fight of bloodlines/trading one cabal for another" starts to creep into my mind it always happens whenever I see Kushner and Ivanka. Every single time. There's just something off about that pair. It's the only thing that really makes me feel uneasy re: Trump.

ok. there I said it.

23264301? ago

Ivanka is beautiful, you're insane.

23265603? ago

And you're an idiot for basing shit off of outer looks. GTFO you weak minded fool. Get on over there to that other side, where you belong.

23263146? ago

I love that you go let 0 downvotes. They do seem really odd as a pair. He especially seems ... well gay or soyish. Seeing on the briefing the other day just made me feel sorry for him. Those sunken eyes. Just weird.

23265886? ago

I'm shocked at the response, to tell you the truth. Guess I'm not the only one that has a few reservations about them.

23261908? ago

Kusher is a jew and Ivanka is an honorary jew. Fact.

Jews infiltrate and destroy White nations. Fact.

Jews never come at you directly, always sideways. Fact.

Jews lie about everything, even lie about lying. In the Talmud too. Fact.

Kushner is a tribal liar and Ivanka is an obedient follower.

The oddness you deem is they lie.

23262230? ago

I don't get that sense about them.

Kushner comes off as awkward and uncomfortable. Sort of nerdy. I watched a documentary about rich kids in the early 2000 or maybe 99. They were all out of touch except her. She seemed humble and down to earth.

23265802? ago

He seems sly as a snake to me. And I've seen several videos of her years ago where she was the exact opposite of humble and down to earth. I'm not saying it's her fault, she doesn't have the life experience of normal people. Having always been loved her entire life and given everything she could possibly want and she knows she always has a safety net no matter what happens to her in life is quite a different experience than the guy who was born to a poor drug addicted mother and an absent father. It's kind of not her fault that she is out of touch with the normal people. But that's not the problem that I see with her. The problem that I see is that I don't trust Kushner and I definitely do NOT trust where her loaylty ultimately will lie when it comes right down to it. She seems quite weak-minded and not very strong and I can fully see her following Kushner into the gates of hell (not literally, metaphorically speaking.) And it would come as a shock to her father. Sorry, that's just what I see in her. She may be a lovely person in real life and I have nothing against her, but I don't trust her strength of mind. She would go against her father for Kushner. I have no doubt.

23266352? ago

I respect your opinion and respectfully disagree. Time will tell. I think Trump is a very wise person. I think he knows who he can trust both through his own knowledge and that of his MI advisers but I refuse to be 100 percent confident in anyone at this stage.

23266722? ago

I hear ya. And my opinions are just that. Opinions.

I agree with: "time will tell."


23261826? ago

Sounds like you've been listening to NB like it's gospel. Not a real good idea unless you wanna get dragged back into that timeline. Now is the time to practice discernment and guide your beliefs with intention.

23261951? ago

NB? What's NB?

I have a feeling I'm going to say "Doh!" after you respond... I feel like I should know what NB is.

It's late, my brain is tired. What the hell is NB????? lol

23262028? ago

Ah, then I must be mistaken.

Naughty Beaver has a lot of channelers and has "prophecies" concerning this topic. You probably would have known right away though, so nothing wrong with your brain haha

23262149? ago

oh sounds a little creepy. What's with that name?

yeah, never heard of that person.

A lot of people seem to think that just because Ivanka is Trump's daughter, that means she's 100% on board with the plan. For me personally, having had very coniving, manipulative, back-stabbing, extremely and I mean EXTTREMELY sly people in my own family I've had to deal with, I know that family is not always loyal. No matter how badly you want them to be or think that they are. It's not always the case. Kushner gives me a very bad feeling. He always has. It doesn't really have anything to do with the 666 5th Ave building or anything like that, honestly. It's just something else. He seems very untrustworthy and Ivanka seems to be the type that would just go along with Kushner against her father if it came down to it. It's just a feeling, an impression I get. I may be totally off base and perhaps my own personal experiences are coloring my views a bit too much, but I just can't shake it.

Melania, on the other hand, I like Melania, she seems to be someone who is actually introverted and observes a LOT and is probably very intuitive and can read people well. Wonder what she thinks of Kushner and Ivanka?

23262297? ago

I'm a student of prophecies so to speak, and have been for decades. Also have some understanding on timelines, etc as many here do.

I believe we're at a fracturing point. What you are beginning to see manifesting denotes the line you will continue on, and it won't be the same for everyone. It's determined by your overall frequency and also influenced greatly by your soul's "mission".

In one timeline I've seen, that runs very closely to the current one, our President is taken out by the two in question. That is not what I will be experiencing because I've already seen mine but it sounds like you may be headed down a grim road. Life is very very difficult there.

Take it with a grain of salt. But know that your beliefs determine your trajectory and make a choice what you want to experience. Otherwise default could get hairy.

23263172? ago

This is more psyop bullshit. David Wilcock fan? Corey Goode? Lol.

23266850? ago

No. Revelation, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Shipton, the Hopis, etc etc. You wouldn't understand. Peace.

23268482? ago

I’ve read them all. And the prophesies are loooooooosey gooooooosey.

23268509? ago

Like I said, you wouldn't understand.

23271597? ago

It’s all up to interpretation. And what projections your mind makes.

23262994? ago

The more I live the more I see this as being true. We live in a quantum universe. Our perceptions and choices are always determining the outcome. It's called law of attraction. The Luciferian cabal has been using it for thousands of years. It's why Hollywood feeds us certain kind of predictive programming movies. Movies that will fill our minds with fear and lust. This clouds our minds, makes us lean to the negative side and ultimately allows the dark side to continue to win. Even the shilling here about whether we should trust Kushner or Ivanka feeds that negative outcome.Likewise with the Nazi push to sow distrust against all Jews has a self-fulling prophecy inherent in its propaganda. What's great about Q is that he reinforces what makes America great: our constitution and Christian values. If we claim that and stop doubting our providential mission, we can easily defeat the cabal. But we have to keep the unity and stop feeding the trolls.

WWG1WGA isn't the rallying cry for nothing! Even in our inner resolve, we need to keep the doubts in check. Otherwise we'll succumb to the divide-and-conquer strategies of the Luciferian cabal.

23266893? ago

Beautifully said!

23265697? ago

Shiling about whether or not to trust someone? Do you go around trusting every single person that you meet? Good luck with that. Perhaps you've lived in an ivory tower your whole life and have never had to deal with sociopaths. That's great. I'm envious of you. But once you have dealt with sociopaths, you understand that distrust is not always a negative thing, sometimes it is a life preserving skill. Keeping your mind focused on GOOD is not the problem here. That's what you should do, I agree 100% but when you do that to the point that you consider no other possibilities, therein lies your grave mistake.

Remember Matthew 10:16, brother:

.“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Peace to you patriot.

23261730? ago

Fully agree here.

23261273? ago

jews who only care about Israel. Chabad.

23259999? ago

I get a vibe from Kushner that I get from Zuckerberg. They look very robotic like. Minimal dynamics in their facial expressions. Like if they were sitting on your couch, they would be super uncomfortable with just relaxing and shooting the shit. And they look like they are hiding something, and not being totally open and front about things.

23261979? ago

Because they are lizard people trying to emulate being human.

23259514? ago

What is it about Ivanka, other than being married to Kushner, that you don't trust?

23261160? ago

she converted to judaism for crying out loud.

23261185? ago

I don't see all Jews as a problem. Just the filthy Jews who conspire against us. She is not a filthy jew.

23261928? ago


Yes, they are. Their tribe takes precedence over other races or nations.

Ivanka obeys her jew husband and Kushner obeys the jew tribe.

23259612? ago

There’s nothing to not like. You’re just speaking to a faggot division shill. Don’t even lend them credibility. Ivanka has shown to be a great American Patriot.

23260518? ago

I think maybe Jared has too. Can we find anything terrible in his background other than money?

23261278? ago

They'll say that about the anti-Christ, just so you know.

23266020? ago

True and proven prophets will not. False prophets will and we are taught in the Bible how to discern between the two.

23266057? ago

You just read websites and believe anything. Please. lol

23267639? ago

I read the Bible and pray to the almighty God and his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit ( a triune God) for discernment. Your empty words mean zero to me.

23267689? ago

Your truly empty words mean zero to me. lol

23259682? ago

Like when her entire clothing line was made in China. A great American patriot. We know nothing about her in actuality.

23262828? ago

Trump's ties were made in China. It's the standard operating procedure since almost all manufacturers left America in the last 30 years. That was the globalist agenda. They made it so there's no other choice if you want to compete with your competitors.

23262982? ago

I know companies who make things in the US.

23263039? ago

Yeah. That's why I said almost all companies left. Cheaper labor was the incentive. It's a trend that could have been stopped if Trump was president 20 years ago. Now they're coming back. That's Trump's doing. Imagine where we'd be right now if Hillary had won. It would have been game over for us.

23263285? ago

Listen, no question. Nobody is disputing that fact. Still, the comment was about ivanka being a patriot. I have never, not once sent anything for labor in China. Ever. I always had that choice. “Everyone is doing it”, they said. I have friends with mass connects at factories there ready to build you a fucking rocket ship AND diaper bags. It never appealed to me. It was creepy. They were all creepy. The dues they use are generally toxic - to us and to those who make them. I’ve been on the green bandwagon for years. Morning about manufacturing in China has ever appealed to me. So we’re basically talking standards here. Is it your ethics or the dollar that wins in the end?

23263419? ago

Are you asking me or Trump?

Do you shop at Walmarts? Buy only clothes made in America?

The issue is about the need for a paradigm shift. Picking on Ivanka just doesn't sound like an ethical thing to do just because she's Trump's daughter or because you would never do business with China. But let's be real. Are you saying you only buy Made in USA? Drive only domestic cars? Never shopped at Walmart?

23263507? ago

No I’m not saying I’m not a piece of shit. I DO shop at wallyworld. HOWEVER. There are no other options where I am for basics.

And I’m not picking on her. I don’t have shit to say about her other than that. I know nothing about her.

23261982? ago

Yeah, because we have all that textiile capacity here in the US now....

23260710? ago

I was thinking about this yesterday and, knowing what I know now, I'd never outsource labour to China for extra pointd on my profit margin. Slave labour to enrich myself? That money goes to the evil Chinese government anyway. Dragon family.

23258806? ago

I agree with you 100%, especially when I think about his brother and their group of "friends". I don't trust Jared nor Ivanka.

23260471? ago

I read that neon article. Still have it bookmarked somewhere...... it was fascinating! I too don’t care for kushner , Ivanka is a bit suspect being married to him ! I got to hope she wouldn’t dis her father

23260561? ago

It was a very interesting well researched dig! I never knew about the Pepsi and Coke soda wars to that extent! Fascinating what really goes on in "pop culture" and who is playing for what "team"....

23260539? ago

Maybe she's the infiltrator who got her dad the info to begin with. I've also seen pictures of Tiffany meeting up at a spa in London with Princess Michael of Kent of all people. Perhaps they are the message relayers....

23261199? ago

well, ya never know, I guess.

23258030? ago

Just seems like grip on a was tightened suddenly

23257879? ago

Art of War. If WE are confused then THEY are confused.

23261291? ago

The only question remaining is how many layers of confusion there are.

23263199? ago

That’s the question.

23260621? ago

There is no spoon.

23257869? ago


23257853? ago

"I have friends who are medical staff in New York. They’re all saying the same thing: the staff admits a bunch of cases daily. Some 20% die. "

Shill, you're too late with this shit. Everyone is going out and filming their local hospitals. What you're saying is rank horse shit.

23262012? ago

Thank you!

Some shills make massive posts just so they can slip in such a lie while providing background on the fake topic. Thats what the shill here did.

23259035? ago

IC units aren't open to the public.

23261953? ago

But those patients still have to go through the front door....so where's all that traffic?

23263475? ago

Exactly. If this pandemic was 1/1000th as bad as they're making it out to be then every entrance of every hospital in New York state would be backed up with ambulances as far as the eye can see. They would be doing triage right out in every parking lot. I have a few RN family members. If I catch them exaggerating this shit to inflate their ego then they're getting five across the eyes.

23263210? ago

If a hospital gets 100 people that’s one vestibule. Ever been to a hospital in NYC? They’re massive. 100 people is a sneeze.

23257999? ago

exactly^^^ we have SO much video proof.

C19 is a farce