23129170? ago

You are watching a movie -Q

23128263? ago



NOTE: "aka My Secret Terrius"

You're welcome

23127877? ago

It's not only predicting it's also fear mongering. By watching those films you should become fearful and stay at home when the government tells you so.

23126872? ago

What is with evil assholes and needing to tell you their plan?

23134308? ago

I love that Q has told them HIS plan!

23126855? ago

Hold on a second. This may very well be a “plandemic” but coronavirus pandemics have been a fixture of Asia as far back as I can remember. Making a Korean movie about a pandemic everyone outside of Asia is unfamiliar with is indicative of nothing. Bill Gates on the other hand...

Also to correct the subtitles the common cold not “common flu” is a Coronavirus. The flu is Influenza and has several popular strains.

Lastly, the head of Russia’s bioweapons program defected to the US in the 80’s or 90’s and wrote a book about it. My view, this was an accidental loss of containment of something they were working on. Could have been weaponized or not. Seems like it was from the DNA sequencing I’ve seen but I’m not a virologist I just read a lot.

Back to the Russian guy’s book, fascinating. Title was “ Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World--Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran It”

BTW the Russians had multiple accidents and killed whole towns.

23134301? ago

BTW the Russians had multiple accidents and killed whole towns.


23127078? ago

I'm in Asia, but not Korea. EVERYTHING the doctor tells you gets translated to "cold".

23127404? ago


23126751? ago

Live in Korea with my wife. - We watch netflix here and there, and she's a big "drama" fan. - Showed her this - She was blown away.- Never EVER heard of this, and the actors in the show are quite famous. - Been telling her for 4 years about Q and she lovingly chastises me " hun, don't dive too deep into your conspiracy theory stuff okay?" - Show her this this morning - = mind blown. - She suddenly realized that everyone involved with this show up to the heads of all the companies, production teams, actors, actresses, media personel, and government regulators KNEW IN ADVANCE about this shit. It felt good to see that OMG moment sweep over her. We're winning. If my wife can be woken up, - WE ARE WINNING. - PAIN COMING SOON.

23135035? ago

Racemixing is against God.

23127583? ago

Not everyone involved in a production knows in advance. Not everyone is in their club. You don't have to control everyone to control the narrative.

23128693? ago

Yup. Same with nasa. The lower workers have no idea that it's all a hoax and you can't go to space.

23134276? ago

I love seeing comments like this. I just made a comment about "being able to see the furthest flag at the Bedford Level" -- I've known this for half a decade at least. Initially I wanted to clue everyone into it, and it's amazing the resistance people have been programmed to have, when learning something new that goes against said programming!

I'm reading the second "Little Baron Trump" book (his adventures underground) and was thinking I have no relatives I can discuss this with, but at least I have QRV. Then I come downstairs and my first two comments today match that pattern! :)

We can't get to space, thank God. We are protected from the waters above. I love that picture where the guy's peeking under the "firmament tent" and the "outside" is so vibrant and beautiful! God bless.

23126865? ago

Great story.

23126745? ago

How does the series end?

23134236? ago

Truman gets out.

23126677? ago

Just speculation based on current known info at the time.

23126441? ago

Thats it, time for these fuckers to hang once this corona business is over

23126243? ago

WOW leaves me speechless

23126024? ago

is there a time stamp for which episode this is

23126153? ago

23126130? ago

Episode 10. About 53 minutes into the episode, so towards the end.

23126150? ago

thank you

23125768? ago

Came out of nowhere right, stfu!

23125748? ago

oi vay its as if the jews planned it like they did 911

23125630? ago

Corona is a hoax. They have been wanting a global pandemic hoax for a long time. Ebola, Zika, H1N1. There is most likely several shows, movies and books that portray the hysteria they want to creat.

23125732? ago

But this one started right after the second coup failed. Coincidence I'm sure.

23125731? ago

It's not a hoax. It's a real man-made disease / virus that's killing real people.

Having said that, the media has blown it way out of proportion and the reaction to this has been extreme in comparison to other diseases and pandemics of the past.

This was a planned attack for decades. Event 201, Eyes of Darkness novel (coronavirus), this Netflix series, and many other evidence proves it's been planned for a long, long time. Again, not a hoax, but a pre-planned attack.

23125827? ago

It's not a hoax. It's a real man-made disease / virus that's killing real people.

And all I ask for is proof that it is real. Can you provide any? I’m under the impression that our media and government constantly lies to us. They lied about the holocaust, 9/11, JFK, Sandy Hook, Ebola, swine flu, Zika, and on and on. I have seen no evidence that corona is real. In fact, I see evidence to the contrary. Things like this.


23127108? ago

I'm on the same page as you. Supposedly several people in the next building from me were taken away to hospitals for having coronavirus. I don't know them personally, but that's as close to home as I've ever seen during one of these events.

This is not PROOF, but makes it feel more real to me. I don't know the people, and I didn't see them get carted off. I assume someone did since there's a lot of people around here. I'm usually the guy to dismiss the "oh my neighbor's cousin was blown up at the Boston Bombing" stuff.

23127178? ago

The video I posted it’s literally 2 guys in hazmat suits getting caught lying about the same exact situation you just described. When you say “supposedly” what makes you believe it’s true?

23127301? ago

These people returned recently from overseas and aren't dead or claimed to be.

When I say supposedly that means it's what I've heard but don't know to be true.

I also have no evidence that it's not true.

I've seen enough evidence of hoaxes to be very skeptical, but people around me sure buy into it.

23127411? ago

There’s a lot of people that buy into all the hoaxes. If they understood that everything the MSM presents is a lie they would demand more evidence. Instead, most people are fine with blindly trusting them. If they say Muslims highjacked airplanes on 9/11, why would they lie. LHO killed JFK, why would they lie. Children died at sandy hook, why would they lie. People died at the Boston bombing, why would they lie. Corona is a pandemic worthy of shutting down the US and tanking trumps economy, why would get lie.

23127759? ago

This is pretty much what I hammer into people every single day. They still don't get it. Very few people listen to me, most just think I'm nuts.

At the same time, most people recognize that I have a high IQ. We did a test as a group and they all wanted to see my result. Well, I'd want to take more tests before legit claiming it, but the result I had was 99.9% percentile. Passed the Mensa entrance test no problem. Mensa only requires 98.5% percentile. I have an INTP personality. Socrates. Einstein. Bill Gates (eww). Newton.

People accept this and think I'm a smart guy.

I teach them about cognitive dissonance and cognitive bias....

Lately I've been explaining how fear drives you to use your r-complex, survival mode, brain to think, which means you're essentially a lizard right now, freaking out over the coronavirus, rather than using your neocortex's higher level functions to think like a person, and that the media's primary function is to lower you to these base level mental states so you're more easily controlled.

Anyway, they hear all this stuff from someone who they accept to be very smart. But...................................... haha you're crazy. Corona virus is totally real, I saw it on TV.

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................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This is why I said you need to use your higher level brain functions... you ain't doing it now...

23135424? ago

You sound like a flaming faggot shill. You talk out your ass. You’re no genius. It also doesn’t take a genius to recognize cognitive biases.

Here a military book on discernment.


Corona is a hoax. It doesn’t matter how delusional you act. You are a retard.

23134205? ago

Yeah then try telling them they can see the furthest flag at the Bedford Level, and all your (my) IQ and previous achievements, means nothing.

23126736? ago

I have friends in NYC hospitals. I have proof because I trust these people. You don’t know for sure because I’m a rando on the internet I get it. But from first hand accounts I’m getting there are real hospitalizations and real concern about ventilators.

23126776? ago

So I’m suppose to just forget about Internet shills? You don’t know shit. You know how many shills I’ve Had conversations With that claim the same exact thing as you? Somehow every single person Pushing the hoax has NY doctor friends.

Either post proof or quit pushing MSM propaganda. This is the guys in hazmat suits being caught red handed lying about a corona death.


23127669? ago

So yeah, no, you’re not supposed to believe me or anyone. The fact that things don’t add up all over the place is a fact. That said, and like I said before, I personally feel I have accurate info because these people are my friends. So I personally am convinced there’s an issue. I’m also convinced that a lot of people staying home in a city like NY during a mysterious infectious disease is a good thing. That will keep the numbers of further ailments down.

23135460? ago

So you are personally convinced you have accurate info because the people that have it to you are friends? Did you bother asking them where they got their info?

23136124? ago

They’re nurses in NYC right now. Who are on the floors manning the patients.

23136368? ago

Prove it.

23138997? ago

I don’t need to. Like I said, that’s info I’m happy with personally. find someone in the work that you can talk to. Nobody is talking to the press.

23139935? ago

Of course you don’t need to. The MSM creates the hysteria with the hoax. You just defend the hoax. It’s impossible to prove it’s real.

23157607? ago

Listen, I get your point. I’m not one to believe this shit either. But as someone from NY who still has a ton of friends and family there I’m concerned and check in. My family knows of many who have been very ill the last few weeks but none that have been hospitalized. Even the elderly. So that’s a good sign at least.

23157845? ago

Check in all you want. Just don’t push the msm narrative without proof. I love my gram. I check in on her. She still doesn’t have corona. Just because the hoax made me worry doesn’t mean I should promote it without proof.

23166177? ago

Again. And I feel like you’re either slow or REALLLLLY don’t want to hear this:

There IS an issue in NYC hospitals.

As of yesterday, when trump mentioned ventilations, masks and meds finally being made available, I hope to see a shift.

23167754? ago

There IS an issue in NYC hospitals.

No. That is a lie. Prove it. And please don’t use the fake footage cbs already apologized for using.


As of yesterday, when trump mentioned ventilations, masks and meds finally being made available, I hope to see a shift.


Maybe you should tell Cuomo to stop stockpiling them and start using them since New York is seeing such a big problem. Lol.

23168416? ago

What that fuck is in your head. I started this entire dialogue by saying I have 0 doubts, PERSONALLY, about what’s happening there because the people WHO WORK IN HOSPITALS are my friends. YOU don’t have to believe shit.

You’re choosing to make me a target piece, thinking that I can call Cuomo and tell him anything. He’s a piece of shit. And I don’t know him personally. So too bad for that.

23168568? ago

You are full of shit. Everyday I have to explain to shills that people don’t buy their bullshit unsubstantiated claims. I personally know doctors and nurses that say it’s bullshit. Does saying that solve anything? Am I believed because I’m an anonymous person on the internet making unsubstantiated claims? I don’t have to believe you and neither does anyone else. Either show proof or STFU. You make yourself a target by pushing the hoax without posting proof and expecting people to believe you’re not a shill simply because you said you have friends that work at the hospitals. Lol. Do you realize how retarded you sound when you post no proof.

23168625? ago

I don’t have to post proof because I don’t care if you believe me. Nor are my friends allowed to post photos or talk to the media.

You’re scared. Which is why you’re attacking me. I’m scared for my family and friends, and I learn. And do what I can to protect them.

All that said, I believe the peak is almost there and I don’t think it’ll be as bad as they claim. But that requires people taking precautions.

23168793? ago

It’s not about me believing you. It’s about me calling you out as a shill that’s pushing the hoax. You aren’t the first one to get call out. Out of all the Scheels I called out for pushing the hooks not a single one was able to provide me any proof that coronavirus is indeed a real virus. They eventually get frustrated and just say “I don’t have to prove to you anything.” That’s called defeat.

23173319? ago

So in your universe calling someone a shill is NOT significantly or logically the same thing; and - as you say - baseless as is someone giving you intel you can’t personally verify (because you don’t have any first responder friends like the “shill” you’re speaking to). Correct?

If that’s the case, your logic circuit is fried.

A) you can’t verify what I say and

B) you can’t verify if I am or am not a shill

So let’s go back to the first statement I made, which is that I have friends who tell me what’s what. You DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE ME.

Nor do I care that you do. Just as I don’t care whether you call me a shill or not.

This logic exercise is over and you can go back to placing your head back in the sand.

23175432? ago

baseless as is someone giving you intel you can’t personally verify (because you don’t have any first responder friends like the “shill” you’re speaking to). Correct?

Baseless as in an anonymous person online saying people they personally know told them something and expecting that to be relevant. That’s just retarded.

you can’t verify what I say and

Nobody can. That’s why it’s irrelevant.

you can’t verify if I am or am not a shill

If it quacks like a shill it is a shill.

So let’s go back to the first statement I made, which is that I have friends who tell me what’s what. You DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE ME.

Irrelevant. If I told you I know the tooth fairy, would you believe me?

You are on a q research sub. You break the main rule by making claims without sauce then pretending like it’s relevant.

Do you know how many anonymous people I’ve talked to online that happen to know first hand that shit like sandy hook wasn’t a hoax? If fucking ridiculous. You are no different.

23193552? ago

Again. You keep arguing with me. And I don’t know why. Are you trying to dissuade me from knowing those I know or to quell a fear you have? Oh right, you’re on a cruisade to expose shills.

But again, no way to verify that. I see plenty of legit statements on this and other boards be regularly slammed by the mentally challenged for being “shilly.”

I don’t mind conversing with you. I know what I know. You’re the one with the variables you can’t work with.

23207663? ago

I’m just telling people that it isn’t real at all until some kind of evidence is provided. I get it that there are anonymous people online making claims, telling us what their friend say. None of that matters until someone shows credible proof that corona is indeed real.

23210909? ago

What do you consider credible?

23221442? ago

Considering is 2020, I want to see a single video of a US hospital overrun with corona patients. This is supposed to be a pandemic that’s big enough to shut down the US.

The global cabal can easily stage videos is other countries. Look at the white helmets in Syria. In the IS though, citizens will question and video their findings. Show me one video.

23221984? ago

So first off, I agree with you.

Secondly, non corona folks are being sent home and most are staying home unless they have bad symptoms. Those that are being accepted are easily filling up the vestibules because there aren’t thousands of zombies outside. That said, yesterday one doctor told me they have a 20% mortality rate in a Bronx hospital. And those freezer trucks are being filled.

From what I’m being told, people come in and get tested / admitted and get access to icu if it’s bad.

So they believe it’s slowing the spread in places like NY. And believe me, 95% of my NY friends are at home. (The 5% going are essential, including construction and medical. Not sure of others.)

No one is shooting video and uploading it which is probably because they don’t want to terrify people.

But my nurse friend lost several able bodied medical staff friends btw 29 and 35. So it’s absolutely unnerving to them.

23223627? ago

No one is shooting video and uploading it which is probably because they don’t want to terrify people.

I do not accept this. You might be able to pass this excuse off for a a good bit of people, but we are talking pandemic. There are plenty of opportunistic type people that would be filming it.

But my nurse friend lost several able bodied medical staff friends btw 29 and 35. So it’s absolutely unnerving to them.

This doesn’t even line up with the propaganda. Healthy individuals at that age show mild symptoms. So they say.

23225394? ago

well I think it’s all shady AF. As do my friends. For this reason: they’re calling it a pandemic while downplaying the actual case AND YET showing pics of the freezer trucks.

So I’m confused by all this too. Because I ask if they’ve seen first hand bodies being moved and they say yes.

All that said, they’re admitting a hundred or so people a day. That’s not a huge number for one hospital. NYC hospitals are huge. 100 people is nothing in a vestibule.

That’s my honest to God truth for you, anon.

23228351? ago

showing pics of the freezer trucks.

No pictures of bodies.

Because I ask if they’ve seen first hand bodies being moved and they say yes.

No pictures of bodies.

they’re admitting a hundred or so people a day.

Any proof of this? It’s 2020. Surely there would be a video of a US hospital being overrun with corona patients. 100 people is at least some people. Let’s see the video.

I don’t believe any “word” that this is real. I need to see proof.

23229442? ago

Today I asked my friend why she hasn’t posted photos. They lost 26 in a 4 hour period today. She said she’s experiencing ptsd and doesn’t know what to do. They had one photo posted of bodies in a freezer truck a few days back. Maybe daily mail. Can’t remember. A hospital in Green Point Brooklyn. You can look it up.

23230747? ago

She said she’s experiencing ptsd and doesn’t know what to do.

This doesn’t account for the fact that there are zero pictures. You’re expecting me to believe that every single person that’s had the opportunity to document this pandemic couldn’t do it. There are people that would.

one photo posted of bodies in a freezer truck a few days back.

Who verified that these were bodies? It looks like a video of a bunch of bags. You’re telling me that we are staking bodies in body bags but there’s not a single video anywhere of any actual bodies?

23231223? ago

There is a video. You clearly didn’t look. There are videos of her eye being pulled from the hospital.

Once again. These are stories from people I know. (The article not withstanding). I’m telling you what she said. Not what every other person in NYC says.

23234677? ago

Post it and quit pretending like it exists.

These are stories from people I know.

Nobody is arguing this. The argument is that it’s irrelevant.

I’m telling you what she said. Not what every other person in NYC says.

You telling people what your friend said is irrelevant. Shills do that shit all the time. Not saying you’re a shill. Just saying it’s irrelevant to tell us what your friend said.

23252524? ago

So. You didn’t look for the images already out there. Ok.

23255860? ago

What images? It’s a pandemic. There should be tons of videos and images.

23256593? ago

So no. You didn’t see the photos and video.

23259306? ago

That’s what I’ve been asking for. Only seen a video from Italy that cbs claimed was in NY. They had to apologize for that.

23259402? ago

I gave you the info to look at GREEN point Brooklyn.

23259438? ago

No thanks. I shouldn’t have to dig for proof that this is real. There is none. I’m not gonna wast my time.

23259640? ago

Youve wasted 3 days (moar?) talking to me but you won’t a google search. Clearly a real anon.

23259712? ago

Why would I wast my time searching for propaganda? It’s a hoax. If you have proof, post it. Don’t be a lazy fagg anon making claims that proof exists but telling people they need to look for it.

If you make the claim, post the proof. That’s how this works.

23260260? ago

How many days have you been in this dance with a “shill”? Ever seen a bot hang out this long with someone? This, tho, is my last comment. Again. I’ve said it many times before - I don’t care if you believe me. DONT google Green Point hospital. DO NOT DO IT.

23261163? ago

Considering this hoax has my state shutdown, I have plenty o fab time to waste. I might as well waste a shills also.

I’m not googling shit. You made an unsubstantiated claim. You didn’t post any proof. Corona is a hoax.

23261854? ago

So fucking lazy.

I lied. THIS is my last post.

23262272? ago

Tell me about it. You can’t post sauce because you’re lazy.

23126615? ago

are you an idiot....to much damage is happening out in the open for it to be a fake virus. if you want proof why don't you travel to one of the hot spots and volunteer in providing one of the high risk jobs in the hospitals....being a janitor calls for no special skills I bet you could get on in the hospitals sanitizing rooms.

23158393? ago

Are you retarded? You keep expecting people in QRV to believe what the media tells them. They lie. It’s that simple. Today isn’t the day they decide not to.

23159398? ago

the media lie's generally have some truth hiden in them...you are an idiot . you think it is all or nothing when the media persuades the world with a lie ....the best lies are surrounded by the truth so that you don't notice the lie...

23125819? ago

Can you name any normal people that has died?

Can you see the percentage of 'famous' people being sick compared to any other sickness?

Use logical thinking.

Why is the media calling it a disease, when it's in fact a virus?

Its a pre planned attack, but was neturalized by Trump and Q, so what you see now in the media is a hoax.

What do you think?

23127130? ago

I'm not sure why you say it was neutralized. I try to tell people that but the case numbers are going up drastically every day, so I can't really defend my argument. My best argument right now is that the test kits have false positives, but supposedly that was already blocked by Trump. Countries have been sending kits to us and maybe those still have the false positives?

23127826? ago

Yes test kits rigged for red for false positives.

Thats why fake media wanted people to get tested, then whey Trump got his test kits in ... they said dont get tested. Fully corrupted.

I also heard when people die now, they change their cause of death to coronavirus.

You can see an example from Project Veritas, their latest video, if you watch it, the doctor is saying people are dying, but she dont say its from coronavirus, or if its more death than normal. Its a big indication that what the fake media is saying is fake.

Then you see the NY videos where their hospitals are not even busy, and nobody is seeing cases of coronavirus.

What I do believe is this coronavirus is a setup for the evil cabal.

That's why Q say dont fear.

Also remember, it's just the cold. Mind over matter, stay strong Patriot!

23126905? ago

Why is the media calling it a disease, when it's in fact a virus?

You have this in reverse. Its a disease not a virus. A virus is not curable by antibiotics and a malaria drug.

23158405? ago

It’s a hoax. Drugs mean nothing.

23127858? ago

Are you sure Patriot? Its got nothing to do with cure or not.

Virus define: an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.

Diease define: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

23125608? ago

this is some sick way the cabal operates, they feel that if they warn us of what is coming they are not accountable for the sins or the karma whatever.

23129247? ago

I think that's an easy way to defend themself too... If people start to say that the virus is an bio-weapon, mockingbird media just have to say "you're watching too much hollywood"

23128670? ago

Predictive programming - this way it is easier for you to cope and accept your fate. Less panic and uproar.

23126768? ago

I don't think it's karma, rather they're flaunting it and mocking us. That video would still be up had 'she' won the election.

23126289? ago

cool so all i have to do is write a poem about how the people of america are going to lynch every last one of them and...

23126154? ago

It's the law in which they operate. They must tell us, but the mode can convoluted.

23125696? ago

Correct. If they tell you what they are going to do -- and you do nothing about it -- you bear some culpability for the crime.

23125991? ago

sick. it does however give us a clue as to whether something is a FF or not. the fore warning is always there in a FF, although you may have to dig for it.

23126759? ago

?!?!?! it just hit me! maybe that is why literally EVERYTHING they have tried since potus won the election is backfiring! because we the people said NO MORE the day we all voted for DJT! we no longer consent, we have eyes to see their plans, and evry day millions of us say no!

23125733? ago

Which is total bullshit because we're not the ones pulling the trigger.

23127055? ago

The logic is, I told you I was about to punch you. Why didn't you move?

23128663? ago

Do they really tell you? Or dance around it like faggots using subliminal messaging and plausible deniability.

Your analogy is more akin to somebody grabbing your hand and striking you with it while saying “stop hitting yourself” like a grade schooler.

23129053? ago

Oh I agree, but that's their logic.

23127323? ago

This is actually what a common tenet of English common is based on.

23132896? ago

Thin Ice

You were warned!

No liability here.

23125654? ago

Correct. [They] need our consent to continue perpetrating evil upon us.

If they show us what they're planning to unleash ahead of time and we're either too stupid, ignorant, or busy to notice, they take that as consent.

It's a sick and twisted belief system and thought process. Watch this video for a more thorough explanation.


23128772? ago

It could be the other way. They dramatise the corona virus in advance to instill panic when the actual event occurs which is not 90% death but actually quite over hyped. people reflect on the show and panic, share it around then the DS move to ban it/hide it to add even more validity that this was indeed a pre warning of 'the truth'.

It seems they really wanted this amount of global carnage. The winners are the cabals banks who, by virtue of their fiat money bailouts, get to reward us slaves with heavier chains.

23129373? ago

Predictive Programminf

23125639? ago

It might be their comms to let their ilk know what they are doing

23125212? ago

The series is available on fmovies.to for free

23131667? ago

There a cool zombie korea tv also

23125194? ago

foreign movies / series look so much more stylish, and intelligent it's ridiculous.

23128688? ago

Still the same shit. Satanic feminism where the men are tards and the women are the smart heroes, played by trannies.

23126392? ago

S. Korean drama series are much more intelligent and better produced than anything on U.S. TV.

23126582? ago

Loaded with gay shit and agenda?

23125609? ago

The ones not made by jews at least.

23125181? ago

Very accurate real information.

23125104? ago

Nice! Makes you wonder if someone had an inside scoop.

23131689? ago

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