23113132? ago

i wonder what her last tweet will be.

23108312? ago

Distract us from this:


23105529? ago

Who would've thought Hillary has been posting on QRV the whole time concern fagging calling us Q-tards, trying to convince us POTUS is one of them, and telling us we are being distracted. Nonstop, day after day, shilling away. She has finally outed herself. LOL.

23105261? ago

God will not be mocked, Hillary.

23104692? ago

She's an evil cunt. Cunt fag?

23103254? ago

She’s desperately trying to stay relevant. So trolling anons seems like the way..... because, well....we are the news now

23103166? ago

She actually made a good joke.

23102244? ago

Distract us from the disappearing street peeps on the left coast!

23102238? ago

Not distract you from what, but to distract you to. Pizzagate. In which was proved to be the biggest hoax ever pulled on the small minded.

23102329? ago

Ok groomer.

23102401? ago

I have no desire or attraction to children. Sorry. More proof you have a very small and limited mind. One that dwells in the gutters of evil works and visions.

23101837? ago

Probably sending literal pizza, as in food, in order to get us riled up just so they can say, "see, you're all crazy. It's just food."

23103220? ago

Yes, that's how they discredit conspiracies. She's vile, I can't wait until she's hung.

23101737? ago

This is basically rubbing our noses in the shit the cabal took on the world's carpet.

23104927? ago

She's trying to demoralize us. Doesn't she know who we work for? God will not be mocked.

23101681? ago

It's becoming obvious to me that her account was taken over by the white hats. They are purposely trying to direct our attention to it so we can redpill in the comments.

23101498? ago

Hey Hillary is it a theory that you and your daughter wear upside down crosses and are members of a real coven? Didn't think so!

23101407? ago

(((Jenna Lowenstein))) wants that pizza.

23101344? ago

Textbook Satan love [ not love at all ].

23101166? ago


23100938? ago

What a cunt. - These cunts are so lazy.- They've been so used to being on top of shit for so long. Money and power made them weak. LMAO - That's a good laugh for ya. Irony at its finest.

23100701? ago

I don't think she understands her supporters are like "squirrel?!" where as anons are like pit bulls on a rawhide.

23100597? ago

That women has a way with words, she is as articulate as Lil Wayne. Although she is not as good looking.

23100263? ago

Picture her at her military tribunal, facing the firing squad. The horror about what's to come. The soldiers know not to go for a kill shot right away. They prefer to cause pain and agony first in payment for all the kids she hurt, and whoever was a part of frazzledrip, those poor souls.

23104906? ago

The horror about what's to come.


She belongs to the cult of death

Murder is death and death is muder

Their religion mandates that they die unnatural deaths, as in, at the hand of another.

23100997? ago

Yes. She knows once dead she faces judgment for her terrible sins. She can't hide in that Kuru infested husk when the military end her. I hope she trembles in absolute terror and writhe in pain.

Ah, who am I kidding. The witch is so arrogant and vile, she would cackle in the face of death on her way to Satan's cock in hell.

23101773? ago

I wonder if she has any fear of God or an afterlife. I can't imagine someone behaving like her if they do.

23100813? ago

That day can't come too soon.

23100073? ago

She is rubbing it in your faces. They are brazen.

23104805? ago

Brazen...and stupid. [Their] arrogance will be [their] downfall.

23104804? ago

He who laughs last, laughs the loudest. Laugh it up, fat bloated witch, like a broom could get your 2 mega ton ass off the ground. Maybe she could use Bill as a bullet shield.

23104608? ago

She is a total psychopath. She literally doesn't believe she's done anything wrong. None of them do, Comey, Clapper, Brennan etc ALL think they were working for THEIR COUNTRY. They are so deluded. Her trial can't come soon enough, but I'm pretty sure there won't be one for the witch. She'll take the cowards way out now. I mean what life does she have left? Nobody likes her, the white hats are baying for her testimoney. She's spending her last few days right now.

23106496? ago

They think they were working for THEIR PEOPLE*

23106443? ago

Wrong. They all know. They just don’t think they will be prosecuted. I hope they do get prosecuted, but they might not.

23100003? ago

Hillary you little nigger

23100502? ago

More proof that the left cant meme. You shills are low IQ morons.

23099998? ago

Distract us from the comms I guess. Shitty way of doing it, highlighting the comm instead. This is why women shouldn't be able to vote. Can you imagine if Hillary was actually a man? We'd be fucked.

23101131? ago

Distraction from the fact that she was ordered to appear in court to answer questions about her role in the massacre in Benghazi. She has refused stating that she has an "indisputable right" NOT to appear. In other words she is stating that she is above the law.

Good luck with that one bitch.

23100878? ago

This is why women shouldn't be able to vote

I'm a woman and take that as an insult. You moron. I have never voted for that evil bitch. My brain would outmatch 10 morons like you any day.

23101278? ago

Also this isn't reddit or twitter. Take your pearl clutching elsewhere.

23101267? ago

The effects of female leadership throughout history speak for itself. If you are above the bell curve and actually qualified to lead then good on you.

23104816? ago

Have run small businesses successfully and Marketing and sales departments for larger companies. Never compromised for my values to do what I did. Refusing to compromise my moral values did get me fired once though...paid a huge financial loss for it but would do it again. Its called integrity through strength. We are not ALL alike.

23105368? ago

Apologies for the reddit tier comment I made earlier.

23106045? ago


23099904? ago

A few pizzas? What a cheap cunt.

23101195? ago

$65,000 isn't cheap.

23101840? ago

Right, that's usually how much they pay for some "pizza" and "hot dogs".

23101789? ago

Those are Barry's Hotdogs !!!

23102300? ago

Michael's hotdog surgery?

23102558? ago

No, Barry's hotdog parties.


23101433? ago

A really cheap way to get thousands people on Twitter talking about how charitable you are. It's a PR move.

23100901? ago

She could pay all their wages for a year with our stolen money and still have billions left.

23100617? ago

not to mention she was spending our stolen tax dollars. cheap cunt is an understatement.

23099839? ago

She delivered a bunch of cheese pizza to hospitals. You look at this tweet and its pretty clear she knows there is a double meaning.

23109909? ago

She said, she killed some children.

23101797? ago

They are trying to pretend there was never a double meaning. Like when JetBlue launched a web site about an actual cross-country pizza delivery service as cover for their communications that they were presumably caught making.

23101502? ago

Is there any proof that she actually sent pizza to hospitals? I think she just wanted to tweet “cheese pizza”.

23106875? ago

Madonna and Biden recently both referenced "Charlie Parker". Again with the "CP"....

23106948? ago

They can’t help themselves.

23102852? ago

There was a tweet from one the hospital staff with one of the pizza boxes opened. Can't really say that every single box was cheese pizza, but the only box that I have a picture of was.

23100942? ago

That's why she mentions conspiracies.....reference to pizzagate. She has unmitigated GAUL. They are semi human and have no conscience which is why the firing squad is the only way for them.

23104051? ago

Military and US Govt use lethal injection only.

23109918? ago

Live firing squad is the only thing I will accept and will not tolerate non violent executions.

23104246? ago


23101927? ago

And the audacity to say something like that while also saying she isn’t going to show up to the subpoena judicial watch is serving her..?! Rules for thee not for me, fucking erase these people holy crap I can’t stand that people in ESPECIALLY former positions of power are able to carry themselves in this pompous manner, talking down to other Americans like this. I do believe this type of behavior in elected officials or other politicians is ending soon, the people can’t stand this and it is not acceptable. The most symbolic days for happenings would definitely be April fools (1st), Palm Sunday(5th), Passover(8th), Good Friday(10th), and Easter (12th) coming up. I have faith in one of those days being a mass reveal, a big fucking deal, a true happening.

23099512? ago


Yeah I'm thinking she lost control of her Twitter account which has been suspected for a while.

23101164? ago

I too believe it her Twitter account is compromised.

Her description on her blue check-marked account reads:

2016 Democratic Nominee, SecState, Senator, hair icon. Mom, Wife, Grandma x3, lawyer, advocate, fan of walks in the woods & standing up for our democracy.

HAIR ICON? Lmao. Who would even put that on their account...let alone very unstylish HRC.

I think someone on Team Q was having fun...and letting us know she's not in control of her account.

23103835? ago


23101755? ago

Apparently you forgot the propaganda of Hillary The Fashion Icon.

But she believed it. That's why she paid all those articles. To make her believe !!!

Maybe women saw in her a little clumsy girl that tried, but couldn't avoid the fashion faux pas. You'll have to ask them.

23100125? ago

First I’m hearing of it.

23100935? ago


23099236? ago


23099224? ago

The celebration will be massive - millions and millions worldwide - when she faces judgement.

23109892? ago

Way bigger than Binladen.

23101296? ago

One regret I have in terms of failed preparations is that I really wanted to have fireworks on hand for when she goes down. I fear that I missed my chance.

23106843? ago

Bonfires are nice too...

23102382? ago

Awesome idea.

When she is finally charged with crimes hopefully a coordinated fireworks night would happen.

23102265? ago

I think i can pick up dragons breath

23101484? ago

I will light a bottle rocket for you.

23099797? ago

I think you mean billions and billions. Cunt!

23100188? ago

Very true, thanks for the correction!