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23185797? ago

MossadWars can go fuck themselves. When Joe Biggs left, it was clear the gig was up. Right around when he had to admit in front of the judge that he is a dramedy actor IRL for his "job". Can anybody say PAY...TRIOT

23186258? ago

That's when it became 100% clear to me too. I suspected as much but wasn't totally sure.

Biggs was the canary in the coalmine.

23189978? ago

The original commenter hasn't yet answered this, so maybe you could? Thanks!

Can you explain that a bit more for the readers, please? The chance that they may believe you are talking out your ass is very high, considering Joe Biggs was very recently on infowars talking about kung flu and spring break. In fact, here is a video of it:

23192642? ago

Biggs might be there now but there was a time a couple years ago where Biggs left or was fired under strange circumstances. Biggs was calling the situation like he saw it and Alex flipped out and was trying to cover something up.

Biggs even went on another platform and put up a video about it and then immediately took it down. I know he still goes on info wars and does stuff but this really did happen And it isn't BS. The Biggs video as far as I know is gone I did see it at the time it was a real thing.

So believe it or don't believe it I don't really care.

The whole thing may have had to do with Sandy Hook but I honestly can't remember what the subject was.

23200749? ago

He doesn't know who Q is. He is full of it.