23164508? ago

So true. The spiritual world exists and has influence on the living. RudolfSteinerAudio.com

23164228? ago

Turn it around on them and tell them you love them and forgive their trespasses against others.

That is my greatest weakness, because the evil is all around us.

Yet there is one thing every salvageable junkie or crack whore has in common. None have taken (((Adrenochrome))) willingly when they know how it is manufactured.

You see, only Adrenochrome junkies can not be cured. Ignorance has killed more humans than self defense by a ridiculously large margin. Yet all users of 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5,6-indolinedione are eaters of children and worse, their souls.

There is no coming back from "Young Blood" abuse. No Mercy.

23162473? ago

Demons live on LIES, they enjoy fear (indicator of effectiveness of their LIES).

23162283? ago

It would be interesting to retrospectively plot the number of h1n1 flu cases and deaths from when BHO was prez vs. COVID-19. This would show what a scam this whole thing is. Would like to see the CDC taken apart brick by brick.

23162154? ago

Jews love goyim fear

23161982? ago

Armor of God helps. Repeat the prayer!!

23162799? ago

I swear it's saved me thrice so far.

23161438? ago

Basic Principles of Mass Mind Control:

Fear makes the propaganda/the lies go down nice and easy without question..

Fear makes you less self reliant/more dependent on any authority figure.

23161289? ago

Source and evidence?

23161309? ago

"The bible told me, so it must be true"

Or something to that effect.

23162895? ago

The bible, ancient sumerian, ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Cretian, ancient Hindu vedicism, ancient Norse, ancient Celtic/Gaelic, ancient Chinese, ancient Japanese, ancient native American ... probably missing a few ... texts all talk about the same thing.

You know nothing conclusive besides all of ancient human history if you're not a beliefless commie.

23163074? ago

Congratulations, all you've done is provide a list of sources which have never once provided one iota of evidence for such a claim no matter how it's written. Spoiler: Humans love telling tales to fill in the gaps of knowledge and/or for entertainment and in the case of religious texts: control over the people.

That you then rely on invective such as calling someone a commie (I'm not even remotely a communist), for not taking these evidence-devoid sources at face value, is just downright pathetic.

23163652? ago

Lol okay ignoramus.

You want to discount thousands of years of anecdotal evidence, from multiple independent and isolated cultures and societies from every corner of the planet.

Lots of these were written by authors who knew more than we had in our own historical records for our own histories.

You know what's downright pathetic?

Some chimp from the 21st century discounting evidence because he's been brainwashed by commies into believing the crock of shit "scientific method" that's led to 95% of peer reviewed science to be complete and utter worthless garbage.

How's them GMOs, vaccines, the fluoride in your water, global warming?

What's downright pathetic is being brainwashed into dismissing the anecdotes of your ancestors. Keep worshiping your Jewish masters.

23163813? ago

You don't seem to understand what accounts for evidence or what actually accounts for the similarities between mythologies separated by geography and time.

What's downright pathetic is being brainwashed into dismissing the anecdotes of your ancestors. Keep worshiping your Jewish masters.

No, what's pathetic is that you're still brainwashed by fairy tales and mythology and that you force it on subsequent generations out of habit and due to yourself being indoctrinated the same as the generations before you.

Keep spitting rhetoric such as "commie" and "Jew masters" to make yourself feel good or justified. I know I'm not a communist and serve no master, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or otherwise. Your reliance on such pithy one-liners is more than just pathetic, it's laughable.

23164303? ago

You don't have an answer, you don't have a response, you literally can't come up with anything to disprove me or what I'm saying, so you choose to ignore the evidence.

Your lack of belief in anything shows what you are.

23164526? ago

Good show, anon.

23165166? ago


23164390? ago

Yeah that's not how this works, what you claim to be evidence is not actually evidence and you've yet to provide anything substantial, instead relying in rhetoric to create a strawman.

When you have something which even comes close to evidence of "demons" or any other mythological creature/entity, then we'll talk.

23164658? ago

You don't get to decide what is and isn't evidence.

Because it's not "scientific"? You mean anecdotal evidence isn't useful in the system of standardization of anecdotal evidence to achieve generalized conclusions and applications?

Lol you're a chimp. You don't even comprehend the things you're pretending to talk about.

23164738? ago

When the anecdotes are not backed up with anything substantial and verifiable, they hold no weight.

Especially in this context when the similarities are explained by root concepts which themselves do not suffice as substantial verifiable evidence of the claimed existence of "demons"(etc).

You can keep relying on insults, or you can come back with something solid.

23165674? ago

Except you can't make the claim they're not backed up because they're dismissed not disproven, unless you want to discount KNOWN and PROVEN evidence like the mind control performed in the Cult of Mithras, which is the occult knowledge used for the MK program in Germany and then for MK-Ultra because they're contained in the same sources, by the same authors with the same authenticity.

But you know, Troy was a myth too.

23165856? ago

That's some epic gymnastics you're pulling there.

The anecdotal claims have never been proven with anything substantial outside of the story-telling. So it's not on me to disprove what has yet to be proven, it is on those making the original claims (or peddling them as factual today) to back their stories up. But you already know that and just gave yourself away by making a leap to Mithraism and MK Ultra for no apparent reason other than to conflate or divert from the topic of unproven claims regarding the existence of "demons"/other mythological creatures.

You finally managed a comment without relying on insult though, so you get a little clap there.

23166064? ago

In the case of Mithraism it's the very same anecdotal evidence from the same sources, making the same interconnected claims that at least half have been proven scientifically.

But you keep claiming there's no evidence when there's evidence you don't want to see.

I bet you don't believe in ESP.

23166189? ago

You keep sidestepping the topic/claims at hand here. To date, not one single person has provided evidence of "demons"(etc).

Now that you're back to inferences and strawman building, we're done here. It's been a blast, but you glow like crazy especially with the need to consensus crack by way of vote manipulation.

23166951? ago

To date, not one single person has provided evidence of "demons"

YES THEY HAVE. You're discounting it BECAUSE YOU WANT TO.

23161151? ago

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

23160934? ago

they are the fear itself. your thoughts are not your own and actually have life. that is why when you build an idea up.. it feels like a death to drop it.

I've been fortunate enough to have suffered enough to want out and discovered the truth.

23160967? ago


If my thoughts are living entities, where do they come from? Do I produce them?

If I produce my thoughts, but have no control over them, and they have free will.... I think you see my comparison I'm making.

Your post is interesting and the ideas within it are as well.

23160929? ago


Play this loud and Remain strong with Jesus!

23161154? ago

Good message. I am not a rap guy but I like it.

23161411? ago

They sued (and won) against the witch Katy Perry for stealing their song.

K.P. started as a Gospel singer, oh how she fell.

23160919? ago

They are living large this week. Most people I know have gone completely insane.

23160975? ago

Isnt that peculiar, the snowflakes melt when the dragon arrives, but all the chicken littles just march calmly to the armory.

I suppose I should not be surprised, we always knew this.

23161106? ago

My bulk ammo order was delivered to my door berofe the toilet paper ran out. I've listened to 100+ people in my area sighting in rifles in the last 2 weeks. Way more than deer season. Bring it.

23162906? ago

My remark was a jest to say that I didnt like them calling us 'chicken little', when we are merely favoring preparatory operational risk management. Your reply illustrated the point beautifully, chicken little was an impotent alarmist, the people you speak of however are clearly prepared and responsible patriots. Even if they aren't at least they had the good sense to protect their own.

23163602? ago

I don't want the shit to go down in my yard. And if this shit show actually blows over I'm 1,000 times more prepared than I was before it began. I spent 25 years planning what I would do for just such a time like now. I am not where I want to be but still amazed at how far I got because I started so long ago.

At a leisurely pace over a long time I was able to do more shit than I could explain in a post to be prepared for this kind of scenario.

All I've done since the TP run began is grab some items I had on my "eventually" list by prioritizing it and draining my fiat currency saved up in the bank to make it happen.

23160864? ago

Watch for those with the yellow ring of power.

23160982? ago

omg my wife is wearing one!!

23160784? ago

They're eating well these days.

23160753? ago

Not all of them.

Just the low level, extremely debased types. There are many other motivating factors in the Spirit realm.

23162826? ago

The Shadow People feed on fear.

I don't know if they're part of this, or just drawn to our reality due to the immense amount of fear and suffering that exists.

23160673? ago

This is why MSM is terrorizing the public right now.

23162773? ago

Trying to.

23160666? ago

Don’t give them your fear. Send them on their way in the name of Jesus. Pray and ask God for peace.

23161087? ago

Masons, Shriners, Jesters is there a connection to rituals from Arabia, European royalty, the Roman Catholic abuse and the acts of Jewish mystics .... what is the mystery babylon religion? https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3638559

23165800? ago

Base and mid level masons and Shriners are good people. They don't realize the evil above them.

23164469? ago

Keep spreading the good word. Don’t forget Ismailis.