23229759? ago


23224255? ago

Bush Sr. is a pedo so that makes sense.

23222944? ago


23221498? ago

GW wishes he was this good of an artist

23221096? ago


23220870? ago

Disgusting. After digging I found this. Is this "Maggie Nixon" from the Q 1212? It's called "Maggie" and looks like her. Almost a bit like Rachel Chandler (Ray) too....


23220842? ago

Hang him.

23220673? ago

Okay that's disturbing

23220269? ago

This guy makes dirty pictures! Get him!!


None of you tough guys have the nuts to do shit to stop abortion clinics or the doctors that perform them, but yeah, THIS guy...

I will take Wiemar over Caliphate.

23220016? ago

Looks like a degenerate to me.

23220015? ago

Fucking sick piece of shit that guy is. The executions can't come soon enough.

23219877? ago

At a glance (all I could muster) his victims seem to be exclusively white juvenile females.

23219850? ago

Just kill this freak. I'm sorry I saw some of that shit. Can you even imagine the damage done to a kid that sees it?

23219847? ago

What the actual fuck!

23219655? ago

S M & B F = satanic

23219431? ago

This guy ... shouldn't be alive any more. He should be dead and gone.

Where is he?

23219531? ago

' lives and works in Berlin, Germany '

Weimar... how fitting.

23219168? ago

That is some seriously fucked-up shit. It's pure evil hiding behind the facade of "art".

23219133? ago

That was disgusting... I'm sorry I clicked on that link!

23218980? ago

I'll bet you a dollar nearly every Democrat has one of these prize possessions on a wall at home.

23225494? ago

Democrat and royal. They are just as sick and sponsor lots of this shit. Why do you think they receive knighthoods for "service to the queen"?

23225640? ago

You are correct.

23218979? ago

Dude belongs under the jail. Shit like this doesn't just happen without someone being a participant.

23218961? ago

As a practical question, how can we use this to red-pill normies?

I can't show this art to anybody without them thinking I'm a pervert. That would be a natural reaction, because it me showing them (normies) sexual images of children. The natural normie reaction would be to wonder why I'm on the internet searching for this kind of thing. If I explain that I found it on a Qanon site, they will think that Qanon forums are child porn forums.

So it is difficult to use. Anybody have any ideas?

23219445? ago

Forward it to your friends as if you yourself received it in an email from someone else.

23218836? ago

Jessus fucking Christ - burn it with fire.

23218693? ago

needs to be put to death for this

23225503? ago

Painfully and publicly.

23218562? ago

what a fucking piece of shit. artists like this should be executed

23218349? ago

The man is a pervert and needs to be jailed in general population, immediately if not sooner.

23218274? ago

So if it is cartoonish art, then child porn is OK? WTF!?

23219575? ago

that way he can later say "Hey, it was all just meant to be 'ironic'"

23218124? ago

the art world has been fully infiltrated by these degenerate pieces of shit. you can see their intentions and values through the paintings they choose to launder their money through. look at this total lack of painting skill, it equates to a high schoolers perverted doodles. but thanks to modern art totally turning the masses away from the art world, things like this have been allowed to proliferate for almost 100 years fully unchecked. it makes me fucking sick.

23217916? ago

Straight to oven. No trial.

23217895? ago

Fuck man.

Its basically hand drawn child porn.Goddamn I hate these people.

23217937? ago

The 'art' is also moved to launder money. Like Alefantis was doing.

This is horrible, but I think the people like Mead are called in to create a canvas for the purchaser child raping elite, to remember the occasion.

23231663? ago

Or its a form of manifestation , segment intending is also another name . look up abraham hicks explanation . by creating it it front of us we are calling it in to our reality

23222161? ago

Did the British royals get muddled in this too? Charles wasn't it. By the way those images are so evil. Why the fuck would anyone who wasn't in a sick elite pedo network draw anything like this. They are making fun of their sick perversions right infront of our faces!!

23225404? ago

They all are! That's why they all go to study "art history" and the lesser royals work in "galleries".

23219237? ago

My thoughts exactly.

23217792? ago

Thank you for posting!

In the final days of r/greatawakening I made a similar post about the Nike CEO's favorite artist. Name was Mark Ryden. His artwork was near identical to this. Including the same kind of characters (Nazis, Aliens, Animals, Ronald McDonald) which is all an integral part of Monarch/MKUltra programming.

Also very similar to Ryden, and your disgusting artist, is Podesta's artwork, and the artwork found at Denver International Airport.

Needless to say, it's all very symbolic of their Monarch programming, including the crimes they commit against the children and otherwise. They do something called 'smocking' where they wear clothing and outfits that both disguise their identities, and horrify the victims.

23217884? ago

"They do something called 'smocking' where they wear clothing and outfits that both disguise their identities, and horrify the victims."



23217783? ago

Pedo shill

23217511? ago

Wtf!!! This is awful! How was this ever allowed, I mean come on, I am so sick of this!

23222220? ago

Google seems to love to catalogue it!!

23222100? ago

How was this ever allowed

Satanic pedophiles.

23217344? ago


23217328? ago

In 1993 Mead received the Bush Foundation Artists Fellowship, which made possible a series of trips to Europe.[citation needed]\


Citation needed. Autists to step up?

23218901? ago

Awesome Job! Thanks fren.

23217288? ago

that was hard to look at, but there are clearly multiple instances of the artist representing their likeness in the work.

this guy is a sick puppy

23217153? ago

You can’t tell me that he wasn’t depicting things he saw, looks like he was illustrating stories from Epstein’s island. The imagery of owls, devils, clowns etc. there’s a lot there I just don’t want to look at them long enough to deceminate. Looks like the whole story of it is there.

23266261? ago

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23219598? ago

connections to the other artists, galleries, institutions etc to the likes of the PODESTAS, HRC, Marina Abromovic.....

Look at how many current and previous artists have deep intimacy with dark occultism.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3642836/22394850 symbol... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3638526/22354828

art school?


23225415? ago

Royals as well.

23218332? ago


23217197? ago

The wiki guy spoke out.... Franklin scandal, Finders Deep State Cult https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3736915/23159318

23217140? ago

Kids, aristocratic looking grownups and deamons fucking and molesting

Totally normal

23217869? ago

It probably is pretty normal for Weinstein, Katy Perry, Madonna, Tom Hanks, etc...

23225428? ago

The royal family....

23217280? ago

Creep possibly criminal, As a teenager, Mead was inspired by European painting and underground comics, especially those of Robert Crumb. He studied art at the University of Northern Iowa before moving with his parents to England in 1975.[citation needed] He studied printmaking at the Camden arts Centre in London. After returning to Iowa in 1977, he studied drawing at the University of Iowa, and in 1983 moved to Minneapolis Minnesota In 1987 he graduated from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, where he became acquainted with artist and future collaborator Frank Gaard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stu_Mead Mead moved to Berlin in 2000.[citation needed] In 2003, he participated in the exhibition "Please Don't Make Me Cry," curated by Georgina Starr at Emily Tsingou Gallery in London. There, Mead exhibited paintings depicting girls in graveyards.[citation needed] In April, 2004 a group exhibition called "When Love Turns to Poison" was held at the Kunstraum Bethanien in Berlin, showing, among other works by Mead, the painting "First Communion," which was destroyed during the exhibition by a religion-obsessed vandal.[4] The exhibition of eight artists became a national scandal, with conservative newspapers declaring it pornographic and non-art.

23217316? ago

Chandler another rabbit hole with weird art connections https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3740472/23196615

23217111? ago

Even depictions of a child in a sex act is child pr0n!

Don't click on this!!!!!!!

23217266? ago

ooops… looks like GOOGLE is a child pornographer !! ( joking, not joking )

Don't download anything. Viewing this material is NOT Illegal.

23221663? ago

Maybe not illegal, but I need eye bleach... Soul bleach wouldn't hurt either...

23217542? ago

And voat with the loli verse

23217632? ago

That verse leads down a horrible rabbit hole.

Almost all the content there came from this source:

Kyoto Animation fire: Arson attack at Japan anime studio kills {33}

23217060? ago

That's too wild for me! Rarely does a DS stooge display his dark fantasies so overtly.

23217839? ago

Yeah right. We saw examples of Tony Podesta's art collection.

23225463? ago

Yup, that Bilijana Druevic or however you spell it.

23217100? ago

23218270? ago

Wow, I thought the 1000 points of light is what a child sees when raped anally before age 5 - as the psyche fragments into "1000" pieces, forming the basis of trauma based mind control.

23217035? ago

403 Forbidden


THat was fast!

23218343? ago

Cloudfare must have reconsidered. It does work now!

But, How Disgusting!

These Pedos need to Die.

23225474? ago

Horribly, painfully and publicly.

23217614? ago

you might want to check that your cable is plugged in, it works fine.

23217321? ago

Pretty sure QRV is a honeypot for the censorship folks at google and youtube. Tells them exactly what to delete

23218829? ago

right click link > copy link location > open new tab > paste and go

23217109? ago

archive is still working

23217602? ago

works for me too.

23217014? ago

Lots of kids fucking demons, huh.