23273097? ago

the klike VS pallywood kebab propaganda continues? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3749681/23271257

23104873? ago

On a positive, Iran is growing exponentially in the Christian faith..

23098291? ago

why the question mark?

fact is: people used to marry young and especially for political reasons, the ruling classes arranged marriages at a very young age.

Islam is still practicing that idiotic idea widely. It does not jove well with our views of conduct. Bring in more of these people.

23097537? ago

It's Time to repent.

God hates to annihilate, but in the End, He has no other choice but to destroy them all to save the worthy souls from them.

So please repent.

23096568? ago

40, with no fractions of a girl?

23099300? ago

Israel is a part of Europe. That's the European way of denoting thousands.

23096326? ago

Kikes are more evil than muslim monkeys could ever dream to be. You could insert Israel instead of Iran and pedo-jew-synagogue-of-satanism instead of islam, and no intelligent person would disagree.

23096165? ago

Nazifaggots love Islam and China so much that they divert every thread about China or Islam to muh joooos.

23096072? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

Dear anon 3729418 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

Each year ,more than 300 girls under 9, and 40.000 girls under 13 yrs old marry in Iran....the religion of islam founded by a mass murdering terrorist and a pedophile?

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

23095808? ago

In israel jews fuck babies. In the Talmud it is permitted

23098155? ago

Which might have something to do with Muslims marrying young and hiding their women in trash bags. An adaptation to keep them away from the kikes.

23095764? ago

don't forget the jew raised the age of consent.

I'ts simple: prosperous races simply married their daughters to good people.

If told by her father at age 13-17 what to do combined with feminism, she'll sid with feminism ...why wouldn't she?

If she's marrying someone her father chose, he'd likely be a good man and they'd happily follow him if he were a good person. ...

Instead, we tell our daughters to wait until they are 24 to have kids, meanwhile niggers and muslims are raping them at 14 and convincing them to start the family and have 4 more shit skins.

whites need to stop falling to kikery

23095813? ago

No, jews have been trying to lower the age of consent in every country they leech from

23101489? ago

Not for whites. Are you a retard??? Do you not see that?

I still have trouble digesting a fully developed 14 year old with a 20-24 year old male. But if you just look at evolution of all species, we're doing it wrong. It seems weird, but we've all seen teenagers that look like adults... More so females than males.

As a once-28 year old that dated a 21 year old, the difference in mindset is SHOCKING. They have no thoughts that are original, and they only care about shit that doesn't matter. I think this is true of largely all women UNTIL they have kids and I don't know if hormones change or if they just hit reality, but most change into the motherly figure most of us remember our own moms being as we grew up. I believe if they just had kids earlier, they come to earth earlier.

By marrying daughters off - most fathers would do their best to choose a good man who is compatible with their daughter. By doing so, their daughter is now in the hands of a man closer to her age which, especially now, is important. As fathers can't be by their daughters every second, they are exposed to the kikery of the world today. They are fed feminist and racemixing in everything they do. This is what turns them into worthless whores and some never recover.

When their dads say, "Honey don't do something" they do it just because they aren't supposed to. If they had a husband who was around them all the time, who spoke closer to their language, who says "Don't do this because..", they listen. Especially if they are married and have kids, as a lot more is at stake.

23101520? ago

BTW kikes want to fuck kids. Not young adults. That's their end-game and it completely skips out on normal, heterosexual, family driven age of consent.

They are trying to transitive property faggots to trannys to kid trannys to kid sex change to kid consenting. That's a whole different level of kikery.

23095742? ago

Were they menstruating? Then it's fine. They may engage in pleasurable sex, but I'd discourage pregnancy until the body has developed more fully, for safety of the baby.

World would have more peace if men could engage their natural desires.

23104826? ago

Pigs with your warped sick primitive un-evolved mind will be gone, ive prayed hard for it..Enjoy Hell!

23107331? ago

Enjoy your 30 yr old tatted whore.

To each his own!

23113142? ago

Im married, have faith and children, you are the kind of beast i want kept away from them, and through my almighty Lord, you will be destroyed! See ya

23097208? ago

Careful what you wish for. Long term versions of peace don't include your kind.

23098036? ago

Nor, probably, you. It is a peaceful society, nobody is going to want " ominous threat douche bag guy" around.

23098164? ago

No. Your kind is the "sand in the gears". Once cleaned out normalcy will commence.

23095727? ago

If I told you what I witnessed our 'allies' do to young boys at night in Afghanistan you'd throw up. I did....and I could do NOTHING about it or else I'd be in prison right now. Want proof..


23098070? ago

Witnessed and did nothing.

You might as well have held the kids' arms and taken your turn.

Of course, a beta like you would have to go after the rest have finished.

Or, maybe you were just happy to watch.


23100799? ago

I would've been killed moron...enlist, train up, go into combat and then come back and tell me how much you did. Fucking internet tough guy. You don't know War.

23096048? ago

Actually some decent comments on that article for Jew York Times. Gives me a little hope.

23100818? ago

It's from 2015 so they're probably fired by now....doesn't mean they won't be great again at some point. I think they need a purge and to go under in order to be viable again for American consumption.

23095559? ago

i mean you’re right to point this out but maybe pay attention to jewish tradition of literally cutting young males genitalia in your very own country and nobody says shit about it lmao

23099971? ago

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23097853? ago

Circumcision should be illegal in the USA

23096423? ago

If you silly cattle would just agree to turn Iran into a war-torn mess, we wouldn't have to rub your face into articles like this.

23097195? ago

Your slaughterhouse appointment has been arranged. It is only a matter of time now.

23096663? ago

They worship a pedophile, for crissakes! Now go to war with them already, goddamit!

23095266? ago

No need for the question mark in your title.

23095063? ago

It’s times like these I wish I was islamic. Uwu

23094944? ago

Dont call it a religion, it is not. It is not even a cult so to speak, at least they have some morals.


23094922? ago

Sounds tasty