23246967? ago

The truth is, Bill Cooper's only claim to fame was Behold a Pale Horse, and only because he talked about supposed space aliens. And because he was an E-4 in the Navy somehow legitimized those claims. I worked as a NSA cryptologist with TS/SCI in many of the same facilities Cooper worked at in Hawaii and his alien stories are horse shit to sell books to retards. Alex Jones on the other hand rarely ever makes claims without the documented evidence to back it up. Like the UN depopulation agenda. Everyone thought Alex Jones was a mossad KGB Jesuit for that one. Oops, it was true. Like everything else from Agenda-21 to Barry's fake birth certificate.

23241848? ago

I miss Bill Cooper and so do you, you miserable pukes! Don't believe anyone! Do your own research and learn for yourself, you useless thundering her of Sheople ! ! !

23241855? ago

Pastor Pete, too.

23235829? ago

Dogface pony liar! That’s one of the stupidest insults I’ve ever heard & a quote from Biden, that I think is fitting concerning AJ.

23234537? ago

Fake Pro-MAGA Attacking Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, ...

Who else? Please List.

23234494? ago

They killed Bill Cooper because he was exposing those fuckers.

23234029? ago

AJ is a bad actor

23233862? ago


alex jones pays craig sawyer ..

this is erased from the twitter feed ..

23232926? ago

AJ criticizes israel all the fucking time.

if anyone is a fucking zionist it's fucking DONALD TRUMP THE SELF PROCLAIMED KING OF ISRAEL.

I see you chaim.

23232986? ago

"AJ criticizes israel all the fucking time"...... Yes, right outside of the gate he keeps...'NO Admittance'

23233035? ago

classic projection. your gatekeeping is leaking mr goldberg.

23234211? ago

Back to InfoJew, Rabbi, with all of the other sub 80 IQ trailer dwellers.

* Layoff "projection" makes you easy to id through the threads. You're welcome.

23232631? ago

23232603? ago

I think we all know what AJ is a this point. Lets just never talk about him again.

23236052? ago

Nah, keep the pressure on. There's plenty of normies just waking up and we don't want them running to him for "information".

23232602? ago

At least he didn’t say “bald faced.”

23232541? ago

Jeff Rense went off on him too a ways back:

"This is all about Jones...who called me at home last Tuesday

afternoon just past 1pm and threatened to "destroy" me (and my family)

over the well-written story by Brother Nathanael Kapner researching

and seeking to understand the reasons why Jones is, and has long been,

pro-zionist and an unabashed apologist of zionist Israel and its genocide

of Palestinians. ..and generally steers people away (gatekeepr) from AIPAC and the

Rothschild City of London banking monolith which controls so much of the

Western world."

Who IS Alex Jones, Really?


23232537? ago

RIP Bill Cooper, may you one day be remembered as the hero and patriot you were.

23232327? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/gEQpU :

CJTRUTH on Twitter: "10) Bill Cooper - Alex Jones is a liar - September 2001 /xuhixABNDC"

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