23104965? ago

Post 3903: Infiltration of what?

23103709? ago

Trump better line item veto that bill.

23103451? ago


23097590? ago

Sean Hunt Qster - Decode - Follow The White Rabbit 'o-o' < Part 2



23096956? ago

The Silent War continues..


Down to two dots! :-)

23095730? ago

Cool, so while we're exposing the Deep State to anonymous people on Voat the Deep State has launched a biological weapon against the United States and is on the verge of collapsing our economy with China coming out as the winner.....

So, does this Covid weapon get exposed? Or no?

23103434? ago

The super secret agent autists in here will tell you that it can't be exposed or 95% of the population would end up in the hospital.

23102129? ago

China ain't doing so hot economically either....

23105041? ago

Good. Sometimes I get paranoid

23095627? ago

Does anyone read Vincent Kennedy? I’ve reall been intrigued by his posts, many of which retweet other well known Q accounts. He always seems on point and also highly cryptic. Do you anons think he’s legit? Some of his followers seem to think he’s an insider but doesn’t this conflict with Qs post: No inside coms outside of 8Kun.

23095555? ago

Deep state is toast

Justice has arrived

23094646? ago

How does one see Q posts on 8kun?

23093938? ago

For anyone on the fence about Austin Steinbart, here's a guy who debunked him...


23093111? ago

That Austin dude is creepy. He bases his validity by his financial worth & a hot wife? Even though posting pics is not proof that he has those things.

I think he's a plant from the other side. One comment on Twitter was something like, he does have some good info and that makes me feel like he's legit. Can't find it to post here.

Now I am thinking of one meaning to this drop from today:


Infiltration Instead of Invasion



26 Mar 2020 - 10:30:51 AM

[infiltration instead of invasion]


In the past, when MSM attacks Q and us Anons, it backfires on them. Qanon gets even more followers. So, are (((they))) planting people into the Great Awakening for the purpose of divide and conquer? Or, to confuse the normies? Many are waking up in larger numbers lately. People stuck at home and on social media all day.

23092725? ago

Who cares.... when will somebody fucking be arrested for fuck sake

23092655? ago


23092629? ago

Trump literally gave the deep state billions last night.

23091582? ago

Why silent - I dont accept this. People are literally losing life savings, jobs and a way to provide for their families and Q says silent war. Put the crap out there show the people it is real or this is all fake

23095535? ago

Silent war is an allusion to a book: quiet weapons for silent wars

23095066? ago

Stop worrying about the old system and feeding the cabal machine. Just stop. Enjoy your time off and be with your family. Stop being so estrogenic and man up.

23096084? ago

Man up? You show me proof something is actually happening. That is not to much to ask.

23096101? ago

Ahh you exposed yourself as a "nothingzz habbening" person.

You're looking at this all wrong. You're scared because you lost your cabal system job. I don't think you understand what's on the other side of this. It's not going to be the same ever again, I hope you realize that.

23090941? ago


For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion,

23090897? ago

Be careful who you follow.

Austin Steinbart is manipulating Q followers by trying to use a qmap.pub title image as if saying that the switch to 8kun means that the comms were ended when having left 8chan. Trying to use that to claim that he is Q. Q stated "platform". That platform is the one being managed by CodeMonkeyZ. Just because the title changed from 8chan to 8kun, it's still the same platform.

And, for anyone who thinks that the metadata he shared as proof of those images he's posting as not being photoshopped, just because he publishes the metadata doesn't mean he didn't change that metadata. It IS possible to change and manipulate metadata.

He IS NOT Q nor is he part of the Q team. He is an INFILTRATOR trying to DIVIDE us!

Use the discernment that you have cultivated. Do NOT go back to being a SHEEP by following someone who has tried to infiltrate this movement and claim to be someone he is NOT.

He is trying to DIVIDE us by referring to some as QPharisees. Q would not do this. Q does not want us divided. THEY want us DIVIDED.

THEY are getting desperate. Expect the unexpected!

EYES open Patriots!

23095122? ago

I'm assuming he was getting a large following if Qanon had to say no other comms, yet again. People just can't stop being sheep, can they?

Q is the only anon or online persona to prove themselves legit..... Ever. The rest have all been LARPS.

23092247? ago

Good post Patriot. I think austin is a clown ... by the way he talks. Kinda like roger stone, and that fbi corrupt peter strzok. I've noticed their talk is very clear, but their mouth movement has that movement type.

23092614? ago

I haven't checked this guy out, and most likely, will not...However...Kansas may have found use for this clown...Maybe Haspel set him up to do this...Maybe Brennan did...Who knows? But, and a big BUT, this guy provides perfect plausible deniability for Q to confirm muh joo...[Infiltration not Invasion]...

23093765? ago

I checked him out yesterday. His videos are really good. BUt some of his points didnt make sense at all. THat bugged me, then I saw Q post and it makes total sense.

He comes in, shares real info. Gets the trust. Some fake disinfo for things he cant explain. THen divide Patriots by getting his new followers to attack Patriots.

Very good controlled disinfo.

23091251? ago

the post in tempe from that retard is right down the street. should i go check out the house?

23092647? ago

sure cuck. you wont do shit.

23090415? ago

we are facing certain economic armageddon within 2 weeks, societal breakdown at the MOST, 30 days. The days of secret decoder rings are OVER. We need ACTION. I can't eat a Q proof post, i can't use it to buy food.

23095546? ago

I second that. It is your duty as a man to find a way to survive AND provide for four other people. Stop your faggoty whining and get to it

23095133? ago

Stop being a pussy. Man the fuck up already and stop whining about having someone take care of you. Just stop....

23088510? ago

Q sending us to a NY Times paywall.

Go enter all your details goys

23091285? ago

check from your cpu. android is owned by google. google's gpu is called "adreno" and they have a browser called "chrome." I will let you put the pieces together from there. Where is your adblock and privacy settings to get through those.

23089853? ago

I didn't hit a paywall using Safari, and I most certainly don't have a NYT subscription.

23090543? ago

I don't have safari on my android.

I'm not lying to you.

I could only continue by signing in to Google Facebook or some other shit

23092294? ago

open the link in incogntio mode. Eg In chrome browser, press ctrl shift n > This will open a new chrome browser and put the link in it.

23091089? ago

Here's what's probably happening. Papers like the NYT allow you a small number of free articles/month (usually 3-5), before putting you behind the paywall. WSJ was the first to do this, I believe. You've probably exceeded yours and I haven't.

Make sense?

23091919? ago

Not really because I never read the NY Times

23092039? ago

Well I don't really seek out NYT or WaPo, but sometimes you've got to click on their link to follow a story.

23092595? ago

If they are talking about something so are other sources.

See the headline, search elsewhere for truth regarding that subject.

23087702? ago


Ottawa shut our economy down for a common cold, to cover for China's simultaneous economic collapse and to finally kill our remaining industry.

We will forever be subject to their tyrannical government until we secede.

23092488? ago

Forget Wexit.

You will never fix rigged system from within the system. Nice thought but will fail.

1792 the dominion of Canada was given a dictator, his name was John Graves Simcoe and he was a British Army general and the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada from 1791 until 1796 in southern Ontario and the watersheds of Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. He was NOT given a Letter Patent. He was a sob and Nothing has changed since.

The true registered name of the Canadian gov is, The Government of Canada INC. Registered in British court as a British incorporation in 1931.

Know your history to know where to go.

The myth is Canada is only movement who offer a true fail safe solution. Look it up.

23095710? ago

I’m for Wexit, and I don’t agree that Easterners should have a single say in the issue.

23095043? ago

The Queen owns all the land on Canada. Sure, our dues to her personally equal a cup of Tim Hortons coffee per year, but times that by the tax paying population of Canada. It's hard to believe that we just agree to this kind of shit without question. The Queen means absolutely nothing to me. Thou shalt have no idols, yet everyone falls all over her and the royal family.

23087111? ago


23087046? ago

Fart noises.

23086473? ago

No outside coms... GTFO Austin!

23097234? ago

Suicide watch for Austin.

He is DS controlled opposition. He is impersonating Q and creating false comms. I cannot imagine Q is going to permit this to continue.

23092089? ago

I think you nailed it. He has some good info, but its controlled disinfo. Some of his stories didn't add up to me, just didnt make sense. Then attacking other Patriots too.

He looks like a clown, by the way he talks. They all seem to have that mannerism of talk.

23096063? ago

I suspect their agenda is to present themselves as an authority in the Q community while also seeming foolish and easy to dismiss to the normies.

This allows them to facts and accurate theories and twist it with misinformation that the globalists can easily debunk. This has the outcome of making the original facts and correct theories look like they've been debunked... and on closer inspection by the normies, they get confirmation of crazy person making bullshit claims.

This is Jew 101.

23104215? ago

Your hatred for a single group of people is blinding you to the bigger picture.

They want you divided. Remember that next time you want to say something stupid like "this is jew 101".

-A fellow Patriot who is Jewish.

23107899? ago

FTFY: (((THEY))) want you divided

23094580? ago

Well, Jews do tend to look like that when they're full of themselves.

23097222? ago

Looking at how smug this bastard is...he is going to catch some PAIN.

Q will not tolerate imposters.

23089316? ago

Who's Austin?

23087069? ago

Even though he is funny, I did wonder about him. This sealed it though.

23086412? ago

Can someone post the Times article?

23088335? ago

Credit...The New York Times Archives

See the article in its original context from

September 16, 1863, Page 1Buy Reprints

TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers.

About the Archive

This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.

Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions.

Whereas, The Constitution of the United States has ordained that "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless, when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it; and, whereas, a rebellion was existing on the 3d day of March, 1863, which rebellion is still existing; and, whereas, by a statute which was approved on that day, it was enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled, that during the present insurrection the President of the United States, whenever, in his judgment, the public safety may require, is authorized to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in any case throughout the United States or any part thereof; and, whereas, in the judgment of the President the public safety does require that the privilege of the said writ shall now be suspended throughout the United States in cases where, by the authority of the President of the United States, military, naval and civil officers of the United States, or any of them, hold persons under their command or in their custody, either as prisoners of war, spies or aiders or abettors of the enemy, or officers, soldiers or seamen enrolled, drafted or mustered or enlisted in or belonging to the land or naval forces of the United States, or as deserters therefrom, or otherwise amenable to military law, or to the rules and articles of war, or the rules and regulations prescribed for the military or naval services by the authority of the President of the United States, or for resisting a draft, or for any other offence against the military or naval service; now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and make known to all whom it may concern, that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended throughout the United States, in the several; cases before-mentioned, and that this suspension will continue throughout the duration of the said rebellion, or until this Proclamation shall, by a subsequent one, to be issued by the President of the United States, be modified and revoked. And I do hereby require all magistrates, attornies and other civil officers within the United States, and all officers and others in the military and naval services of the United States, to take distinct notice of this suspension and give it full effect, and all citizens of the United States to conduct and govern themselves accordingly, and in conformity with the Constitution of the United States, and the laws of Congress in such cases made and provided.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed, this fifteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States of America the eighty-eighth.


By the President:

WM. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.

You can bypass the NYT page "gib sheckles" overlay with "reader mode" in Firefox. This is the text that was on that page.

23086321? ago

Oooh - this one brought out the shills. Looks like HotWheels got access to a computer again.

Newbies - ignore any negativity. The bot/AI/shill posters are all trying to be relevant.

23086230? ago

Jewtube paytriots set to turn on movement in


23086030? ago

Holy shit! POTUS is about to suspend Habeas Corpus!

23088367? ago

Think military tribunals, think guilty until proven innocent for persons accused of High Treason, think death sentence via military justice.

23090469? ago

there you go again, using common sense, facts and reason! :)

23089719? ago

Excellent post anon...I learned a few things too.

23086285? ago

This makes me think they don't have it all? Why would they need to detain someone unlawfully if there is so much proof of their evil doings?

23087224? ago

Congratulations! You WIN!!! ...The stupidest post of the day on VOAT.

Habeas corpus (/ˈheɪbiəs ˈkɔːrpəs/; Medieval Latin meaning "[we, a Court, command] that you may have the body [of the detainee brought before us]") is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.

Suspension of Habeas Corpus would bypass the ability of DS actors and pedos (aka shills) to go to a (CORRUPT) judge to review the charges against them.

Not everyone is going to get a Military Tribunal, some will have to go thought the court system, which is not fully cleansed of DS traitors.

NOW do you get it?

23104251? ago

Shills will never get it. That's their job. To not get it.

23119832? ago

We had "rudimentary debate training" in 4th grade or so. It was simple: pair off, and then: talk at the same time!

That's so freaking difficult! We want to listen when the other person is talking. It was a tough exercise!

Seems like the shills' behavior is similar.

23087115? ago

Because you don't want to show your cards till the VERY END.

23087056? ago

Shhhh. Don't ask logical questions to the autists here or you will be called a shill.

23086661? ago

Why would any of this need to happen if they ever really had it all?

23098475? ago

I ask that question a bunch too, and the mental gymnastics and 6 paragraph responses you get just make you sit back and think........why does any of this need to happen if children are ACTUALLY being eaten and sacrificed?

23087070? ago


Total bullshit with the we have it all crap.

23086806? ago

Because a significant portion of the population still thinks the results of Dancing with the Stars is important to their daily lives...

Or sure, let's have it your way and just dump the reality of international satanic human trafficking and sacrifice on the same people who get offended by naughty words. What could go wrong?

23088098? ago

This is just stupid. Continue to let people be abused and die, continue to let evil be done, continue to let our country be torn apart because what, optics?? Bullshit. This just drags on and on while those responsible are still just tweeting and working, getting in front of the tv slamming the President, and voting in congress. SSDD only now we are all cowering in our houses, instead of rising up.

23088993? ago

With your mentality you would have lost this war in the first minute had you been in charge of it. Nothing about war is pleasant or pretty.

23091066? ago

Silly response. I'm not in charge and obviously war is not pleasant. But there's also no reason to prolong war ad nauseum when you have identified the enemy and know where they live.

23091131? ago

Tell me, how would you define who the enemy is and where they live?

23091179? ago

"We have it all"

23087165? ago

No your right. We should hide it from them, pretend like it doesn't exist, and just let it carry on because we dont want to hurt anyone's feelings. Do you actually believe that trash? What better way to open their eyes then to totally shock the system with fucking proof, that we supposedly have. How will you prevent this from happening in the future if only a tiny percentage of the people know a tenth of what's actually taking place.

23089023? ago

We should hide it from them, pretend like it doesn't exist, and just let it carry on

I never came close to suggesting that. You have the mentality and maturity of a 10 year old.

What better way to open their eyes then to totally shock the system with fucking proof,

When did I say you can't do that by the end? Try to use your brain before you respond to me.

How will you prevent this from happening in the future if only a tiny percentage of the people know a tenth of what's actually taking place.

Obviously you tell people, but there's a long term view to that and an ideal way to do it. Thank God you aren't in charge of any of this.

23089222? ago

So your responding to a comment about suspending habeas corpus but you think the sheep are going to be cool with that? Literally Hiltler is suspending the constitution and you think the ones you are to cowardly to offend with truth are going to 'see the light'. You sound like a half wit and people like you are the very reason no one takes the GA seriously. Your understanding gets questioned and you cant comprehend any scenario where you might be wrong. I hope it all works out and the cabal swings (before we all die of old age) but if it doesn't happen during this shutdown, it never will and the swamp will be back in control after Trump and scabs like you will still be here telling us to be patient.

23089739? ago

Perhaps that's why we are pretty much on lockdown already?

23089750? ago

My fingers are crossed.

23089966? ago

I was kinda hoping this wasn't part of The Plan. Maybe this was the least painful way, but this sure is painful to many.

I'll take it if I'm living free in 12 months.

23087098? ago

Whatever man. The Great Awakening happened already and our side still can't fathom how many people hate Trump no matter what he does.

This won't end. And no one will be going to prison other than a handful of pedo-jews that were low-hanging fruit.

23089095? ago

Whatever man.

Already inspiring.

The Great Awakening happened already and our side still can't fathom how many people hate Trump no matter what he does.

That's the spirit!

This won't end.

You're officially the most pathetic fagot I've come across today. Congrats!

And no one will be going to prison other than a handful of pedo-jews that were low-hanging fruit.

Do you actually get paid to be a loser? Take a break from the internet for the rest of the week and go suck some more dicks while the adults keep not being spineless bitches.

23089722? ago

Good response. To think that we are ever going to let things go back to "normal". Now that so many know the truth, we let The Plan play out, and take matters into our own hands if necessary. No going back.

23087229? ago

Sadly this seems to be the way I see it too. The truth movement will never be successful because we are to worried about hurting the feelings of the degenerate liberals who would applaud our deaths otherwise.

23086236? ago

I read that as what NY Gov and other Dem Govs are doing is treason. They can't suspend 2A rights, they can't determine (like NV) that a drug that cures COVID19 is unavailable... like that.

That being said, for the last 3 drops to be 322 - that's the Freemason number... and that also starts with 5:5

not a numberfag -- where are you NMBRFG? Need help on this

23091219? ago

322 is the skull and bones number from yale.

23090496? ago

i am defying the GOV order and keeping business open. come get me!!! i can claim exempt under a few different codes, it'll be up to them to prove me wrong.

23085903? ago

What are all the four digit numbers referring to?

23085892? ago

Even before the new Q post today, I was wondering if Trump would do something like Lincoln did. Apparently the House isn't even voting on the relief bill until tomorrow and the White House is saying that direct deposit won't be for a few weeks. For anyone that's already missed a paycheck that's too long. With all the other Marxist garbage in the bill not only will it not help anyone in time, Trump can't sign it regardless. Time for drastic measures.

23086291? ago

Seems like a really good time to send to all your friends that thread reader on the bill -- https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1242116258834845710.html

What I told my SIL: -- The Democrats are acting like an angry Mother in Law who's pissed because her son married the "wrong" woman, a woman she can't compete with and is jealous of.

23085824? ago

the silent war "countdown" also continues. We're down to two periods, bros.

23090017? ago

This strikes me as a code one needed to be in on the briefings with Q+ to understand. So its a message to operators in the field.

23087245? ago

The last “Silent war” countdown had two dots.

23087054? ago

Thx, forgot about that!

23086662? ago

saw your post! Thanks!

23086658? ago

Last post #3883 was also 2 periods. So last two have been "..".

23086116? ago

Q countdown, 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 .... 5 ....

23086504? ago

Your countdown, 10 - you better hide, 9 - I'm gonna catch you, 8 - When I catch you your gonna be sorry, 7 - I'll be able to smell you, 6 - Get ready to be caught, 5 - You saw what happened to your brother, right? 4 - What's gonna happen to you will be worse, 3 - When I catch you, I'm gonna rape your 3 yr. ass, 2 - After that, I'm gonna rape you some more, 1 - Here i cum.

23086485? ago

Actually it's 5...5...4...3...2...2...

Don't be embarrassed you didn't get it right, Q isn't for everyone.

23085705? ago


23087151? ago


23086246? ago

Dont just arrest the kikes, gas them. Forum shills first.

23088121? ago

Dont just arrest the kikes, gas them. Forum shills first.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? Related sticky discussion about ignoring calls for violence at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951/

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Your Vote Matters


23085697? ago

Countdown paused (two dots) maybe due to the virus?

23088346? ago

DefCon levels






2 <-- You are here

23089731? ago

Yep sometime in April (maybe the 10th) I'd wager.

23089624? ago

Don't DefCon numbers go the reverse way? Unless you are suggesting that the danger was a 5, and we are down to a 2?

23089914? ago

Quite the opposite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON

2 would suggest we are imminently close to a major event. 1 would basically be smack-dab in the middle of the storm I'd imagine.

23094701? ago

That 9/11 was only DefCon 3 is a sick joke.

23089945? ago

You are correct. I'm not sure how I got that wrong. I am not some newbie.

Must be quarantine getting to me.

23086149? ago

There are numerous mentions of Silent War in Q drops. Not sure the periods are a countdown.

If looking at the drops with periods, we have 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, and now 2 again.

23086678? ago

3 is common...

5,4 and 2 are not. Everything has meaning.

23086976? ago

So give us some meaning...

23086987? ago

wait for it faggot

23085664? ago

It's a beauuuutiful video! I almost cried. And the music too is beauuuutiful. If HRC see's that video she will run in jail on her own. Thanks Q

23085678? ago

Nah, she is still out there spending her Millions and whatever she wants Honk Honk.

23085710? ago

And that is reality

23085746? ago

Shhh. While I'm collecting my free Government money (Thanks Mitch McC , Nancy and POTUS) I'd be bored if not to read these nonsense threads.

23085872? ago

nonsense threads, talking about Q right?

23085612? ago

Does this video is the last one of the Q mind programing series?

23086656? ago

You tell us shill. You're the expert in mind control. How does that warm Tel Aviv sun feel on your black skin?

23090449? ago

Q fans are the shills.

23090623? ago

Okay 12 yr. old jewboy.

23085716? ago

How this previous video is a series?

23085706? ago


23085723? ago

Have you been infected?

23085899? ago

Well I am looking forward to my free money check. I thought the "Deep State" had fired all their bullets? Wasn't Jimmy Carter dying going to be something something though coming up? I guess Q didn't have it all after all..

23086721? ago

you had to pay in taxes to get check

You will get nothing, start conserving food now ;)

23085550? ago

Twitter link. Vague statement.

23085690? ago

4 year delta from now may make sense though...

23087162? ago

You just need some love. Just Sent.

23085578? ago
