23118349? ago

Jury is still out but hope springs eternal!

23117606? ago

We dont.

23117556? ago

The Fed isn't dead, it's just essentially being merged with the Treasury department.

23118334? ago

So it will no longer be a Private Bank?

23118547? ago

Hostile Takeover, most likely. Make them eat the shit they've been spewing on us, and when that ledger is balanced, make them a small division of the US Treasury.

23117534? ago

Too much people now knew what they were doing.

That's what the past 3.5 years have been about - removing all the roadblocks so that things could be swiftly enacted at the right time.

23117596? ago

people were waking up long before that. it was discussed in my family when I was a kid.

23118097? ago

Political roadblocks removed.

23117624? ago

We.ll make sure to get you a ribbon.

23117528? ago

Fed isn't dead....its being restructured...we've known about this for over 2 years. Where the fuck have you been and who the fuck told you the Fed was going away in it's entirety? It's clearly been highly effective for decades...holding us slaves. Now that it's in the hands of a trusted agent is should continue and serve our purposes.

23117632? ago

The. Fed. Is. Illegal.

23117977? ago

President Trump is our trusted agent. As trusted agent of WE THE PEOPLE if he has a plan to take what is used against us and make it used for us...to our benefit...to the worlds benefit. I welcome it.

You're right though the Fed in it's form since 1913 is illegal...under the Dept of Treasury it can be chopped up dismantled, poison drained, and stuffed like a big game trophy for display in case snake comes slithering again in the future, cuz as long as this Earth is given over to evil it will subvert and deceive again.

23117440? ago

Most currency is already digital, OP. Think they can't track your every move right now?

23117242? ago

Out of the frying pan and into the oven.

23117195? ago

Bitcoin is mark of the beast technology.

23141943? ago

I don't understand what you mean

23120510? ago

crypto is a CIA invention.

23117218? ago

Incorrect. Bitcoin is cryptocurrency, not digital currency.

Facebook's Libra is the one you should worry about.

23117230? ago

Bitcoin is mark of the beast technology you will see.

23117399? ago

Can't be embedded if it doesn't exist. Put on a thinking cap.

23117693? ago

It does exist it's cryptocurrency and when they phase out paper it will be used everywhere. The card you use now then also disappears, and the chip gets installed guess where? And what is that called?