23154462? ago

Someone needs to slap her till she wakes.

23154492? ago

They could not read or write, had no written language, did not even invent the wheel https://i.ibb.co/mNHBYx4/image.png

23154407? ago

Worthless post.

23154502? ago

America could have become Haiti 2 point 0

23154431? ago

Give the sowpotamus more stolen tax payer cash, a bag of weed and some food stamps and maybe just maybe she will finally shut the fuck up.

23154401? ago

Sheboon Gorillia wants POTUS to pay her dealer.... Is this real?

23160702? ago

And take care of her spawns.

23154354? ago


23154368? ago

A great freak out looms? Hundreds of rioters, I could not understand what she was saying... something about a trunk the rear car boot of her vehicle or was she talking about the President and her drug dealer and making nigga threats