23155257? ago

I just wonder what forms of corruption (new) are going to crop up among evil folks scrambling to grab some of these funds. I bet they built in NO safeguards (they never do) or TRAPS so crooks/frauds get SUNK PERMANENTLY. I'm dreaming I think.

23152739? ago

Had no idea what prurient means, so I did a search. Qwant came up with this curious musician. Not sure if he is anyone worthy of a search, but I thought it was weird.

23152381? ago

Is (((disney))) getting one??

23152608? ago

I don't know but they are hurting. They are shut down indefinitely and losing $20 to $30 Million Per Day

23155410? ago

Good. Go woke get broke. They should have not went on the reckless shopping spree they did, specially fox

23151543? ago

this is good news, but i see the owen benjamin bear crowd has overlapped heavily with Q lmao.

23151845? ago

Conversations with Vox Day has been working a bit on Owen. Owen says he is 20% Qtarded now.

23155199? ago

vox day is awful

23151432? ago

Right, because sex is evil.

23152575? ago

making people pay to watch people have sex is evil and immoral. the wages of sin is death. are you ready to pay with your soul? too bad if you arent ready. you will have to pay none the less.

23152040? ago

Not that you would know anything about sex

23150144? ago

How are the shills that say Trump is a zionist tool explain that one? hmmm, inquiring minds want to know. Those businesses are bread and butter for the Jews.

23149887? ago

That is AWESOME!

23149398? ago

Society will function fine or better without any of them.

23149200? ago

Why are the gamble houses mad? They are already giving away free money. Im being paid 2:1 if Trump gets elected :)

23149154? ago

Does this mean ADL doesn't qualify either?

23147987? ago


23147936? ago

Just filled out for my biz. Loan only up to $10k though. Will see what happens.

23147495? ago

stock market is gambling

23151222? ago

so is insurance

23147362? ago

May God Bless the United States of America

23147343? ago

Satan not being subsidized. Very odd.

23147269? ago

the hookers are gonna have to work overtime after this

23147257? ago

You know what's going away soon huh?

23147803? ago

Fuck off with forced morality.

23147967? ago

How about this.... Only evil. Racist pale faced devils are banned everyone else is good to. Go. How. Does that sound? On a side note... How likely do you think it is that porn and child trafficking and exploitation work hand in hand.

23148055? ago

The vast majority of porn is not child porn, and the idea of porn being exploitation is a sex negative feminist idea.

23149216? ago

and the idea of porn being exploitation is a sex negative feminist idea.

That's why so many of those super happy and wealthy female porn stars are trafficked, right? Wake up! Stop gas lighting us.

23152550? ago

if porn is so great and a huge money maker on its own feet without money poured into it then you shouldnt be so frightened its not going to be subsidized.

23152621? ago

I think you responded to the wrong comment.

23148201? ago

Why is porn free? It's not free to make it... It's not free to host it. Why is it free to consume? Have you ever met anyone who has actually PAID FOR IT? Certainly not enough to support it.

This means. It has a constant stream of cash pouring in from some other source. Who would pay for you and everyone else to fap for free? Why? And fucking HOW?

23148262? ago

Most free porn sites have ads on them. Plus, Pornhub has a paid subscription service for extra features, such as no ads, so yes, people do pay for it.

23148510? ago

Not nearly enough to support the content. Almost all adds are from other porn sites as well. It doesn't make sense. I have run a bunch of businesses. Some worked and some didn't. I would never want to try to make money in porn. No fucking way. That sounds like a REALLY tough game. Naw. They aren't making shit. Not a chance. Not above the table. Mayyyybeeeee some places with very thin expenses where the a roars do their own filming and website stuff could be successful. Cam whoring and such but for the most part... It's a loser. But it's HUGE. not a chance it is legit. I'm not telling you to not go jack off nor am I dictating your morals. I don't care if you are a sick fuck watching scat porn... But what I want to see end is the machinery behind porn and the horrors it enables.

Think about it anon... what if I'm right? what if it's far worse than I think?

23149243? ago

The costs are externalized on to our society with trafficking, loss of relationship, tired-lazy men who can't function because they're losing life force with every pull.

23149615? ago


23147072? ago

This is very anti-semetic.

23147791? ago

Plenty of non Jews are involved in those industries. Quit acting like Jews hold a monopoly on all things immoral.

23153674? ago

Wow you cant tel j this is a joke? Lighten up

23149573? ago

Saying grabblers are mad isn't saying that they own the entire industry and are the only ones involved.

23148287? ago

Yes cock sucking shabbos goy whores.

Matthew 23:15

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!

23147813? ago

Bulls shit, who owns the industry?

23147843? ago

Indians own casinos, plenty of porn videos are produced independently by white people without a Jew telling them to, white billionaires donate to politicians...

But no, the world isn't complex and doesn't have multiple factors. It's all TEH JOOOZ.

23147895? ago

Another truism without a point or sauce, who owns the large porn production companies?

23149177? ago

who owns the large porn production companies?

And who have ALWAYS been the slave traders?

23148022? ago

Mindgeek CEO Feras Antoon: Arabic origins. https://themeaningofthename.com/feras/


Fabian Thylmann: nothing to indicate he is Jewish. Born in Germany.


23149183? ago

Still a Semite. They belong in the ME, not the West.

23148447? ago


Jewish Porn King David Tassillo Owns Most Porn Sites Anonymous ID:chVn5QRI Mon 26 Jun 2017 17:59:29 No.131443898 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Quoted By: >>131444097

David Marmorstein Tassillo owns Mindgeek. Mindgeek is an umbrella company that owns many pornographic websites. He and his companies have faced criminal investigations in the past. Who controls your mind?

"MindGeek itself has something of a checkered past. In 2009, the Secret Service seized $6.4 million from bank accounts controlled by Mansef, a company founded by Stephane Manos and Ouissam Youssef, the assets of which Mansef later sold to German tech investor Fabian Thylmann, who made them part of a company he owned called Manwin. Manwin would later become MindGeek. (Of the $6.4 million that was seized, $4.15 million was later released pursuant to a settlement with the federal government.) In April 2011, Manwin quietly secured a $362 million loan from Wall Street firm Colbeck Capital, founded by former Goldman Sachs employees Jason Colodne and Jason Beckman. (Goldman Sachs distanced themselves from the two.) Colbeck’s funds were in turn secured from other firms including the troubled Fortress Capital, masking the Manwin association. Having used the loan to continue to acquire tube sites and content producers, Thylman was then extradited from Belgium to Germany in 2012 for tax evasion on Manwin’s profits. In late 2013, Thylman was bought out by current CEO Ferras Antoon and COO David Tassillo, longtime players within the company, who now control operations from Montreal. (Manwin’s name was changed to Mindgeek in 2013.)"


23147780? ago

anti-semetic= evil things Jews do that they do not want anyone else to talk about

23147939? ago

This is why we must eradicate muh nazzzzziiis, they dare question our overlords intentions.

23146822? ago

Alot of angry goblins over this

23149194? ago

Working on a new bill for more grabbling.

23146700? ago


23146324? ago

Kill the grabblers!

23147752? ago

Just bring down all their works of destruction and hate against mankind. The only people who are chosen by God are those that hear his voice, not those who follow the perversion ramblings of sick and twisted men, he did not like the Word of God so they wrote their own, that glorifies themselves instead of God.

23146844? ago

The grabblers are a scourge upon the realm.

23149923? ago

whats funny is that term came from an onion tv sketch....written by jews

23146101? ago

It's a good move in the right direction. Let them be mad. Better than what they'd get in ages past.