23177811? ago


With interest rates for the United States being at ZERO, this is the time to do our decades long awaited Infrastructure Bill. It should be VERY BIG & BOLD, Two Trillion Dollars, and be focused solely on jobs and rebuilding the once great infrastructure of our Country! Phase 4

7:48 AM - Mar 31, 2020

23177468? ago

OP, Trump is not literally the Fed chair. Trump is using the secret black slush fund that is called the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). No other president has ever dared use it. It is the black hole that the cabal uses to fund black ops (I would guess that FR money is used, too, but the ESF is truly a secret slush fund).

I wrote about it a few days ago here:


That post links to a website that has 5 videos where some dude did an amazing analysis and connected dots on what the ESF is and why it is the hidden gem for the cabal. Those videos were done in 2014, even before Trump came along.

I also wrote the post about the FR that was re-posted in this thread.

It is the COMBO of the ESF money going into the SPV's and the Federal Reserve buying up treasury paper that is the real key to the whole thing. This combo means that Trump is using the cabal's own sources of black op funds to (a) buy up all the treasury debt and (b) spending the secret ESF funds to stabilize the economy instead of using it for black ops. Ultimately IMO, he will then turn around and destroy the FR (and ESF) by making the FR hold the bag on what will become worthless paper.

It is a brilliant move, but you have to learn about the ESF to understand it.

23178479? ago

Thank you for the link to your other post on the ESF. The video series was definitely worthwhile watching. We've been had by the world's greatest grifters.

23177411? ago

There is none. There is only an article from the bastion of journalism and integrity, Yahoo, and it specifically doesn't say that the Fed has been ended, but that it has something to do with the dept of treasury. Dummies who fall for the same shit the commies fall for spun that into whatever they wanted.

23177320? ago

There's been quite a bit on 8kun last few days.

23177112? ago

Go Fuck yourself!

23176967? ago

Treasury just absorbed the Fed. Where the fuck have you been OP? Mnuchin is daddy now...RIP Rothschilds. Also 1300 CEOs don’t quit cuz they want to collectively all within a 6 month timespan.

23176096? ago

OP answer this comment. When I post, I’ll notify you. It is still unclear.

23176081? ago

Three comments down on MoneyGPS community tab. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMoneyGPS

23176059? ago

An Anon posted this a few days ago. I didn't save the post - but I saved the content of the post.

This is what he wrote - and I hope he sees this and can answer any questions you have.

Let's not get too over-hyped about the recent Q post. It's not quite as simple as some are making it ("taking over the Rothschilds"), but it could be the beginning of the end of central banking (AND the income tax!). Here's my take. Anyone who understands the system is welcome to add/dispute, but "it's the jooos" is not a valid debate. So, here goes ...

An SPV is a "Special Purpose Vehicle." It is some sort of legal entity (corporation, trust, LLC, etc.) that is used for a specific purpose. Nothing magical about it, just that it is a legal entity used for a special purpose.

The Federal Reserve can print money out of nothing, but what can it do with that money? It can buy US gov't guaranteed assets, such as treasury debt and mortgage-backed securities. Since the FR has never been audited (in any meaningful sense), it can also spend money however it wants, with no accountability. That is the REAL power of a central bank. Print money out of nothing, use that money to buy interest-bearing notes, and then spend the income from that interest however the hell you want -- all with no accountability. Imagine what you could buy with unlimited income! What does the FR do with its expenses? Who are the "contractors" that siphon off the money? We don't know, because it has NEVER been audited.

So, because the FR cannot buy corporate bonds, for example, there is a problem. This economy is on the brink of disaster, not because of a cold virus, but because of a deep state plot to wreck the economy by fear mongering and getting their idiot bureaucrats to (unconstitutionally) shut down businesses.

Let's take General Moters as an example. GM is cranking along, and then suddenly vehicle sales falls through the floor. What to do? Sure, maybe convert to other production, like face masks, but this is a car company, not a face mask company. With sales dropping massively, the stock price does, too. It already has, in anticipation. But something else also happens.

GM cannot pay its debt. It borrows on bank loans, but it also borrows through the corporate bond market. Say it issues $100 million in bonds, the company gets $100 million cash in exchange for paying annual interest payments (say, 6%) for some period of time (say, 20 years). It pays off the principal at the end of the 20 years, with cash or by issuing more bonds, or more stock, or borrowing on loans, or whatever.

But with the current shock to the economy, what if it can't pay the interest on the bonds? Bankruptcy is likely. Bonds only get wiped out in bankruptcy after all stockholders get wiped out first. This means 401k's, pension funds, and investors all over the world lose all their stock equity and maybe some or all of their corporate bond investments, too. Huge financial wipeout. And GM is only one company. Multiple by 1,000 for the overall picture.

So, the FR might want to buy corporate bonds to stabilize the situation, but it is not allowed to. This is the reason for the SPV's. The SPV is set up, the US Treasury owns the stock of the SPV, and the FR makes loans to the SPV by printing money.

Then, the SPV (managed by Black Rock) purchases corporate bonds from GM and other companies. This provides liquidity to the markets. Mom and Pop get cash for their potentially-worthless GM bonds. Their 401k gets cash, as does their pension funds. Soon, the SPV owns all the GM bonds. GM now has only one bond holder, the US Treasury's SPV. This makes it possible for GM to negotiate a deal where they can have a moritorium on bond interest payment for some period of time until things improve. This means their interest expense goes to $0, making it easier to survive the economic crash. This also helps keep stockholders more satisified that there won't be a bankruptcy to wipe them out.

On it's face, this move is to provide liquidity to the financial markets and calm things down. It also serves as a real tool to keep corporate America in position to survive the economic crash that has been engineered by the criminal cabal.

Is there more to it than that? Maybe.

While the SPV's are busy buying up non-US gov't assets, the FR itself is busy buying up US treasuries. What treasuries are they buying?

As the federal government goes into overdrive to dish out money to people and businesses who have been harmed by the criminal cabal's scheme, the FR is buying up that new debt. The US gov't borrows the money by issuing bonds, and the FR is buying those bonds. But the FR is now geared up to buy way more bonds than just this amount. The FR is buying at a massive pace. There is already more than $22 trillion in federal bond debt. The FR is buying $625 billion per week, or $2.5 trillion per month! Some of that is NEW debt because of all the massive new spending, but the rest is buying other US debt (if they keep up that buying pace).

Who exactly owns the federal debt? There are two types of federal debt: marketable securities and non-marketable securities. Non-marketable securities are just a paper game where the US gov't "borrows" from the left pocket to put into the right pocket. Back when Bill Clinton was president, they claimed they had a budget surplus. It was a lie. They had shifted debt between the Social Security "trust fund" and the regular budget. In reality, total debt increased during this time because they were using real borrowed funds to pretend it was revenue.

Anyway, these funds owed by the US gov't to the US gov't are "non-marketable securities." They are not traded on the markets, because they are just debt on the books (left pocket/right pocket). They are an accounting gimmick.

The marketable securities, however, are real debt. The US gov't has not had a real budget surplus in many decades. It constantly spends more than it takes in in revenue, and the difference is borrowed each year. That's why the national debt is over $22 trillion.

Currently, the marketable securities are about $17 trillion of the $22 trillion, and the other $6 trillion are these non-marketable securities.

What these SPV's might be is a one-two punch to take down the Federal Reserve, AND ... eliminate the income tax!

As the FR prints money to fund the SPV's, which buy up corporate bonds and other non-gov't assets, the FR is also printing money to buy up US treasury debt. At $2.5 trillion in purchases per month, if the FR is buying the real debt and not the fake debt, then they will own ALL of it in about 7 months -- right around the time of the election.

Of course, if they are also using that new money to buy up the new bonds being printed because of the stimulus bill, then it would take a little longer. If they are also using that same money to fund the SPV's, then it will take longer still. But sooner or later, the FR will end up owning ALL OF THE DEBT -- either directly, or by issuing loans to the SPV's.

You see? Instead of everybody else being in debt to the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve will be in debt to everyone else!

And then ...

Congress passes a law abolishing the Federal Reserve, and letting it die in bankruptcy court. In bankruptcy court, all of its transactions for the past however many years would be made available to the trustees (and ultimately the public) to learn what they have been doing with all that money all these years.

The US Treasury then takes over the printing presses, but backed by gold.

Over time, and without interest-bearing money, the federal government could get back to its constitutional limitations, and Congress could abolish the income tax. This would be such a mind-blowing phenomenon to the general public that they would have NO CHOICE but to wake up.

End the Fed.

23178185? ago


(((Federal Reserve)))


b-but jews not an argument

They're all jews, OP. Your anecdotes and speculation do nothing to dissuade this fact.

23178359? ago

You're really not capable of presenting any facts or worthwhile information, are you?

It is so pathetic that you would use the same old lines to dismiss real substantive information.

If you have a point to make - present an argument. Perhaps you don't understand the information being given - so you attack.

Your loss - you may have learned something.

Don't you have any skin in this game? You're not concerned about your future and how this economy will look after two more months of this?

You can't hide your ignorance behind "they're all Jews" anymore. You're in this with all of us.

Stop playing and figure out how your life can have a positive effect on the outcome of our society.

23177784? ago

but "it's the jooos" is not a valid debate

nazifaggot sad noises

23177667? ago

Thank you so much! ❤️

23177285? ago

I love it when you talk dirty (no homo)

23176899? ago

Woah, cohesive

23176439? ago

That was a great write up. I red pilled a few friends with it.

23176348? ago


23177324? ago

XRP is horrible

23176142? ago

but in the end, a Jew is ALWAYS involved. This FACT cannot be denied.

I highly suspect this author, is a Jew.

23176202? ago

I'm the author. Go fuck yourself.

You have no brain cells to refute what I wrote, so you (((shill))) instead.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv today?

23177414? ago

Thank you for that excellent write up. I reposted it here.

I'm sorry I didn't have the original link. I sent your message to family and friends without the link because I don't send them to Voat. ❤️

23177516? ago

Cool. Make sure you check out the videos on the ESF, as well. That long-winded post I wrote did not have enough room to include the ESF, too, but I did write a separate post here:


This simple explanation is that Trump is using the Federal Reserve and the Exchange Stabilization Fund (the two biggest sources of black market ops used by the cabal) to buy up debt, and then I think he will leave them holding the bag and restructure the dollar/banking system.

23177722? ago

I appreciate all the info you're sharing. Sincerely, your messages have helped me understand things I never knew about.. and give me hope. ❤️

23176032? ago

Q = heavy on promises, light on details.

23176042? ago

shills: light on brain cells, zero facts or common sense.

23176076? ago

OP is asking for facts. Qtards have provided none.

23176950? ago

Oh not that the Treasury didn’t just devour the Fed and the fucking interest rates aren’t 0% right now... it nothings happening concernfag.

23180214? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Nothing else matters.....

23183003? ago

There won't be any arrests...oh wait...the entire mexican cartel was arrested last week...but yeah..no arrests. Just shilling. That's how we know we are OVER THE TARGET. Cope.

23176311? ago

shill ignores the lengthy post from 3 minutes after his

23180220? ago

Key word being "AFTER"

23176165? ago

OP is promoting jew BS. That's the fact.

23175916? ago

Blackrock , a Jew financial firm to controle of how the bonds are regulated. Thanks Jews!

23175800? ago

The virus is the cover for major changes. You will find out more soon enough.

23176101? ago

Not good enough. This is why people hate Q.

23176987? ago

This is why we don’t care about people that hate Q. You idiots think this is all about Q....it’s all about US. Q IS US. You fucking nonce.

23180202? ago

US are getting fucked and Q is doing nothing about it.

23183027? ago

Cope...cry in a corner. We trust the plan. I know that hurts you like acid on your skin...there is nothing you can do about it either. Please..keep seething in the open we SAVOR it. Makes us harder than portland cement.

23183091? ago

We trust the plan.

In other words: WE DO NOTHING.

We sit around and jerk our dicks and hope that Q will come and save the day.

23183145? ago

I TRUST THE PLAN. Hurts, doesn't it? Cope little shill....you have no power here.

23183168? ago

What is "The Plan"?? Please elucidate. (You can go look that word up in the dictionary first).

23183233? ago

Hit up qmap.pub...I'd hate to spoil it for you. Get back to me with a status of your findings.

23183274? ago

I have read "The Plan" and I'm still waiting for #1 to happen:


23183328? ago

So, paraphrase you're thoughts on the Cabal....the Fed....the National Guard Mobilizing across the country, the Mobilization of over 1 Million Reservists (and the 'coincidental') policy change late last year with reference to USMC activation during major disasters....

standing by...

23176175? ago

we hate jews! so we're even