23213466? ago

Upon his apology to Alefantis, there was no reason for anyone to pay attention to anything he said or would say ever again.

23200337? ago

The funny thing is that there's just as much evidence to say Q is a real thing as there is to support Q is a psyop.

We aren't going to see the end of Trump's time in office without knowing for sure. Regardless of how it ends up.


23200307? ago

THANK YOU to whoever must have spent HOURS removing all the infowars store ads for Collodial Silver Wound Gel, Survival Food Buckets, and Snake Oil Big Dick pills from this video.

It would have taken 5 hours to watch all of that without the editing.

23202678? ago

a weird conspiracy... did the frogs make everyone gay? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3741701/23201032

23200263? ago

Are used to

23200001? ago

I don't know what the deal is with Q but as far as Alex Jones.....

Go to the 12:50 mark of the video the OP posted and you'll see EXACTLY why Jones is anti-Q.

23200315? ago

What the HELL does THAT mean?

23200565? ago

What don't you understand?


Viewers. He's losing viewers due to Q.

He's pissed. He's trying to win back viewers and downplay Q.

23200603? ago

"What the HELL does THAT mean?"


23200650? ago

The 12 minute, 50 second point in the video.

wtf is wrong with you? lol.

23200832? ago

"What the HELL does THAT mean?"

- Alex Jones


23199816? ago

Turned the frogs gay

23199327? ago

I say bring it. I find it ironic that AJ's views echo the Nazifags more than any Q patriot, yet they still "Muh jew" him.

23199643? ago

You sound like a nigger lover. Does that make you a nigger?

23200198? ago

Proving me right in the form of an insult. You're a special kind of stoopid

23201525? ago

You take pride in having different views than the "Nazifags". So what are you but a race traitor and a nigger lover? You are closer to a liberal Democrat than any of your ancestors, who were racist and antisemitic.

23202376? ago

Imagine believing any of that is true. I am so grateful that I am not you.

23202528? ago

Maybe your grandparents loved shitskins, but I doubt it.

23202876? ago

Repent now, you are almost out of time.

23203808? ago

You betrayed your race. Kill yourself.

23208346? ago

Show me the part in the Bible that says 'defend your race'.

23209035? ago

Bestiality has always been a sin. Niggers and spics aren't human.

23210810? ago

Huuur derp

23199021? ago

Ironic. I used to listen to Alex Jones occasionally. It was in an interview he had with Jerome Corsi that I learned of Q. Once I started studying the drops, I didn't go back to Infowars anymore.

23199039? ago

Yep. Alex is Rabbi Mossad.

23198981? ago

jones the turd that dosent flush

23199133? ago

The tranny porn, masonic spooky connections and buddies with porn trafficker degenerate Charlie Sheen?

23198928? ago

Alex Jones is a deepstate shill fag.

23198979? ago

OP is a rabbi.

23198886? ago

I think I'll check it out after I get my silver wound gel from the infowars store.

23198977? ago

A jewish operative would never sell you real silver.

23199450? ago

No shit sherlock.

I already know the Grand Canyon was formed when a jew dropped a penny down the crack of a sidewalk.