23240971? ago

Seems you should've posted to v/pizzagatewhatever if you wanted to discuss that..it's their subverse why are you trying to create friction between @vindicator here on QRV? You didn't even have the decency to ping @vindicator. This smells....

23241004? ago

Not the OP of that thread. Someone who noticed all Adrenochrome talk is shot down there.

23258066? ago

Vindicator here. Absolutely untrue that "all Adrenochrome talk is shot down". I have welcomed and even promoted actual research into adrenochrome. What it is chemically and medically. What it might be used for. Where it's referenced. Even how the theory of blood harvesting for adrenochrome could work logistically. The reality is that none of it bears up under scrutiny. You can get 400 times more adrenochrome out of an expired epipen than out of the maximum amount that can be produced in human blood. Makes no sense.

It's far more likely this is an artificial storyline created to derail real scrutiny of parabiosis and/or sick "religious" practices.

I will leave up any submission in v/pizzagate that makes a clear case and supports it with actual linked evidence that isn't just someone's wild speculation to fund their YouTube channel, blog or patreon. Since "adrenochrome" is a medical claim, that support needs to scientific. Pretty simple.

23241052? ago

Maybe they're focused on the actions of pizzagate and not the whys...which is why they have a whatever subverse for follow on discussions. I don't spend any time there so it's conjecture.

23240966? ago

Then don’t fucking go there!

23240945? ago

The Pedo-mods have their narrative, the non-pedos have ours.

Want to really freak them out?

What is Adrenochrome?

Adrenochrome is the powerful hormonal precursor for adrenaline secreted by the body in large amounts in moments of intense fear, anger or perceived life threatening danger. It's purpose, as determined by scientists is both to optimize the adrenaline response muscles and nerves of the body while also protecting bodily tissues and organs from the rigors of adrenaline rush. Acting as both a buffer and optimizer to accelerate the adrenalized (oxidation) fight or flight mechanism of human fear response in survival situations.

Think of it as a fuel additive for the souped-up "funny car" launch of human survival instinct when confronted by life threatening physical danger or raw terror. The real poisoned apple of unearned wisdom pretending to be knowledge.

23241025? ago

Science of Adrenochrome

While much of the clinical testing and conclusions of published research surrounding adrenochrome, also known as "Pink Adrenaline", or oxidized adrenaline, has been hidden from public view.

A number of published studies quantifying the power of adrenochrome to turn back the clock in restoring youthful function of the human body, especially nervous system and glandular functions that determine the rapidity of aging process.

In repeated scientific study. adrenochrome has been show to be a virtual fountain of youth for the optimization and maintenance of human tissue against the onset of aging.

23259825? ago

Oh really? How about linking to this "number of published studies"?

23260025? ago

Why? That was from the fifties and sixties in medical text books and hard print journal

Those never even got a chance to be digitized so they can be stealth edited at witl.

23244717? ago

And to think that I used to throw out my son's expired Epi pens. Oxidized epinephrine equals adenochrome. It's now like pulling teeth to get an Epi pen and the cost is astronomical. I have a friend with a severe onion/garlic allergy (just smelling it swells her throat) and the doctor when asked for an Epi pen, put her off "we'll wait and see" See what ? death by asphyxiation?

23241157? ago

The Miracle of the Rabbit’s Ear

In one noted Belgian study published in 1946, clinicians were able to use a perfusion of aqueous adrenochrome to bring an intentionally frostbitten rabbit's ear back to life with only a few exposures allowing doctors to restore vascularity and nerve stimulus response to previously necrotized tissue.

After rendering the rabbit's ears nerve damage and deadened intentionally four weeks prior to experimentation, Doctors then proved a hypothesis that the application of oxidized adrenaline or Adrenochrome had the capacity of restoring nerve response to stimulus in the rabbit's damaged skin.

The finding spurred the practice of applying subcutaneous adrenaline to incision sites of surgical patients to hasten nerve regeneration and healing.

In a 1939 study, perfusion of adrenochrome was found to regenerate and restart a frog’s heart, bringing the animal back to life and making adrenaline/epinephrine application in heart attack patients standard of care to this very moment.

Equal parts spa treatment and party drug, news of the regenerative powers of adrenochrome spread quickly among the world scientific community and the global elite, sparking massive demand for the recreational use of the substance.

Regardless of manner of extraction, by the rich, powerful and scandalously wealthy who remain perpetually obsessed with finding ways of extending lifespan and prolonging their grasp on earthly influence and pleasure.

23241351? ago

Adrenochrome Extraction from Children: Younger is always better.

As with every other glandular secretion and endocrine response in the human body, the concentration, potency and quality of adrenochrome potential declines with age. What's more, repeated exposure to adult adrenochrome (oxidixed adrenaline) leads to nefarious mental and physical side affects including epileptic seizure, Parksinson's symptoms, schizophrenia and delusional psychosis.

Practitioner of mass dosing adrenochrome therapy quickly learned that children were the best extraction source for the highest potency adrenochrome and that prepubescent adrenochrome was chemically balance in ways that reduced the horrific side effects of the young adult version.

A superior product that covets the youngest donor for highest profit.

How to get children to produce and secrete the most lucrative concentrations of adrenochrome into their system prior to extraction? The answer to that question is a decades long worldwide nightmare of pyschosexual exploitation that is gripping the planet by adrenochrome frenzy among the world elite always frantically working to avoid the ravages of adrenochrome withdrawal.

23241369? ago

Sex Abuse of Children and Child Sacrifice: The Adrenochrome Ritual

In a fusion of psychospiritual and scientific incantation, the global elite have perfected the use of extreme sexual torture, sadistically ritualized sodomy and violent rape of children in nightmarish demi-god sex rituals specifically designed to create maximum terror in a child's body. All to overload their blood with adrenochrome prior to extraction for consumption in their bloody rite of immortality.

Survivor of these ordeals have reported being bound, gagged, raped for hours on end. Even urinated on by adults in Satanic regalia prior to being forced to witness, or in some cases, even carry out the ritualized killing of another child victim as a culmination of said rite.

Just so adult attendees can extract the blood for injection, ingestion and even more graphic manners of consumption.