23246709? ago

The truth is, and always will be, Alex Jones red pilled more people than Q, Q+ and all of us combined. He got deplatformed for getting Trump elected, he was one of the very few who would even talk about Soebarkah's fake birth certificate, and a million other conspiracies that turned out to be true. Just because he doesn't or cannot link every conceived ill on earth to "mah jooos" doesn't mean he's compromised.

23245205? ago

I can't help but laugh at this and look forward to him name dropping on WED! hahahaha

23244900? ago

Welcome to the club of people who figured it out.

Alex Jones exists to make it so normies, when they finally do hear the truth from official sources, are so injured to it, they don't care anymore.

He is one of the blackest of black hats. Given he is now attacking Q, its safe to assume he didn't take the deals, and we'll be laughing as Patriots send him to hell.

23243700? ago

Look for videos of Bill Hicks back in the 90s. The real AJ is probably dead, CIAboi Bill Hicks took over the gig.

23242037? ago

Q said Jones and Corsi are Mossad Faggots.

23265303? ago

masons in the family? He was friends with hollyweirdo Charlie https://voat.co/v/QRV/3746405/23244215

23240906? ago

From someone that used to listen to him.

I can tell you he is extremely DANGEROUS.

He is a master manipulator.

How hope lady justice has the last word with him.

The enemy within the camp is deadly, because he is trusted.

23240696? ago

He was on track then whimped out and sold his soul

23240691? ago

no matter what he did and who he is... but I still have to thank him for redpilling me in the beginning - and get me on the right track to for further diggings.

But as I am self-thinking individual I never believed everything he said. He never was my "Guru".

And there was always a bit scepticism.

But he did a lot of redpilling about Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove and 9/11.

So, IF he was was set up as a shill, he failed.

And although I stopped following him about 10 years ago (for reasons), I still have to say, without AJ I maybe would not be here today...

23240444? ago

I figured that out many years ago.

23240283? ago

1/6th of his operation of infowars comes from soros linked enitities.

23239813? ago

Humble water filter merchant just wants his kike wife off his back give em a break

23239596? ago

Fucking voat... Here's the thing. Alex Jones is a goof, and whatever he is. Don't fucking praise Limbaugh who everyone knows is a propagandist who admitted himself spins bullshit for a living, and then call anyone else a fat loser.

If we all know of someone, chances are they're shit sellers.

23239390? ago

Obviously, over the target.

23239143? ago

This post should be a sticky for newcomers.

23239142? ago

I m afraid so is Q. They call out each other to give each other credits, like a perpetual machine

23239132? ago

What is interesting and so obvious about this is that he is the KING of conspiracies theories. Now he discredits them because he was exposed as the ultimate con artist Mossad Agent. He's fucked and will pay for it.

23238715? ago

Not a new thing, but appreciating the reminder.

23238653? ago

I gave him enough chances. But the latest Q 'actions' has changed my mind for good. Have a great day shooting yourself in both feet with an AK47, AJ!

23238206? ago

F him to dog hell he should die!!!

23238095? ago

LOL at the lack of self awareness in the Qult

23238041? ago

Oh, I see! That's why:

1. Google and Apple banned the IW app from their stores.

2. He's been banned from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

3. He's been sued left and right by HRC and BO lawfare operatives.

4. He's the most hated by the MSM independent media personality out there. Unless Colbert, Darcy, Maddow et al are just feigning and actually love the guy to pieces.

Yup! Mossad here, Mossad there! Blame the Jews! That explains it all...

23237785? ago

BILL HICKS HAS BITCH TITS but worst of all, he works for the mossssssaaaaaad.

23237711? ago

Fuck you Alex.

Digits Confirm: Q Sent Me.

23237576? ago

It's controlled opposition 101. Have someone speak "the truth," but then use mainstream sources have normies believe he's crazy/ unhinged, thereby making anyone who believes "the truth" out to be crazy also.

Plus, Jones is only MOSTLY truthful. Mix in a few small lies/ untruths and it makes all the real truth tainted so that normies think that all of it must be untrue.

Now we have a lot of people following sources that aren't controlled, so the controlled sources (Jones/ posobiec/ etc) are trying to make sure people stay confined to THEIR truths only by attempting to discredit the uncontrolled ones.

Simple stuff

23237284? ago

You just learn this? David Icke and Jordan Maxwell too. Don't trust that Owen Benjamin or Ben Shapiro either.

23249685? ago

Icke surprises me in that he only ever gives the worst interpretation. I haven't seem him acknowledge Q or give any sign of hope for the future. I find him depressing (and he speaks so slowly that I have to play at 1.5x speed).

23236993? ago

He PROMISED to expose Q this coming Weds.

Maybe that's why you are mad?

Personally, I can't wait to see what shit he comes up with.

Gotta be interesting!

What does he have planned?

Microchip redux?

Stay tuned folks!

23236930? ago

Jones has always been a red herring used to divert truth-seekers from finding out what's going on. I suspect he's been funded by a clandestine group in the US military since the 1990's.

23236901? ago

that/s true: I gotta go back to regular toothpaste... (sacrifices must be made him)

fuck off, Alex!!

23236812? ago

Lol Alex has red pilled more people than all the people on this platform combined.

He's put this "conspiracy" movement on his back for a while until Q showed up

Also, he was an integral part of helping Trump get elected :)

23236620? ago


23236528? ago

'The new world order is upon us, so buy my storable foods, and I got Trump elected myself, so buy my supplements. It's a 360 [fearporn scam]'

23236206? ago

Alex Jones is Q

23236549? ago


23238348? ago

Nigger speak just what I expected.

23236135? ago

I'll play devil's advocate. If AJ is controlled opposition then why has he been completely deplatformed and diminished by lawsuits? If he were a deepstate cointelpro agent then wouldn't they want him on YouTube spreading his message?

23242648? ago

They did that so they can do it to others.

23241346? ago

He also calls out Ben Shapiro and Charley Kirk so he's at least worth a laugh. But I feel infowars has never brought me a dive as deep as anything Q has

23237578? ago

because he got to keep his show, mansion/ranch and his family

23237349? ago

...he broadcasts on public radio, for which you need a license.

If Alex Jones was the real deal, he'd have been quietly murdered, or sent to prison for child porn or something, not granted a fucking license to broadcast on radio.

23237194? ago

He hasn’t been deplatformed. He’s easily accessible still with the credibility of having been targeted. I think Alex’s role is to sound like an obnoxious nut while pushing every conspiracy under the sun (as well as bogus products). That way people can associate anyone who questions the narrative as an Infowars nut.

23237128? ago

To try and save face after he was outed by Q intel clearance anons... durp

23236979? ago

There are factions within the Deep State. Jones is linked with the anti-Hillary (for lack of a better term) faction within the Deep State.

23236709? ago

No! He was called out and was losing subscribers tenfold. During that time. He was deplatformed. It gives him the little credit for the ppl who still followed him. He still had a few left a stray. I still believe hes controlled op

23236589? ago

Exactly! The effort to de-platform him was completely controlled, coordinated and synced together by the largest censoring tech giants to happen all at once. It occurred with planning and precision.

23238600? ago

When AJ got de-platformed infowars.com was fully functional and the iPhone app went #1. Infowars popularity skyrocketed. The very well talked about de-platforming of AJ was him being anointed. Compare that to what happened to Owen Benjamin who has everything disabled quietly, including paypal.

Always look at the outcome and walk backwards to find intent.

23244814? ago


23239824? ago


AJ and HIS FUCKING KIKE JEW ASS FUCKING OVERSEERS set it all up! Jesus Christ people.

23237340? ago

Yep, just like historian David Irving. They get a bunch of followers, then they drag them into court where they recant. A created "debunking" or Pied Piper operation.

23236554? ago

I have a better question. How did he grow to be the biggest syndicated radio conspiracy show on the planet? GCN owned by ABC. He was rounding up followers for slaughter. Imagine if that smelly ugly woman was elected.

23237229? ago

He got popular because he's entertaining. He might be an idiot but he does draw a crowd. He lost most of his syndication after he came out as a 9/11 truther.

The confirmation bias in the Q community is thru the roof. You guys aren't thinking logically. You better start preparing yourselves mentally for a huge letdown.

23239520? ago

You must've forgotten the "Zach" anon ordeal

23236553? ago

The correct answer is AJ was taken out because he got Trump elected.

Bill Clinton couldn't stump for Hillary because he was called a rapist everywhere he went thanks to AJ.

23237002? ago

Basically this.

23236245? ago

...out lived his usefulness or came up against an enemy he couldn't con with hyped up BS?

23236163? ago

Because (((they))) understand that by the time they did that, those who would listen to him would listen to him no matter what. Why keep adding worms to a hook when it's already caught its fish? So deplatform, maybe anonymously donate to keep him prosperous enough to keep doing what he's doing.

Then they can use somebody else to repeat the same thing. Don't worry. They're more devious than any sane person.

23236067? ago

We all know he is a shill can we stop talking about him now?

23235963? ago

Not just any conspiracy theorists, but the ones who are spreading the truth.

23235719? ago

He still woke up a lot of people to 9/11 truth, Rockefellers, the Bilderbergs, and FEMA camps years ago. Was he always a plant or did the DS get to him a few years ago?

23244954? ago

He was always controlled opposition. He told 20% truth, 80% making the frogs gay crazy shit. The goal was he told just enough truth that when somebody honest tried to tell the whole truth, people would write them off as just another crazy "gay frogs" Alex Jones follower.

See the conspiracy game wasn't to amek sure there was NEVER a leak, that is nearly impossible, it was to make sure that the 99% never believed the leaks when they did happen.

23242631? ago

They call this controlled disinformation. Meaning they put their people and lead the heard to the real truth. Then only show the certain truths, and blind the rest.

Divide and conquer.

23237662? ago

He’s also right about fluoride in our water.

23237024? ago

He didn't wake anyone to 9/11 he diverted everyone away from Israel's role in the attacks.

23238587? ago

I've seen a lot of 9/11 info over the years and haven't seen much proof about Israel's role besides a few guys dancing on a bridge. Got any more sauce?

23239802? ago

Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Matzah Christ.

23239655? ago

They were Mossad, you ding dong.

23241804? ago

Sorry but Gulag and Jewtube scrubbed most info as you know. So it's hard to "look it up" in the conspiracy encyclopedia.

23236536? ago

But they thought Hillary would win, so he could reveal stuff that nobody could do anything about.

He never got into the really big stuff, like 5-Eyes and so forth....

23236686? ago

What is 5 eyes?

23237752? ago


23237402? ago

A cooperation agreement between the intelligence agencies of the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Since it is against the law for us intelligence to spy on us, they have the other countries spy on us, and we spy on their citizens then just share the data.

23235982? ago

He was always a plant. Before Q, it was fine to have some people awake, as long as the total narrative was controlled by the deepstate.

Now the problem is when people wake up because of Q, they stop believing all of the fake news outlets, including the controlled opposition ones. That is unacceptable to the deepstate.

23238724? ago

He used to talk about Jewish influence in the US. Then he suddenly stopped and started mega shilling for our Greatest Ally. Someone got to him.

23235822? ago

He was always deepstate. His family was in the CIA.

23235709? ago

Is that why he jumps to aliens and acts stupid often?

23235693? ago

Never fuck anyone associated with Mossad.

23235450? ago

Alex who? KEK....well done OP. They've been trying so hard to append his nonsense to us over the years....they just found out how ready we've been for their real push here and on 8kun. Two. Steps. Ahead. Thanks to Q team. God bless Q team and God bless President Trump.

23235403? ago

He has been undermining the truth community for years.

23236823? ago

Spook connects, friends with human trafficking connected Hollyweirdo Charlie Sheen, Sirhan masonic family links Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross infowars Jones links to a group commonly known as the Rosicrucians and Bill Copper and others calling him out as a fake doomsday preacher bullshit artist

23235099? ago

A little late to the game -- many Patriots have known this for a few years. WWG1WGA !

23236184? ago

Your assumption that he/she just figured it out makes you a dumb nigger.

23236891? ago

"God is the Original Nigger, and the only good nigger."

23236141? ago

"a few years" Bill Cooper literally called this dude out 20 years ago.

23238241? ago

Bill Cooper was CIA. Why would we believe the CIA?

23242482? ago

Bill cooper was a patriot ! he called out the 9/11 game plan and knew they would blame binladen. he got murdered by the cia

23245168? ago

Alex Jones called out 9/11 months before it happened too. Cooper had a radio show and was jealous of AJ's rise. And he wasn't shot by the CIA. Get your fucking facts straight you fucking cognitive dissonant amoeba.

On November 5, 2001, Apache County sheriff's deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot.

23245440? ago

it was a clown op to murder him but you keep listing to the news cuz they will definitely tell you the truth

23246038? ago

You have any tangible evidence of that? Bill Cooper shot a deputy in the head. That is a fact. You got facts?

23247361? ago

Self defense when the hitmen came.

23239812? ago

Any evidence of this claim?

23237310? ago

In 1992 I believe.

23235097? ago

Who is Alex Jones?

23235581? ago

The late great (sic) Alex Jones...

An FBI Honey Pot to groom the next FF patsy.

He has mastered the art of Pedo-blackmail to get this high on the spook ladder.

He is also a flaming fag in drag.

23235786? ago

I think the anon was suggesting that the correct play for us anons is to forget Alex Jones. We know he doesn’t control or even really influence this movement because he’s so openly opposed to Q.

Alec Who?

23235066? ago

Another jonesfag underhandedly promoting a zionist brand.

23235671? ago


23235511? ago

Can you even read at this point!?

23235598? ago

Good bye (((paytriot))) shill.

23234982? ago
