23901249? ago

JewMc is a contrary nasty fuck who cant smile and is porno addict shill its that simple, even worse he could be something more https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3815682/23780448

23901281? ago

Who is Patrick Sharp ?

23285325? ago

April 1

23206142? ago

Well that proves it. AJ is HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim.

23196861? ago

Greg Reese - Producer - Infowars.com

https:// www.linkedin.com/in/greg-reese-5022696

23196851? ago

Alex Jones Playing A Character

According to Alex Jones himself, in his InfoWars show he is playing a character. In other words, he is an ACTOR.

"He's playing a character," said Wilhite the Alex Jones lawyer

"He's not a stable person," said Kelly Jones, Alex Jones ex-wife

If Alex Jones is an actor, then who controls him? In other words, who pulls the strings on him?


Is Alex Jones using fear and fearfully hiding behind "playing a character" to monetize?

Did Alex Jones let large amount of fear into him? Will he try to put fear into you? Will you let fear into you?

23192665? ago

Ringing the shill dinner bell 🔔

23192448? ago

Bill Cooper named Alex Jones years and years ago.

23191224? ago

Infowars is not just controlled opposition, I believe they are also first class fear mongers. The evil entities we are fighting feed on the fear.

23190217? ago

Well they make a pretty good point here.

23190155? ago

What are you even doing at Infowars? Have you learned nothing?

23193150? ago

I wouldn’t waste the time to throw rocks at infowars. Useless shills and controlled opposition.

23190129? ago

They even attacked David Wilcock lol. I have followed David for 12 years, thereabouts. I trust him for many reasons. But he is the reason I've been with this movement since the beginning, and Mega Anon before that. The fact that AJ is now attacking Wilcock just further confirms we are over the target.

23189417? ago


AJ's Job is to make truthers look crazy.

He also seems to be trying to get conservatives to use violence.

23188920? ago

Not smart. AJ should leave Q the fuck alone.

23188721? ago

Pure projection from the biggest most popular limited hangout psyop in the country.

23188652? ago

Jones and Q could both be controlled opposition

23188454? ago

How are those kids in NY doing?

23188361? ago

Think mirror

23188176? ago

Jones does this to drive his listeners to go read the Q posts.

Expect some major Q drops are imminent.

Jones knows exactly who Q+ is. He has his phone number. Talks to him all the time.

23188134? ago

Fuck Bill Hicks

23188058? ago

Alex Jones is just jealous that Q has become more popular than him. Period.

23188028? ago

Over the target. IW is controlled opposition and has been since the beginning.

23187893? ago

Jonesstein is probably behind the new breed of troll here -.Q Mega Exaggerators. Trying to make the movement look idiotic.

23187865? ago

So now Jewns himself peels off as a Mos_ad paid traitor....all of his guests and associates have been uncloaked. He has no choice now.

23187781? ago

So at first they were trying to convince everyone that they had a inside track directly to Q. Now they want to smear shit all over it. Worse flip flopping than the fucking Democrats.

23187696? ago

I just insulted Alex Jones and David Wilcock...I guess this is their reeeeeeeetort

23187460? ago

Alex Jones is a Mossad shill

23187184? ago

That's hilarious because we found out AJ was controlled opposition years ago.

23187105? ago

Anyone who doesn't suggest being armed, speaking the truth, and as independent as possible, is suspect. Anyone who tells you to be complacent, pass the buck, sit back while others take care of your things, is your enemy.

Allies want you free, and independent.

23187066? ago


IE predictions that didn't pan out. You've created an unfalsifiable creed where any prediction is either correct or was intentionally wrong.

23186969? ago

I follow and support Q because how can thinking for yourself and research for yourself be bad advice. Also we are in this together so wwg1wga is definitely true but i would not jump of a bridge for him. If the horrible things that we hear about have any truth than i hope q is real but personally i prefer to believe that even though we are financially controlled by the few and lots of corruption exists that not all is lost. I try to take in all sides and only believe what is proven. If all the worst stuff is true than more people hearing about it is good. Even if q is a nobody i don't care. Before all this i blindly ate up all the msm narrative and now i see all the spin. I now at least know that the elites are playing a game with the world and i'm paying more atention.

23186956? ago

If it weren't on April 1st I might take it seriously.

23192887? ago

23186725? ago

Alex Jones trying to remain relevant after being outed. I'm sure theres a boner pill ad at the end or whatever he's gawking this week.

23186550? ago

Q is a controlled opposition op.

23186491? ago

Of course this stupid faggot will say this. They've been shaking him down through his kike wife handler.

23186467? ago

Where can I get me some of them InfoWars Living Defense Plus drops??????

23186376? ago

Of course they cherry pick posts, THAT IS WHY we are inundated with stupid flat Earth and nazi posts, so igmos like Info Wars can select them and publish them as PROOF!! that Q is a dangerous conspiracy.

I think maybe Info Wars actually may post some of the shill shit so as to have something to report on.

23186273? ago

Both of you assholes are on the same team

23186211? ago

That is what dis-infowarriors are supposed to do.

23186188? ago

Think Mirror. They(Infowars) are controlled opposition.

23186025? ago

Over the target.

23185977? ago

Fuck bill hicks. Joined cia after they burned waco. There is video of that fuckwits before he turned documented the waco thing... then he 'died' and Alex faggot jones, scare master extordinar.

he told me like five years ago NY was under military lockdown..

checked every source I could find.. nothing.. now is obviously nothing...

But why folks follow when he flat out lies in a clear way to drum of panic?

Whatever. Glad you see it.

23185930? ago

Infowars bad, de facto martial law is good.

Slavery is freedom.

Home imprisonment is Liberty.

War is peace.

Disinfo is a necessity.

23192923? ago

Bill Cooper on the Jones deception https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG5ovqbZq8s

23193966? ago

Oh for fucks sake. I'm supposed to take a video with an beginning like that seriously?

Just wondering, did bill cooper make that video near his paranoia-fueled demise (so soon after his mother's death, sad), or was it something he blessed the world with shortly after jones surpassed his reach?

23185925? ago

Infowars waffles on Q like a dem presidential candidate.

23186877? ago

He follows mossad orders.

23185797? ago

MossadWars can go fuck themselves. When Joe Biggs left, it was clear the gig was up. Right around when he had to admit in front of the judge that he is a dramedy actor IRL for his "job". Can anybody say PAY...TRIOT

23192779? ago


23189104? ago

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23187990? ago

Can you explain that a bit more for the readers, please? The chance that they may belive you are talking out your ass is very high, considering Joe Biggs was very recently on infowars talking about kung flu and spring break. In fact, here is a video of it:


23186258? ago

That's when it became 100% clear to me too. I suspected as much but wasn't totally sure.

Biggs was the canary in the coalmine.

23189978? ago

The original commenter hasn't yet answered this, so maybe you could? Thanks!

Can you explain that a bit more for the readers, please? The chance that they may believe you are talking out your ass is very high, considering Joe Biggs was very recently on infowars talking about kung flu and spring break. In fact, here is a video of it:


23192642? ago

Biggs might be there now but there was a time a couple years ago where Biggs left or was fired under strange circumstances. Biggs was calling the situation like he saw it and Alex flipped out and was trying to cover something up.

Biggs even went on another platform and put up a video about it and then immediately took it down. I know he still goes on info wars and does stuff but this really did happen And it isn't BS. The Biggs video as far as I know is gone I did see it at the time it was a real thing.

So believe it or don't believe it I don't really care.

The whole thing may have had to do with Sandy Hook but I honestly can't remember what the subject was.

23200749? ago

He doesn't know who Q is. He is full of it.

23193766? ago

Judging by what I saw, probably pizzagate. More specifically, jimmy alefantes and the shooter who managed to blast jimmy's hard drive.

Relatedly, Assange sits, waiting for his dose of Cabal-19. I just don't get what's so special about another 2-bit player in a long list like biggs?

Jones knows trump has left JA to die, but it's hard to say if jones really even understands that trump has already fatally stabbed him in the back... but my guess is yes, and that he keeps supporting him in an effort to save his bloodline.

23185774? ago

ConTrolled OPPOSITION: We can't be exposing human trafficking and pedophilia... And WHO would finance such a thing...

WHO would start that... WHO would continue... And the why is MSM not covering the biggest story of our lifetimes?!?

23185743? ago

AJ should be arrested as a Terrorist for his DIS-INFO

23185645? ago

Shills shilling shills. It's hot cult on cult action, and it's the special on the April 1st menu.

23185627? ago

Alex Jones? Yawn.

23185471? ago

Too bad no one pays any attention to AJ any more.

23188631? ago

Sad because he is the reason many are here, maybe the reason this is happening at all. They got to him. "Took him on top of the mountain" as he used to say.

23185404? ago

Lol ol kosher Alex.

Go ahead you stupid jews

Activate all your little planted puppets. Preying medic, alex jones, std report, embarassing polly, bonjewno etc....

We saw you niglets coming a mile away

23185314? ago

Does anyone, besides you, even follow infowars anymore?

23185176? ago

Infowars - Alex Jones that is - declaring anyone "controlled opposition" is the pot calling the kettle black. Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition.

23189525? ago

Why did Joe Biggs Quit Alex Jones Show? The War Inside Infowars https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/3740298

23185110? ago

Mossad, same as Sebastion Gorka and Johnathan Gilliam bashing the crap out of Q.

23188399? ago

Jones got spooky guys all near the old money family, old connections to the Rosicrucianism cult Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and a dead Kennedy. Best buddies with porn trafficker network heidi fleas connected Charlie Sheen and AlexInfowars even Shapeshited when Palin ran for election. For years AJ infowars would talk about spooks, the wars, the Fed, Mi6, Mossad, KGB, CIA and human trafficking networks, then he got sued and wont say jack shit anymore, he even kisses the Saudi ass wont mention the 28 pages anymore back in the day he would have been all over the Epsteins, the Churchs and the Royalty. Not everyone connected to Jones is a sell out but Jones himself he stopped being a truther long ago, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yKcR5-8pg4

23185081? ago


23192869? ago

The Alex Jones Deception by Bill Cooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG5ovqbZq8s

23189250? ago

smoke n mirrors games by many ... and ?? @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy Joe posted porno spams https://voat.co/v/Voat/3739691/23188226

23187610? ago

Yes, it basically confirms that infowars is controlled opposition.

23185003? ago

POTUS would certainly have said something publically if that were the case.

23185671? ago

Has everyone forgotten that POTUS actually launched his election campaign on INFORWARS for Pete sake?

One on one interview with none other than Alex Jones and Trump himself lauded Jones, telling him that his reputation was impeccable etc and that he would not let him down.

This entire thing is one endless hall of mirrors.

At this point, I don't trust anybody other than myself, my family and close community of like-minded friends.

23187933? ago

Like Fox, Alex Jones is controlled opposition. They take stances depending upon which way the wind is blowing (or depending on what benefits their cause). I personally even consider Hannity could be the same.

23186694? ago

Unfortunately anyone who questions Q or potus is labeled a shill on this platform. I support both but I do not trust anything or anyone without 100% proof and conformation

23185758? ago

AJ & Company Never Thought he would WIN

23185899? ago

Oh please....

At many of Trump's early rallies, 25% or more of the audience were comprised of Infowars members, proudly wearing their Infowars shirts and boosting Trump whenever and wherever they could.

Infowars basically became the Trump Channel during the election and was a key reason why Trump was able to get elected in the first place.

After the election, Trump continued to call Alex Jones personally, roughly every 3-4 months and the MSM was losing their shit over that.

23186124? ago

Nothing wrong with using the enemies Comms against them.

23186304? ago

What you say makes no sense.

If Alex Jones and Infowars were TRULY the enemy, there is no way in hell they would have gone overboard in their efforts to GET TRUMP ELECTED.

I was following Inforwars (and other sources) during the 2016 election. Infowars was getting an astounding 80 MILLIION VIEWERS at its peak. And it was a constant drum beat of them pulling out all the stops to get Trump elected.

Infowars was KEY to getting Trump elected, no if's and's or but's.

Ergo Infowars is either NOT controlled opposition, or Trump, Q and Infowars are ALL on the same team and are infighting for reasons none of us quite understand.

23186365? ago

You work for AJ.

Q already confirmed AJ is comped disinfo. AJ & co. never thought Trump would WIN.

23186536? ago

Oh shut the fuck up.

This board is now officially worse than any cult I have ever read about.

You people make Scientology look legit.

23186574? ago


23186631? ago

Hi Brainwashed Cult Member, who sits idly by while his country is literally being destroyed before his very eyes but pretends the opposite is happening in order to protect his brainwashing.

23188230? ago

I have taken to calling the full metal retards that are trusting the plan of martial law, Q-berts. Jumping around, always trying to shift the perspective to something more favorable to them. Which is, sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing to even try to stop the encroachment of a one world government.

If trump himself bombed Lady Liberty in the nyc harbor, they would talk about how it was a message to the deep state, which is run out of France. Then, they would twist on a dime to say the reason french is not one of the 8 languages on the georgia guidestones is because the french needed the plausible deniability.

Where we go one, we go all!

We're all in this together!!!1!

23188394? ago

Well said, patriot.

We're all in this together.

Even the Qtards will wake up eventually.

When they do, they will be fuming mad and completely irrational. But at least the situation will be clear and we will truly be all in it together.

Until then, the powers that be have succeeded in dividing us.

23186406? ago

You are right Anon. I thought that too.

23184988? ago

LMFAO... OR maybe they are giving you something to THINK ABOUT.

I don't believe Q, and I certainly don't believe Alex Jones.

But I believe one of them are correct about this.

I guess we all get to sit back and "watch the show" until we find out which one it is.

23184986? ago


Nuff said.

23184957? ago

The Shills calling the Shills Shills?

23284611? ago

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23184955? ago

AJ will be dead after this.

23185007? ago

If there is money on his head, count me in.

23184948? ago

Q called them out as mos controlled oppo years ago. At the time Jones and Corsi were trying to twist Q posts to say whatever InfoWard wanted.

23196854? ago

According to Alex Jones himself, in his InfoWars show he is playing a character. In other words, he is an ACTOR. Source at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3739837/23196851/

23187709? ago

Ya remember when AJ said he just golfed with Q and got the inside scoop? Lol

23204338? ago

He's given Trump a week to come out with the name of Q or he will lol. I bet nothing happens....

23187924? ago

It's Zach, remember that ?

23188665? ago

Zach sounded like a potato peeler.

23188606? ago

Oh God I remember following that he was like yeah Zach his military Army intelligence Zach knows what's going on I have people on the inside I know I know Alex Jones is so full of bullshit it's coming out of his ass and going out of ears

23187167? ago

Confusion creates chaos.

Think for yourself....

23185439? ago


Maybe Q is the actual controlled opposition.

At this point, I am more willing to believe that THEY ARE BOTH CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and we are in this fight on our own.

But even as controlled op, both Q and AJ have given us enough truth, even if mixed with some lies, that we at least fully understand the power structure of the world.

23189297? ago

and we are in this fight on our own.

What ya watin' for there Tex? Go in guns blazing now. We've got your back.

And if we don't, someone in prison will when you drop your soap.

23188912? ago

Revelations 13 details two dark forces of Lucifer. The dark cabal is now being displaced by the second one, the force of light that has false prophets. Q and Trump are supposedly them.They will bring in prosperity and a financial reset. If you agree to anything with them in order to receive their money, that is the mark of the beast and you do not go to heaven.

23190719? ago

" If you agree to anything with them in order to receive their money, that is the mark of the beast and you do not go to heaven."


23189019? ago

Is that too hard for the average qtard to understand?

23185710? ago

It is your right to think for yourself. AJ had to admit to being an entertainer in court so his truth is admittedly skewed towards making money. Pls explain the concept of opposing forces both being controlled oppo (like both were created to oppose each other, or both were created to oppose msm, or what?).

23186007? ago

If hrc had won, the nation would be under martial law by now.

If djt had won, the nation would be under martial law by now.

It's like a win-win situation for usurpers.

Every. Fucking. Time.

23186843? ago

Had hillary won, we would be fighting wwiii right now. The nation would be burning from coast to coast.

23187446? ago

It's obvious you are a faggot by the way you embrace the chains of bondage.

23185853? ago

Both created to subvert patriot movements.

Actually I believe that AJ started out good and was subverted/blackmailed by Mossad circa 2014 and since then has laid off Israel 100%. Prior to that he called out Israel from time to time, especially for the USS Liberty.

With Q, I now believe that this movement was a subversion project from Day 1, as Alex Jones was only partially subverted. Might as well create your own movement that is 100% controlled and subverted.