23214856? ago

This thread is relevant:

3M Patent on Process for preparing adrenochrome


23215019? ago

I tried to follow the link provided. I couldn't find a link for the source.

23215183? ago

Ya, It's a loop, lol.

23214615? ago

Anything to do with adrenochrome production? https://patents.google.com/patent/US4501923A/en

23215026? ago

Thank you for providing the source.

23214490? ago

This is related to their Adrenochorme patent which expires today: https://patents.google.com/patent/US4501923A/en

23215045? ago

Many thanks for providing the source.

23213540? ago

I work for 3M at a plant in MN we sent 48 volunteers to a Nebraska plant that makes the N95 mask to help keep their lines running 24/7. The blue collar wage earners are patriotic Americans where I work, that being said management and engineers have been at home getting paid for almost two weeks today we were told the roommate of an employee was transferred to a Minneapolis hospital and is on a ventilator but no confirmation of covid

diagnosis. But continue to follow your schedule. If an outbreak occurs in Hutchinson, MN you know why

23213993? ago

Defense Production ey? We'll just infect our plants then.

23213428? ago

What. The. Fuck.

23212545? ago

3M is in the adrenochrome business.

23214665? ago

They actually are


23212401? ago

Isn't 3M related to DuPont? Now the DuPonts... that's a twisted fucking family... Biden's son let a DuPont heir off for raping his own young daughter...

23214656? ago

23215245? ago

Yes. just saw that this A.M. This whole fiasco just keeps twisting and turning. Let's tear this mofo down.

23214430? ago

Vanderbilt's too. Dig into their connections to the rubber/sealing industry too. Henniges.

23212664? ago

Interesting! Both 3M and DuPont sued, a year and a half ago: https://theintercept.com/2018/10/06/dupont-pfas-chemicals-lawsuit/

23212592? ago

Then he bought an "abandoned' Dupont mansion for a song.

23212387? ago

Can he use it to take over the IG Farben companies that have factories in America?

23212349? ago

PR nightmare for them. Their facebook page already has thousands of scathing comments. Someone(s) probably going to lose their job(s) over this.

23212272? ago

Ok, Fuck Andrew Breitbart. Any of you fucks tell me to follow someone again I'll put a hellenistic curse on your first marriages overaries STOP FOLLOWING FALSE IDOLS, THEY ARE ALL FALSE.

23212457? ago

Okay, strangely angry internet guy

23212641? ago

hey, poor thing might have a concussion, cut some slack (i have had many)

23212365? ago

He's uhhh, dead you know.

23212271? ago

Fuck yeah.

23212255? ago

We wouldnt have had WW2 probably if we had a President that didn't allow our companies to sell to the enemy. Not knowing if they were but they sure weren't selling to our country that has made them what they are today first.

The only reason a company would do such a thing is to hurt all of us.

23212304? ago

Ford? He wasn’t selling to the enemy btw.

23214962? ago


23214564? ago

Selling to the enemy our real (((enemy))). We allied with the wrong ideology.

23212488? ago

Doesn't matter. At a time of war, the facilities can be ordered to produce for emergencies. The silent war continues.

23212104? ago

I will never buy another post-it note again. Damn, I stocked up on them too. /s

23212521? ago

They have made millions selling those damn little sticky notes, gladly taking our money and now they don't want to help the country. Fuck them traitors all.

23217831? ago

I agree. Fuck 3M. Hope their stock tanks.

23212082? ago

Pathetic when 3M doesn’t support America

23214444? ago


Most of the 3M disputed stock , but not all, was stolen from New York hospitals by corrupt Democrats lining their pockets with Israel money.

Israel bragged too much, now 3D will pay and pay big.

Mossad obtains 10 million more protective masks for Israel:


Trump has had enough of these Democrats and thieving Democrat Jews.

23211743? ago

Two weeks too late.

23211556? ago


23211196? ago

Bernie Sanders wins !!