23198071? ago

If you want to appear sane, do not talk about Adrenochrome or moloch.

23197824? ago

Plant seeds. Your ONLY duty. You are NOT supposed to brow beat or drag people into the light. They will grow on their own, or not. Be TRUTHFUL.

23197649? ago

Tell him that you can't tell him anything directly because he will call you names and won't be able to believe you. Tell him to search for #savethechildren on twitter and he might find out what is happening in central park. Or he might not.

Then tell him to tell you what he thinks about it and when he's ready we can discuss it.

I did it today. The look on their face was incredible.

23202076? ago

great idea. One of my neighbors suggested I tell her to look up Podesta artwork... but I can't take her that route just yet. I couldn't sleep after looking at those.

23197102? ago

A thread full of clueless cucks who enjoy being abused.

THE always filthy subversive greedy JEW is fucking with White European countries for control of the world .The End.

23196863? ago

I'd recommend getting a few copies of the Revolution Q book from neon revolt - it's a basically a a nearly 500 page long full color high quality paper version of all the research we Anons have done over the last several years from 4Chan to 8Chan to well this

23196454? ago

23195973? ago

In GENERAL, if a person can understand science, the best starting point is 9/11. go to ae911.org sulfide steal, thermite in dust, u of alaska study of wtc 7.

If you just want to calm the person down about this particular virus check out wolfgang wodarg , jon rappoport especially this one, or david icke's compilation or his interview which i thought was good - or go to his youtube channel he's got lots of info but that interview says it all basically.

23194533? ago

The Fall of the Cabal is great, I've used it to awaken MANY...


23193326? ago

Dumb it way down, then see how your answer is precieved. If emotions rise dumb it down to a G rated version..

23193077? ago

Have them read "The Creature from Jekyll Island," pages 30 through 68 (for starters!).

23202102? ago

That did it for me years ago. Thanks. Went to a lecture on it after 911. That's definitely a WHOA moment

23192925? ago

Tell him to go to https://boat.co/v/all

23192870? ago

I like this channel, along with Joe M.


I also think that any video showing the 4 am talking points parroting each other.

23192695? ago

I tried jfk's speech to press about secret societies but they didnt believe jfk or me and instead attacked potus and me. cognitive dissonance( wasnt a good day)

23202111? ago

I hear you. It's really frightening how effective the C_A and Mockingbird have been, isn't it?

23192548? ago

People on here downvote anything David Wilcock, but his latest video from last Sunday is very normie-friendly and covers a LOT of ground.


23207207? ago

Good stuff! There's so much good stuff lately. We're watching a movie -- and, every day, there's a new movie to watch! The press conferences that is; they're 1.5 to 2.5 hours, generally!

At least being stuck indoors, we have things to do. God bless.

23192537? ago

Satanic pedovore vampires have been running the world for millennia and we’re about to uncover their dens, free their slaves and bring them all to a swift, silent justice


23198097? ago

Sounds like a good place to start. You forgot adrenochrome.

It’s an excellent way to scare the neighbors.

23199694? ago

Suggest they watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as a documentary and it should become clear

23192361? ago

Get them onto following and reading Trump tweets too. Without Q+, you only get half the picture.

23191939? ago

Tell him you'll give him a donut if he shows you his asshole.

23207074? ago

"<brandishing donut> he wandered off over there"

23216441? ago


23191452? ago

They are saving the children they hide in the tunnels and caverns under ever city

23190956? ago

I like the videos others recommended. Here's another angle, if you are interested.

Ask: "Who killed JFK?"

Then ask: "What does the media tell you about who killed JFK?"

Then ask: "What is the US government's official position on who killed JFK?"

Does not matter what the person thinks about who did it. The key here is that the person is likely to say that the media says it was LHO, lone gunman, and that the government says the same thing.

Then, tell them that the media never mentions that there were TWO investigations into the murder of JFK. The first was the Warren Commission, which the medial pushes as the "official" narrative (LHO, lone gunman).

But a decade or so later, Congress conducted a second investigation, and their official report stands today as the final opinion of what happened. The US Congress determined that it was a conspiracy and there were at least 2 shooters.

Tell them to look up the "House Select Committee on Assassinations," and then ask: If the media will lie to you your entire life about something as big as killing JFK, then what else will they lie to you about? And why do they lie to you?

23202180? ago

Can't tell them this part -- Miles Mathis claims JFK didn't die, that was a body double and was switched out 1 mile before the shooting gallery. He has some very interesting theories. I've read about 80 of his papers and done some checking on my own along the same lines. http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html In essence, it appears we've been being lied to for - oh - about 200 years! But this is a good start. Now the real kicker will be if JFK Jr shows up.

23207069? ago

If JFK was swapped out, maybe he shows up!

23190840? ago

David Wilcock is the best starting point. He has gravitas because of his History Channel exposure. He's a Q supporter and has been a truther for over ten years.

23190682? ago

Here's some info to share.



The tl;dr version is that the Saudis, Qataris, and Pakistanis were running the United Nations and White House during the Obama admin, and the British and Roths were backing them up.

23190263? ago

Same here. Just red-pilled my next door neighbor after she saw my Q+ 2020 sticker on my truck. WWG1WGA! Listen to Inthematrixxx today! Huge connection made at about 55 minute mark! This is happening NOW folks.

23190152? ago

I tell people that Trump is working with military intelligence to get rid of corruption. That's it in a nutshell if you don't want to get into the spiritual war going on!

23202200? ago

i like that, thanks. That plus the SaveTheChildren on Twatter

23190127? ago

Send them to the X22 report on Youtube. Its very normie friendly and he does a very good job summarizing the latest from social media related to Q.

23197666? ago

Bit long winded though

23189917? ago

Pray for your words to be guided by The Holy Spirit. Then, tell him/her your "story". It'll resonate with them. Remember you don't have to lay everything on them at once.

23189892? ago

I usually send Christian ladies to Lori Colley's YouTube channel. She'd probably be good for a WWII old lady also.

I send men to BCP (Black Conservative Patriot). Even though he doesn't report directly about Q, he hits all the pertinent issues. Neither Lori nor BCP are scary or haughty, and both put in the research to minimize mistakes. Sorry, I don't have any great suggestions for Millennials because (personally) I find those YouTubers and Bitchuters too intense and sure of themselves, hence, not as well-prepared. I know one Millennial who enjoys Stefan Molyneux, but I think his style appeals more to those who are at home with intellectual reasoning/philosophy. I would avoid sending a newbie to Praying Medic's Intro to Q video (unless they have a personality like Charlie Brown.)

23189708? ago

Start with common sense. Like CV... why has the story changed so many times? Why has the "cure" (point to massive successful tests with sauce below) been DOWNPLAYED and outright VILIFIED by the MSM? Ask the question: If doctors like the ones I pointed out (using links below) were telling Obama that a cure was possible / likely, what would the MSM be doing?

You can also show pictures and videos of empty Hospitals, include when CBS used a video of an Italian hospital and LIED about it being in NY.

Some sauce:




23189560? ago

Send a link to Zerohedge.com, and ask them to compare it's information with what is broadcast on tv and mainstream media. Then a little while later ask them how many times that (semi) anonymous news site beat the MSM to the truth.

23189552? ago

Send them here, if you want your neighbor to think you're a Nazi.

Send them to qmap.pub and qanon twitter hashtags if you don't want them to think you're a Nazi.

23189528? ago

I think regular people are most concerned about what will happen financially to our country. This is an excellent explanation of how it could play out. This posted in a NON-anonymous sub.


23189508? ago



23189439? ago

Good fucking luck. Your neighbor will rat you out to the HOA and have you removed for being a conspiracy theorist which is against HOA rules once you tell him anything. Let them die.

23202235? ago

sorry about your paranoia. no HOA in these parts.

23202500? ago

Good for you. I heard HOAs are foreclosing on people for working from home now because it violates the HOA.

23190836? ago

which is against HOA rules

Don't be a dork. It's not a good look.

23189378? ago

I like the "We Are the Plan" ... It's a 9 minute video.


23189370? ago

I usually start with how it's the Military in control, acting behind the scenes (this skips over the political partisanship) to take out the Deep State. That they are feeding us tidbits of information over the internet in order to give us a general idea how things are playing out and to calm our fears.

23189310? ago

Ok if you want a NON political jumping off point try this movie....it is non political, scientific, safe for kids and beautifully done...2 hrs long but worth it.

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s

Then could be followed by these videos:

Q Anon for Beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=nKH_hEiuw10

Q - The Plan To Save The World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

Also my mother and I have been following from the beginning and when reddit took CBTS down we made a website for people to find info. It has nothing for sale, doesn't use cookies and asks for NO information. It might give a warning from you browser saying not secure but that is because it is an http:// NOT an https:// site. You only need an http(s) site if you are going to request info or transact. This site is info and links only.


23202275? ago

I LOVE IT! Thank you!! Can I send you a boatload of memes? I have so many and don't know what to do with them. (I'm talking thousands that need to be sorted and shared... ) Hmmm you did what I was thinking of doing. Have bookmarked it. Will share.

23206076? ago

Glad you like it. It's helped many people new to Q. Sure you can send memes. Send them to [email protected] and I will get to them soon. Dell just replaced my laptop and I'm having to move files and setup programs but once I get to them I can let you know ;)

23189284? ago

I've let a few people read 3907. I believe it is put there specifically for normies and new Q interest. The people that were basically sent here by the media trashing Q. Then I show them the screenshot of Comfort making a giant Q in the ocean. The look has been priceless every time.

23189283? ago

why not have them google podesta art. now that google is uncensored, it's easier than ever to red pill people


23202293? ago

thanks for the archive link

did you notice it has a Q in it?

23203766? ago

not sure what you're referring to?

23189272? ago

When the masses begin to ask to hear our 'nonsense(TRUTH), one realizes not only does God Win, We his Children Win. THIS is the GREAT Awakening. Goosebumply, yet ?

23189232? ago

I sent my 80 yo mom to x22 reports.... Dave is nice and calm in his explanations, doesn’t go into the spiritual aspects. Talks about Trump and the patriots v the deep state. Talks things through logically and clearly. She loved it and forwarded it to her bestie.

23202303? ago

good thoughts, thanks.

23189212? ago

Hey person, It's all about a long planned Jew World Order -- using lies,infiltration, subversion, takeover, money, power, theft, bribery, blackmail, threats, the desecration of children, occultism, and many unfortunate accidents. Get in the way and have tragedy befall you.

23189180? ago

Like Q did with us. He asked questions (that he already knew the answers to, and knew the answers were in the public domain), and let them answer with the truth, or pause when they encounter cognitive dissonance. The truth has suffered a death by a thousand smaller half-truths spoon fed by the MSM (and enculturation of accepting these half-truths as what we want to believe) and by being in the shadow of a lie too big to believe.

23189157? ago

Guy asked me what's going on. Has TDS. I refuse to answer. These niggers can learn for themselves.

23189155? ago

Start with how any organization (political parties, corporations, governments, the world) naturally drift left (centralization of power) over time. It's like a law of nature because they want to stay in power and secure their future. A natural passive process. Commies are the group that actively want to push in that direction and so every so often (it's a cycle) the right has to come in and knock them down a peg. In this case commie chinese teamed up with commies in the west particularliy within our intelligence agencies, political parties WHO CDC etc.(they team up cause they are collectivist by definition) and every so often the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

23189034? ago


23202323? ago

where is this? I dont' have TV so I'm out of the loop on series. Is this on one of the movie channels? She's a big TV watcher, so if it's on there, I can direct her to it.

23192584? ago

This is gold.

23189004? ago

You first need to ask them if they're willing to have an open mind. Let them know that some things you tell them might seem outlandish at first, but one needs to suspend their disbelief somewhat to dig further.

Then ask them if they believe, or even understand, that for the longest time that us normal people had to play by a different set of rules from the elites. Even most normal people will say yes to that.

23188955? ago

Dude, where to start?..... always my dilemma too. A lot of Anons have a PhD in everything Q/Trump, etc... trying to explain it to someone on a preschool level.

23188939? ago

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


23192339? ago

Yes once you tell them there has been a plan and they truly hear Trump describing it, it is powerful. You don't need all the answers - just get them thinking. Even show them an earlier Q drop or 2 that may get them curious such as Q142 about the Titanic and Soros. Q asked us questions - really effective technique for redpilling.

23189416? ago

A+++ a lot more info. No matter how awake you are; go back and watch again. Never has so much been packed into a short speech. Another consideration is pretty much any Kennedy Speech.. His Inaugural Speech, should be required reading, year in, year out for students for at least 10 years. Referring to Kennedy's... Trump's is also awesome. Melania saying the Lord's Prayers, may just do it as well. Something we all should consider.... at least one daily Lord's Prayer to kick start our day.

23191092? ago

if i'm not mistaken, that seems to be the first first lady to lead a prayer at an event. how extraordinary!

23189074? ago

That’s a good one. I’d start with that video to ease them into it. Then move on to the Joe M video (Plan to Save the World). Then I’d tell them to rewatch them. Maybe even a third time, so everything really sinks in.

23188924? ago

Dude comes here pleading for evidence. Everyone directs him to a youtube video. Community of geniuses.

23189205? ago

nice contribution.

23189152? ago

Not a dude, but thanks for the cynicism. one in every crowd...

23189818? ago

Not a dude, but thanks for the cynicism. one in every crowd...

Not a dude? Is that you, Linda?

Linda from Facebook?

23202344? ago

?????? who?????

23189089? ago

Then don’t complain, send him evidence.

23188908? ago

Text them the link since it doesn't come up in a youtube search (of course)

Q - The Plan to Save the World


23189197? ago

Ju tube wouldn't bring up any Black Child Production videos. They totally expose the cabal and all the entities in the luciferian satanic beast system.

23188887? ago

I would start out with asking them, "what do they know?" and "what things have they heard that they would like someone to expound upon?". You want them to be a participant in the conversation, be talked to, not at. The more you talk, and show examples if you have them, the more questions they will ask. This is and always has been about the Socrates method of learning.

23193003? ago

this^^^ Q is definitely a master teacher!

just amazed at how much we've learned with such a small amount of curriculum.

Pearson, and all the other communist core publishers can F*ck off!

23188826? ago

Agree- Plan to save the world. Good quick simple starting point.

23188763? ago

Show her Trump's tweet about fast trials and executions for those who harm children.

23189363? ago

I usually start with finance. It’s not that hard to realize the financial elite are preying on us. Learn about central banks, fiat, fractional reserve banking etc.. how it’s all a scam. Then move on to libor, credit default swaps, derivatives, speculator markets, high frequency trading... etc. if they aren’t already collapsed on the ground go into how the biggest shareholders of all the corporations are just a handful of financial investment institutions... check out the study by the mathematicians at the institute of technology in Zurich. They found the corporate world is ruled by a mega-financial conglomerate. Finance may be dry to most people but it is the grand conspiracy hidden in plain sight. You can verify all of this through yahoo finance. Lol it’ll take some time to digest but once you thoroughly understand it you can explain this to sheeple easier. They may check out but if you think pedo Luciferians is less dramatic you can always go that route. Haha

23189531? ago

I appreciate the response, but I think most people are aware of how America has been getting fleeced for some time now. I'd go right for the gold by starting with Savile, then mention NXIUM, and finally I'd say that Epstein's arrest and death started the whole ball rolling. From the peach mint trial to where we are today, it all goes back to the deatheaters.

23196067? ago

fyi it's NXIVM because the middle makes 14 in Roman numerals. 14 was on one of Pedosta's palms; a fish was on the other. That's because Osiris was cut into 14 pieces and 13 were found, but his penis was eaten by a fish.

Wish I could make this shit up. World is more creative. :)

23198022? ago

No kidding! I knew what Podesta's hand symbols alluded to, but had never heard how it connected to NXIUM. Thanks!

23191506? ago

Well depends how sheeple we’re talking here. Lol Obviously you tailor your response to your audience. Wherever the cracks exist. Everyone’s a conspiracy theorist about something now even if it’s just gmos or some shit. You gotta connect the dots for them. One thing quickly leads to another.

23191713? ago

You're right. I've just been in this fight for so long, I'm tired of handling people with kid gloves.

23192215? ago

I’m right there with ya... that’s why I usually push people probably further than they are willing to go but a part of me doesn’t want this to take millions of years to evolve.

23193092? ago

Yep! Strange times indeed and it's an exciting time to be alive. I for one am not taking it for granted that I just happen to be on Earth at this point in time to help win the fight. It helps to remember that some people are never going to get it even if you literally try to shake sense into them. I hate to say give up on them, but your energy is better spent on someone who is open to hearing the truth. Be well, friend.

23194558? ago

I definitely agree. Thank you.

23194731? ago

You're welcome and thank you for the spirited conversation. :)

23188717? ago

The plan to save the world. Makes people think about their life and how things are not fair. Best starting point imo.

23188759? ago

I use it every time someone asks me about what is going on.

23188637? ago

Tell her Arrests or GTFO.

Once we see mass arrests we'll know Q is legit.

23189467? ago

May I say GO FUCK YOURSELF to your sorry A$$.. May I suggest a Jack-Hammer for your sex toy of self pleasure. Hope they haul your A$$ off soon. GOD BLESS the rest of you.

23188625? ago

Praying Medic and In Pursuit of Truth have starter videos-after giving them Q posts and Plan to Save the World video.

23192281? ago

Praying Medic material is top notch and the best stuff to show to newbies.

Two of his best videos are Q for beginners and his one on FISA survellience.

I love it when the shillbots here get triggered over PM. They can't stand him. I think it is fantastic. PM used to be in the military and I always suspected he may have some connections to Q somehow, just because his material is so spot on most of the time.

23190156? ago

Preying medic is a long proven mossad plant. Please do not send normies to this psychic healer that eats dinner with MAGA coalition, lies for israel, and posts edited Q drops.

23192351? ago

long proven mossad plant

Sauce, faggot.

23192219? ago

^^ found the shillbot.

PM has done more for the Q community than your sorry ass will ever do. He has some of the best material and does a great job of explaining things in an objective manner, as best as he can.

You shillbots tried to set him up and he figured it out and pulled out in time. So spare us your made up theories about PM and GTFO.


23190881? ago

This. He's also a PAYtriot who steals shit from anons and presents it as if it was his own thought.

23192242? ago

steals shit from anons and presents it as if it was his own thought

I call BS, he always shows the posts he reads from 8chan.

GTFO shillbot.

23188575? ago

I'd start with




23188785? ago

Qmap is too hard for anyone just starting out. Its fine when you are 3 years deep into Q but someone new would just go wtf and close the browser.

23190916? ago

I almost feel as if this red-pilling we are all doing at GREAT expense is futile because most of these people are too dumb to understand it. It's bizarre how many gutless, low IQ sheep are out there.

23189534? ago

Yes they will. Just send them the Q Plan to Save the World video, and wait.

23188567? ago

The Plan to Save the World video is probably the best starting point.

23197656? ago

Yeah that's true but they won't want to go to "right wing" websites. So starting with a twitter hashtag is a good way to go, I think.

I used #savethechildren and it was really interesting

23193496? ago

Yeah, a large part of the resistance is broken down when they search for themselves, instead of being told something.

23191758? ago

Yep...that’s how we got here....except the shills...they got here through shekels.

23189287? ago

A +++ easier to understand