23168005? ago

You're going to be waiting through 2024. Q+ arent going to get anything done.

This is a reelection psyop, nothing more and nothing less. Notice the recent emphasis on "this is not another 4 year election"? I wonder why Qwould be using fear porn to get you to vote...

23167810? ago

ok zoomers

23167572? ago

Things are happening. Check out The Great Awakening on voat, look for wins of the day. Things are happening. Arrests are being made, smuggling routes are being cut, the Fed could die in bankruptcy proceedings and most importantly the normies are beginning to wake up. If it's only a Hillary perp-walk that will soothe you then know that you might never get that day if she decides to skip the process and end it herself. Good things are happening anon, you just have to look.

23167694? ago

v/GreatAwakening is a fucking shit show. Everyone there thinks they are super secret agents in a covert military operation. At least here, the echo chamber isn't as bad.

23167597? ago

Who has been arrested?

23167809? ago


One article here and this morning on voat there was a video of swat teams conducting raids in Jersey (I think it was Jersey) during the shutdown.

23168028? ago

So, meaningless low-level nobodies? Awesome. Much justice. Wow.

23172905? ago


Wins of the day you fucking cry baby

23167653? ago

Former Trump advisors and personal friends.

23167681? ago


23167836? ago

Why would I know all their names? Look for yourself, lazy faggot

23167507? ago

Downvoats = Over The Target or Butthurt Shills

23167592? ago

I immediately assign a low double digit IQ to every user I see using the word "shills". Using "butthurt" will give you a single digit IQ.

23167493? ago

Lol. We... snicker snicker.... Have... teeehhheeehhee.... It..... gigglegiggle.... All.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

23167486? ago

You gotta wake up first.

We'll wake you up when it is over, anon.


23167468? ago

Check your mom's room.

Something is definitely happening there.

23167496? ago

At least that is tangible.

23167435? ago

Especially when no one here knows the plan and believes in a mythical man in the sky who can make things better but doesn't.

23167501? ago

^^^ OP's alt account

23167570? ago

^^^OP's third alt account

23167633? ago

^^^OP's fourth alt account

23167696? ago

^^^OP's fifth alt account

23167567? ago

You totally got me. Oh man. I have been found out. Sorry to hear about your low-oxygen birth, buddy.